35 research outputs found
Influence of Stratification and Bottom Boundary Layer on the Classical Ekman Model
A depth understanding of the different processes of water movements produced by the wind surface stress yields a better description and improvement of the marine food chain and ecosystem. The classical Ekman model proposes a hypothetical ocean, excluding the influence of continents and the Coriolis force. It also assumes infinite depth and a constant vertical eddy viscosity. The current study aims to understand how the vertical velocity profile is affected by the variation of the eddy viscosity coefficient (k(z)) and the consideration of a finite depth. The study uses an ideal analytical model with the Ekman classical model as a starting point. It has been demonstrated that, for a very stratified profile, when the depth is not considered infinity, the Ekman transport tends to a direction smaller than 80 degrees. It differs from the classical Ekman model, which proposes an approximated angle equal to 90 degrees. Considering the modified model, it was also found that the surface current deviation is smaller than 40 degrees, which differs from the 45 degrees proposed by the classical model. In addition, it was determined that for ocean depths smaller than 180 m, the maximum velocity does not occur at the water surface, as in the classical model, but at deeper levels.Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL
Observational evidences of strain-induced periodic stratification (SIPS) in the Gualdalquivir Estuary
http://isms.gal/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/eof-libro-abstracts-definitivo.pdfThe G&M14 stratification-circulation diagram allows to classify estuaries on the basis of river flow and tidal forcing in terms of the freshwater Froude number and a mixing parameter that accounts for the vertical structure of the water column [Geyer & MacCready, 2014]. In this study, instead of computing these parameters for the whole estuary as was originally proposed by these authors, both are computed locally, at different stretches along the Guadalquivir estuary. The analysis is based on the data collected at 21 stations in a 3 year continuous monitoring campaign (2008–2011), during which the estuary experienced a wide range of environmental conditions [Navarro et al., 2011]. Remarkably, the results reveal that conditions in the inner stretches fall most of the time in the Strain-Induced Periodic Stratification (SIPS) regime mapped in the G&M14 diagram [Simpson et al., 1990]. Near the mouth, the estuary is mostly partially-mixed. Freshwater discharges may shift the state of the lower stretches toward a salt-wedge structure whose location depends strongly on the fresh water volume discharged. Estimates of the Simpson number during the same period confirm this picture. The SIPS regime implies that the covariance between eddy viscosity and vertical shear of the longitudinal current drives part of the subtidal circulation, even more efficiently than the classical gravitational circulation does [Burchard & Hetland, 2010]. This may have a significant impact on the estuarine suspended matter distribution. Results further point out the limitations of estuarine classification of estuarine systems as a whole on the basis of stratification-circulation diagrams. Even spatially close stretches may transit different regions of the G&M14 diagram. A specific stretch of an estuary may change its structure and its state in the stratification-circulation diagram may undergo large excursions under changing environmental conditions
Phase separation of a driven granular gas in annular geometry
This work investigates phase separation of a monodisperse gas of
inelastically colliding hard disks confined in a two-dimensional annulus, the
inner circle of which represents a "thermal wall". When described by granular
hydrodynamic equations, the basic steady state of this system is an azimuthally
symmetric state of increased particle density at the exterior circle of the
annulus. When the inelastic energy loss is sufficiently large, hydrodynamics
predicts spontaneous symmetry breaking of the annular state, analogous to the
van der Waals-like phase separation phenomenon previously found in a driven
granular gas in rectangular geometry. At a fixed aspect ratio of the annulus,
the phase separation involves a "spinodal interval" of particle area fractions,
where the gas has negative compressibility in the azimuthal direction. The heat
conduction in the azimuthal direction tends to suppress the instability, as
corroborated by a marginal stability analysis of the basic steady state with
respect to small perturbations. To test and complement our theoretical
predictions we performed event-driven molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of
this system. We clearly identify the transition to phase separated states in
the MD simulations, despite large fluctuations present, by measuring the
probability distribution of the amplitude of the fundamental Fourier mode of
the azimuthal spectrum of the particle density. We find that the instability
region, predicted from hydrodynamics, is always located within the phase
separation region observed in the MD simulations. This implies the presence of
a binodal (coexistence) region, where the annular state is metastable. The
phase separation persists when the driving and elastic walls are interchanged,
and also when the elastic wall is replaced by weakly inelastic one.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, to be published in PR
A Subtidal Box Model based on the Longitudinal Anomaly of Potential Energy for Narrow Estuaries. An Application to the Guadalquivir River Estuary (SW Spain).
The objective of the present study is to demonstrate the informative capacity of the
longitudinal anomaly of potential energy (LAPE) in the analysis of the magnitude and spatiotemporal
variability of estuarine processes. For this purpose, a LAPE balance equation is formulated. The LAPE
integrates and varies with the vertical and longitudinal density distribution. The formulation is applied on
a subtidal scale to each box or stretch of the Guadalquivir River estuary, a narrow, highly turbid, weakly
stratified, and strongly anthropized estuary. Data recorded by a large network of monitoring stations
in 2008 and 2009 are used to quantify advective transports as well as the transports associated with
longitudinal dispersion and vertical turbulent mixing in different hydraulic regimes. In low-river flow
conditions, (river flows Q < 40m3s−1), the magnitude of LAPE transports decreases upstream and varies
locally, depending on neap-spring tidal cycles. The direction of the net LAPE transport creates convergence
zones that are particularly consistent with maximum levels of estuarine turbidity. During high-river flows
(Q > 400m3s−1), this convergence disappears and the maximum longitudinal density gradient moves
towards the mouth. More specifically, tidal pumping -induced LAPE governs during these conditions and
manages to compensate the sum of the mean nontidal and dispersive and differential advective LAPE
transports. However, during the postriverflood period, the mechanisms controlling recovery downstream
from the mouth are the longitudinal dispersive and differential advective LAPE transports. Furthermore,
the convergence zone reappears with a longitudinal gradient of the net LAPE transport that is even greater
than in low-river flow conditions.This research was partially funded by
the Campus de Excelencia
Internacional del Mar (Cei-MAR) and
the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness, Project PIRATES
(CTM2017-89531-R). It was also
supported by AQUACLEW. Project
AQUACLEW is part of ERA4CS, an
ERA- NET initiated by JPI Climate, and
funded by FORMAS (SE), DLR (DE),
(ES), ANR (FR) with co-funding by the
European Commission.We would like
to thank two anonymous reviewers for
the thoughtful contribution that has
signicantly improved the quality of the
paper. Datasets for this research are
available in http://doi.org/10.5281/
zenodo.3459610. This study is a tribute
to the memory of RichardW. Garvine,
whose research was the inspiration for
our work
German to Spanish translation of Einstein’s work on the formation of meanders in rivers
In 1926 Albert Einstein gave a clear explanation of the physical processes involved in the meander formation and evolution in open channels (Einstein, 1926). Although this work is far from being recognized as one of his greatest achievements, such as his annus mirabilis papers in 1905, he shows a truly remarkable didactic skills that make it easy to understand even to the non- specialist. In particular, a brilliant explanation of the tea leaf paradox can be found in this paper of 1926, presented as a simple experiment for clarifying the role of Earth rotation and flow curvature in the differential river banks erosion. This work deserves to be considered as a pioneering work that has laid a basic knowledge in currently very active research fields in fluvial geomorphology, estuarine physics, and hydraulic engineering. In response to the curiosity aroused and transmitted to the authors over the years by undergraduates and MSc. students, and also due to its historical and scientific significance, we present here the Spanish translation of Einstein’s original work published in German in 1926 in Die Naturwissenschaften (Einstein, 1926). Einstein’s drawings have not been interpreted, but just updated preserving their original spirit
Bridge-piling modifications on tidal flows in an estuary
This paper investigates the impact of the bridge-pilling modifications on the tidal flow at the strait of a human-altered mesotidal estuary (Cádiz Bay, Spain). The analysis was accomplished by combining (1) field data of current velocities in a cross-section close to the pile of a recently built bridge, and (2) hydrodynamics results from the calibrated and tested DELFT3D numerical model on the study site. The analysis was focused on bridge piling effects at intratidal scale during neap and spring tides. Semidiurnal (D2), quarti-diurnal (D4) and sixth-diurnal (D6) bands were examined. The ratio of quarter-diurnal to semidiurnal amplitudes (D4/D2) is largest (¿1) near the bottom of the channel due to friction, and the ratio D6/D2 is largest (¿1.5) close to the pile and in the shallowest part of the cross-section, due to internal asymmetry and tidal advective accelerations. Comparing neap and spring tides, the most marked asymmetries are found in the latter. These asymmetries occur around the wake of the pile, alternating from flood to ebb. The location of the bridge pile causes a decrease in the amplitude of D2 (50%), and a phase lag in the tidal wave of 30 min. The D6 amplitude increases up to almost 100% due to distortion of the tidal wave induce by the wake created at the pile. Moreover, the pile reduces about 1 m the depth where the pycnocline is observed. Additionally, the pile can be considered as an obstacle for the sediment flux. These effects can be extrapolated to similar infrastructures, such as wind or wave energy farms, that can potentially modify the estuarine dynamics.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTM2017-89531-RJunta de Andalucía - Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades A-TEP-88-UGR2
Análisis de los cambios de densidad en el estuario del río Guadalquivir mediante la Anomalía Longitudinal de la Energía Potencial (ALEP)
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el origen, intensidad y persistencia de los procesos estuarinos a partir de la
anomalía de la energía potencial en estaurios débilmente estratificados o bien mezclados. Para ello, se propone una
modificación de la densidad de referencia, densidad media vertical, por la densidad media vertical en una sección
situada aguas abajo del punto en cuestión. La nueva formulación da lugar a la variable ‘anomalía longitudinal de la
energía potencial’ (ALEP). Esta se aplica al estuario del río Guadalquivir, el cual se segmenta en cinco tramos
donde se asume que los procesos son homogéneos. Los resultados indican que la aplicación de la ALEP aporta
información sobre los procesos estuarinos que producen cambios espaciales y temporales en la salinidad, la
temperatura y la concentración de sólidos en suspensión.Este estudio ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (Cei-MAR), por el
proyecto AQUACLEW, que es parte RA4CS, y ERA- NET iniciado por el JPI Climate, y fundado por FORMAS (SE),
DLR (DE), BMWFW (AT), IFD (DK), MINECO (ES), ANR (FR) con co-financiación de la Comisión Europea, y por
el proyecto Multi-criteria analysis for Physical and bIotic Risk Assessment in EStuaries (PIRATES) que forma parte del
Programa Estatal de investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los RETOS de la sociedad (CTM2017-89531-R).
Los datos de este estudio se han extraído de Navarro et al. (2019) [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licencia
internacional, derecho de acceso abierto]
Estuarine Salinity Response to Freshwater Pulses
Freshwater pulses (during which river discharge is much higher than average) occur in many estuaries and strongly impact estuarine functioning. To gain insight into the estuarine salinity response to freshwater pulses, an idealized model is presented. With respect to earlier models on the spatiotemporal behavior of salinity in estuaries, it includes additional processes that provide a more detailed vertical structure of salinity. Simulation of an observed salinity response to a freshwater pulse in the Guadalquivir Estuary (Spain) shows that this is important to adequately simulate the salinity structure. The model is used to determine the dependency of the estuarine salinity response to freshwater pulses for different background discharge, tides, and different intensities and durations of the pulses. Results indicate that the change in salt intrusion length due to a freshwater pulse is proportional to the ratio between peak and background river discharge and depends linearly on the duration of the pulse if there is no equilibration during the pulse. The adjustment time, which is the time it takes for the estuary to reach equilibrium after an increase in river discharge, scales with the ratio of the change in salt intrusion length and the peak river discharge. The recovery time, that is, the time it takes for the estuary to reach equilibrium after a decrease in river discharge, does not depend on the amount of decrease in salt intrusion length caused by the pulse. The strength of the tides is of minor importance to the salt dynamics during and after the pulse
Natural and Human-Induced Flow and Sediment Transport within Tidal Creek Networks Influenced by Ocean-Bay Tides
The authors would thank to the staff of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics research group (GDFA, University of Granada) for their support during the field campaign.Improving current understanding of hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in complex tidal embayments is of major importance to face future challenges derived from climate change and increasing human pressure. This work deepens the knowledge of the hydro-morphodynamics of complex creek networks that connect basins with different characteristics, identifying their morphodynamic trends and the potential impacts of channel deepening. We selected two tidal creeks which flow through salt marshes and tidal flats of the Cádiz Bay (SW Spain) in a singular network due to their double connection to the Atlantic Ocean and the inner bay. We study the interactions between tidal waves that penetrate into the creeks from these two different bodies of water, analyzing the tidal asymmetry and the morphodynamic tendencies of the system. For the analysis, we set up a hydro-morphodynamic model specifically developed for areas with very shallow and complex channels. Results show that the tidal wave penetrates within the tidal network both from the inner Bay and the open ocean with different amplitudes, phases and flow velocities. There is also an asymmetric pattern for the tidal flows caused by the deformation of the dominant astronomical tidal constituents, M2 and M4, due to the non-linear interaction of tidal currents with the irregular creek geometry and bottom topography. Tidal asymmetry promotes the progressive infilling of the area where the tidal waves meet closing the connection between the open ocean and the inner bay, such an infilling trend being accelerated by human interventions.This work was funded by the Cádiz Bay Port Authority, the Department of Innovation, Science and Business of the Andalusian Regional Government (Project P09-TEP-4630), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Projects CTM2009-10520-MAR, CTM2017-89531-R (PIRATES), BIA2015-65598-P (VIVALDI) and PCIN-2017-108, and by the “Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo”, CYTED (project PROTOCOL 917PTE0538). The work of the first author was partially funded by the Andalusian Regional Government, Research Grant RNM-6352