12 research outputs found

    All quiet on the Internet front?

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    Network Architectures and Service

    Inside the Matrix: CTI Frameworks as Partial Abstractions of Complex Threats

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    The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) field has evolved rapidly and most of its reporting is now fairly stan-dardized. Where the Cyber Kill Chain was its sole reference framework 5 years ago, today ATT&CK is the de facto standard for reporting adversary tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). CTI frameworks are effectively abstraction layers of malicious behavior and thus effective CTI dissemination hinges on their ability to accurately represent this behavior. We argue that this is an area with significant opportunity for improvement. The aforementioned models are attacker- and intrusion-centric, while much of the CTI reporting currently is artifact- and malware-centric. In other words, most analysis is performed using artifacts of adversary tools, while in-the-wild evidence of adversary techniques and procedures is limited or lacking. Applying an intrusion model to artifact-based analysis leads to information loss, affecting and potentially misleading CTI-based decision-making. Intelligence analysis naturally builds on imperfect information, but CTI frameworks should be oriented more towards this key premise. In this conceptual work we compare the intrusion-centric ATT&CK with Malware Behavior Catalog (MBC), which is malware-centric. We compare how their application affects reporting of analysis outcomes. For this we reverse a piece of APT malware, replicating how many CTI reports are produced. We find that compared to ATT&CK, the abstraction offered by MBC enhances the information density of our reporting. While currently in most industry malware reports ATT&CK is applied, our analysis shows that on these occasions using MBC, potentially in tandem with ATT&CK, improves reporting. With the daily amount of new malware samples only increasing, accurate behavior labeling is key to the success of CTI sharing and dissemination.Accepted author manuscriptCyber Securit

    Clustering Payloads: Grouping Randomized Scan Probes Into Campaign Templates

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    Over the past decade, the scanning landscape has significantly changed. Powerful tools such as Masscan or Zmap allow anyone to scan the entire Internet in a matter of hours. Simultaneously, we witnessed the emergence of stealthy scanners, which map the Internet from thousands of vantage points at a low rate attempting to forego detection. As scanning is typically the first step towards later intrusion, organizations need to track, understand and draw intelligence from these scan campaigns. Organizations benefit from obtaining insights into what adversaries are currently looking for, which might reveal some new vulnerabilities. Furthermore, relating IP addresses with each other participating in scan campaigns provides valuable insights into the adversary's capabilities. In this paper, we describe a protocol-agnostic approach to extract commonalities and patterns from UDP scan traffic, relate individual scan packets regardless of whether they are sending static data or randomizing their payloads across destinations, and obtain 97% pattern accuracy with a data coverage of 96%. We apply our methodology on seven years of NTP and DNS scan traffic demonstrating that our automatic clustering provides stable tracking of strategies over time and identifies groups of source IPs with these behavioral characteristics effectively.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Cyber Securit

    Compare Before You Buy: Privacy-Preserving Selection of Threat Intelligence Providers

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    In their pursuit to maximize their return on investment, cybercriminals will likely reuse as much as possible between their campaigns. Not only will the same phishing mail be sent to tens of thousands of targets, but reuse of the tools and infrastructure across attempts will lower their costs of doing business. This reuse, however, creates an effective angle for mitigation, as defenders can recognize domain names, attachments, tools, or systems used in a previous compromisation attempt, significantly increasing the cost to the adversary as it would become necessary to recreate the attack infrastructure each time. However, generating such cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is resource-intensive, so organizations often turn to CTI providers that commercially sell feeds with such indicators. As providers have different sources and methods to obtain their data, the coverage and relevance of feeds will vary for each of them. To cover the multitude of threats one organization faces, they are best served by obtaining feeds from multiple providers. However, these feeds may overlap, causing an organization to pay for indicators they already obtained through another provider. This paper presents a privacy-preserving protocol that allows an organization to query the databases of multiple data providers to obtain an estimate of their total coverage without revealing the data they store. In this way, a customer can make a more informed decision on their choice of CTI providers. We implement this protocol in Rust to validate its performance experimentally: When performed between three CTI providers who collectively have 20,000 unique indicators, our protocol takes less than 6 seconds to execute. The code for our experiments is freely available.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Cyber Securit

    Inadvertently making cyber criminals rich: A comprehensive study of cryptojacking campaigns at internet scale

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    Since the release of a browser-based cryptominer by Coinhive in 2017, the easy use of these miners has skyrocketed illicit cryptomining in 2017 and continued in 2018. This method of monetizing websites attracted website owners, as well as criminals seeking new ways to earn a profit. In this paper, we perform two large studies into the world of cryptojacking, focused on organized cryptomining and the spread of cryptojacking on the Internet. We have identified 204 cryptojacking campaigns, an order of magnitude more than previous work, which indicates that these campaigns are heavily underestimated by previous studies. We discovered that criminals have chosen third-party software - such as WordPress - as their new method for spreading cryptojacking infections efficiently. With a novel method of using NetFlow data we estimated the popularity of mining applications, which showed that while Coinhive has a larger installation base, CoinImp WebSocket proxies were digesting significantly more traffic in the second half of 2018. After crawling a random sample of 49M domains, ~20% of the Internet, we conclude that cryptojacking is present on 0.011% of all domains and that adult content is the most prevalent category of websites affected.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer ScienceCyber Securit

    Fingerprinting tooling used for SSH compromisation attempts

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    In SSH brute forcing attacks, adversaries try a lot of different username and password combinations in order to compromise a system. As such activities are easily recognizable in log files, sophisticated adversaries distribute brute forcing attacks over a large number of origins. Effectively finding such distributed campaigns proves however to be a difficult problem. In practice, when adversaries would spread out brute-forcing over multiple sources, they would likely reuse the same kind of software across all of these origins to simplify their operation and reduce cost. This means if we are able to identify the tooling used in these attempts, we could cluster similar tool usage into likely collaborating hosts and thus campaigns. In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to utilize cipher suites and SSH version strings to generate a unique fingerprint for a brute-forcing tool used by the attacker. Based on a study using a large honeynet with over 4,500 hosts, which received approximately 35 million compromisation attempts over the period of one month, we are able to identify 49 tools from the collected data, which correspond to off-the-shelf tools, as well as custom implementations. The method is also able to fingerprint individual versions of tools, and by revealing mismatches between advertised and actually implemented features detect hosts that spoof identifying information. Based on the generated fingerprints, we are able to correlate login credentials to distinguish distributed campaigns. We uncovered specific adversarial behaviors, tactics and procedures, frequently exhibiting clear timing patterns and tight coordination.Cyber Securit

    Remote Identification of Port Scan Toolchains

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    Port scans are typically at the begin of a chain of events that will lead to the attack and exploitation of a host over a network. Since building an effective defense relies on information what kind of threat an organization is facing, threat intelligence outlining an actor’s modus operandi is a critical ingredient for network security. In this paper, we describe characteristic patterns in port scan packets that can be used to identify the tool chain used by an adversary. In an empirical analysis of scan traffic received by two /16 networks, we find that common open source port scan tools are adopted differently by communities across the globe, and that groups specializing to use a particular tool have also specialized to exploit particular services.Accepted Author ManuscriptCyber Securit

    OpenNetMon: network monitoring in openflow software-defined networks

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    Network Architectures and Service

    Security Vulnerabilities in LoRaWAN

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    LoRaWAN is a MAC-layer protocol for long-range low-power communication. Since its release in 2015, it has experienced a rapid adoption in the field of Internet-of-Things (IoT). However, given that LoRaWAN is fairly novel, its level of security has not been thoroughly analyzed, which is the main objective of this paper. We highlight the security features present in LoRaWAN, namely activation methods, key management, cryptography, counter management, and message acknowledgement. Subsequently, we discover and analyze several vulnerabilities of LoRaWAN. In particular, we design and describe 5 attacks: (1) a replay attack that leads to a selective denial-of-service on individual IoT devices, (2) plaintext recovery, (3) malicious message modification, (4) falsification of delivery reports, and (5) a battery exhaustion attack. As a proof-of-concept, the attacks are implemented and executed in a controlled LoRaWAN environment. Finally, we discuss how these attacks can be mitigated or protected against.Embedded and Networked SystemsCyber Securit

    Scan, Test, Execute: Adversarial Tactics in Amplification DDoS Attacks

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    Amplification attacks generate an enormous flood of unwanted traffic towards a victim and are generated with the help of open, unsecured services, to which an adversary sends spoofed service requests that trigger large answer volumes to a victim. However, the actual execution of the packet flood is only one of the activities necessary for a successful attack. Adversaries need, for example, to develop attack tools, select open services to abuse, test them, and adapt the attacks if necessary, each of which can be implemented in myriad ways. Thus, to understand the entire ecosystem and how adversaries work, we need to look at the entire chain of activities. This paper analyzes adversarial techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) based on 549 honeypots deployed in 5 clouds that were rallied to participate in 13,479 attacks. Using a traffic shaping approach to prevent meaningful participation in DDoS activities while allowing short bursts of adversarial testing, we find that adversaries actively test for plausibility, packet loss, and amplification benefits of these servers, and show evidence of a 'memory' of previously exploited servers among attackers. In practice, we demonstrate that even for commonplace amplification attacks, adversaries exhibit differences in how they work.Cyber Securit