18 research outputs found
Hipofiz sapı yokluğuna bağlı hipofizer yetmezliği ve ektopik nörohipofizi olan İki erişkin
We report two cases of 27-year-old and 19-year-old female patients with ectopic neurohypophysis and panhypopituitarism due to absent pituitary stalk. They were admitted to the endocrinology clinic with short stature, growth retardation and primary amenorrhea. Basal hormones revealed secondary hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, hypogonadism and growth hormone insufficiency. Peak cortisol response to the short synacthen test (SST) was normal but was inadequate to insulin tolerance test. The other dynamic pituitary function tests showed panhypopituitarism. Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland revealed an ectopic posterior pituitary tissue and absent pituitary stalk. We administered hormone replacement therapy. As this disorder is usually encountered in the pediatric age group, we report here two adult patients with ectopic posterior pituitary tissue, absent pituitary stalk and panhypopituitarism.Hipofiz sapı yokluğuna bağlı total hipofizer yetmezliği ve ektopik nörohipofizi olan 27 ve 19 yaşlarında iki olguyu sunuyoruz. Bu hastalar endokrinoloji kliniğine boy kısalığı, gelişme geriliği ve primer amenore şikayetleri ile başvurdular. Bazal hormonların değerlendirilmesi ile sekonder hipotiroidi, adrenal yetersizlik, hipogonadizm ve büyüme hormonu eksikliği tespit edildi. Kısa synacten testinde pik kortizol cevabı normalken insülin tolerans testinde yetersizdi. Diğer dinamik hipofiz fonksiyon testlerinde total anterior hipofiz hormon yetersizliği vardı. Hipofiz bezinin manyetik rezonans görüntülemesinde hipofiz sapının olmadığı ve posterior hipofiz dokusunun ektopik yerleştiği görüldü. Hormon replasman tedavisine başlandı. Bu rahatsızlık genellikle çocuk yaş grubunda tespit edilmesine rağmen biz ektopik posterior hipofiz dokusu, hipofiz sap yokluğu ve total anterior hipofiz hormon yetersizliği olan iki erişkin hastayı sunuyoruz
Association of insulin resistance and hyperandrogenemia with serum levels of FGF-23, IGF-1, and bone mineral density in polycystic ovary syndrome
WOS: 000209805105072
Assessment of bone mineral density in patients with Sheehan's syndrome
WOS: 000337910800015PubMed ID: 24693853Introduction: The number of studies concerning bone mineral density (BMD) in patients with Sheehan's syndrome (SS) are scarce. We aimed to investigate the relationship between BMD and deficient hormones in patients with newly diagnosed SS. Material and methods: Thirty-four patients with SS and age-gender-weight matched 22 controls were included in the study. Results: We found osteoporosis in 61.8%, osteopenia in 32.3%, and normal dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) findings in 5.9% patients. In the control group, 68.2% of individuals were osteopenic and 31.8% of them were normal. The number of osteoporotic patients was found to be higher and BMD values were lower in the patient group compared with the control group. There was no relation of DEXA measurements with the period between the last delivery and the initial diagnosis and the estradiol levels. While there was no relation between insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and T and Z scores of femur head, the relation between the IGF-1 and L1-L4 T scores was statistically significant. There was a significant relation between the IGF-1 and L1-L4 Z scores. Conclusions: SS patients should also be assessed in terms of osteoporosis at the time of diagnosis and then proper treatment should be initiated afterwards
In vitro comparison of the effects of metformin, pioglitazone, GLP1 analogue, insulin that ARE USED in treatment of diabetes and anticancer agent, on breast cancer CELL culture
WOS: 000209805106316
Evaluation of response to vitamin D treatment in patients with osmeomalacia
WOS: 000209805106002
Kırım Kongo kanamalı ateşine H. pylori varlığının etkisi
Background and Aims: Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever can cause a fa- tal hemorrhagic syndrome. We aimed to investigate whether the presence of Helicobacter pylori increases the bleeding or severity of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever. Materials and Methods: Forty-two patients with Crime- an Congo hemorrhagic fever who had dyspepsia and were hospitalized be- tween April 2009 and July 2009 were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups according to their fecal Helicobacter pylori an- tigen positivity. Clinical and laboratory severity criteria for Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever were investigated in both groups. Results: We could not find any difference between the two groups with regard to severity as de- fined by clinical and laboratory criteria. Conclusion: This is the first study in the literature investigating the role of Helicobacter pylori in the severity of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever from a country in which both Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever and Helicobacter pylori are endemic. Further stud- ies including a larger number of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever patients are necessary to recommend Helicobacter pylori screening and eradication in Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever.Giriş ve Amaç: Kırım Kongo kanamalı ateşi ölümcül hemorajik bir sendro- ma neden olabilir. Bu çalışmada Helicobacter pylori varlığının Kırım Kongo kanamalı ateşi hastalığının şiddeti ya da kanama üzerine etkisinin olup olma- dığını araştırdık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırım Kongo kanamalı ateşi nedeniyle Nisan 2009-Temmuz 2009 arası hospitalize edilen kırk iki dispeptik hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastalar fekal Helicobacter pylori antijeni pozitifliği durumuna göre iki gruba ayrıldı. Her iki grupta Kırım Kongo kanamalı ate- şi'nin klinik ve labaratuvar olarak şiddet kriterleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Klinik ve laboratuvar kriterleri açısından iki grup arasında Kırım Kongo ka- namalı ateşi hastalık şiddeti açısından farklılık saptanmadı. Sonuç: Bu çalış- ma Helicobacter pylori'nin Kırım Kongo kanamalı ateşi'nin şiddeti üzerine etkisini araştıran ilk çalışma olması ve hem Helicobacter pylori hem de Kırım Kongo kanamalı ateşi'nin endemik olduğu bir bölgeden yapılması nedeniyle önemlidir. Ancak Kırım Kongo kanamalı ateşi hastalarında rutin Helicobac- ter pylori taranması ve eradikasyonunun önerilebilmesi için daha geniş vaka sayılı çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır
Two Adult Patients with Ectopic Neurohypophysis and Panhypopituitarism Due to Absent Pituitary Stalk
We report two cases of 27-year-old and 19-year-old female patients with ectopic neurohypophysis and panhypopituitarism due to absent pituitary stalk. They were admitted to the endocrinology clinic with short stature, growth retardation and primary amenorrhea. Basal hormones revealed secondary hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, hypogonadism and growth hormone insufficiency. Peak cortisol response to the short synacthen test (SST) was normal but was inadequate to insulin tolerance test. The other dynamic pituitary function tests showed panhypopituitarism. Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland revealed an ectopic posterior pituitary tissue and absent pituitary stalk. We administered hormone replacement therapy. As this disorder is usually encountered in the pediatric age group, we report here two adult patients with ectopic posterior pituitary tissue, absent pituitary stalk and panhypopituitarism
Evaluation of ovarian reserve with amh level in patients with well-differentiated thyroid cancer receiving radioactive iodine ablation treatment
WOS: 000390416900003PubMed ID: 27711957Introduction: Radioactive iodine (RAI) ablation treatment is used for patients diagnosed with well-differentiated thyroid cancer in order to reduce the risk of recurrence. RAI ablation treatment can adversely affect gonads in males and females. In this study, we aimed to determine ovary damage and infertility risk due to RAI, using serum anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) level, in females who received RAI ablation treatment. Materials and Methods: 45 female patients who have not gone through the menopause and had received RAI ablation treatment for well-differentiated thyroid cancer in premenopausal period, and 40 healthy females as control groups were included in this study. The serum AMH, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and creatinine levels of the patients included in the study were analyzed and compared to those of the control group with similar demographical characteristics. Results: No differences were found between the patient group and control group in terms of age, height, weight, body mass index, LH, E2 and creatinine. The difference in AMH, FSH and TSH between both groups were found to be significant. There was no statistically significant relation between the age and AMH levels. Similarly, no statistically significant relation between RAI exposure duration and AMH levels was determined. When the patients below and above the age of 35 were compared with regard to AMH (2.95 +/- 1.79 and 2.75 +/- 1.94, respectively) and FSH (5.45 +/- 1.63 and 5.99 +/- 3.06, respectively), the difference between them was found to be statistically insignificant. Oligo/anovulation was detected in 7 patients (15.6 % of the patient group) after RAI treatment, 8 (17.8 %) patients became pregnant after RAI treatment, and none of the patients, who were actively trying to get pregnant, were unable to achieve it. Conclusion: According to these results, it may be concluded that low AMH levels due to RAI treatment can cause damage to the ovaries of patients; nevertheless, considering the AMH levels and the absence of infertility in the patients, the infertility risk was found to be low