14 research outputs found

    Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance in China: Policy Implementation in a Complex Context

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    The effectiveness of antibiotics in treating bacterial infections is decreasing in China because of the widespread development of resistant organisms. Although China has enacted a number of regulations to address this problem, but the impact is very limited. This paper investigates the implementation of these regulations through the lens of complex adaptive systems (CAS). It presents the findings from reviews of relevant policy documents and published papers. The paper identifies different types of agent and explores their interaction with regard to the use of antibiotics and their responses to changes of the regulations. It focuses particularly on the impact of perverse financial incentives on overall patterns of use of antibiotics. Implications for the possibilities of nonlinear results, interactive relationships, and new pathways of policy implementation are discussed. The paper concludes that policy-makers need to better understand the objectives, incentives and potential adaptive behaviors of the agents when they implement interventions to improve antibiotic use and reduce the risk of emergence of resistant organism

    Analyse de contrefaçons de médicaments et renseignement forensique

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    La contrefaçon de médicaments est un phénomène qui s'est amplifié ces dernières années et touche désormais toutes les régions du monde. Les réseaux de production et de distribution impliqués constituent de véritables industries. Malgré les répercussions dramatiques au niveau sanitaire et économique, les sanctions légales sont souvent inappropriées, non appliquées ou inapplicables. Les méthodes traditionnelles d'investigation, souffrant d'une absence de stratégie et de démarche structurée, sont partiellement désarmées face à ce problème. En tant que principales cibles économiques, les entreprises pharmaceutiques ont développé des mesures de protection de leurs produits ainsi que des méthodes analytiques pour différencier les contrefaçons des médicaments authentiques. Davantage d'informations peuvent néanmoins être révélées pour le renseignement à partir des données analytiques. Les saisies de contrefaçon représentent en effet les seules traces tangibles, les seuls témoins du problème. Dans cette optique le profilage des saisies, qui constitue le coeur de ce travail, est le meilleur moyen de détecter les productions organisées et industrialisées de cette forme de criminalité. L'étude porte sur plusieurs saisies d'un type de gélules Roche régulièrement visé par les contrefacteurs. Des éléments pertinents des gélules et de l'emballage contrefaits, intégrés à une banque de données organisée, ont permis de révéler de pertinentes informations. De nombreux liens, à l'origine inconnus, ont en effet pu être dévoilés et observés entre les saisies à différents niveaux de la production, soutenant l'hypothèse d'un réseau principal de contrefacteurs dominant le marché, alors même que le nombre de saisies à disposition était limité. L'interprétation des liens grâce aux informations circonstancielles a permis de fournir des indications sur la fabrication et la distribution des contrefaçons provenant de ce réseau. Cette approche, généralisable à d'autres types de médicament, est un témoignage du fort potentiel que possède le renseignement provenant des données analytiques pour la compréhension du crime organisé

    Understanding and Fighting the Medicine Counterfeit Market

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    Medicine counterfeiting is a serious worldwide issue, involving networks of manufacture and distribution that are an integral part of industrialized organized crime. Despite the potentially devastating health repercussions involved, legal sanctions are often inappropriate or simply not applied. The difficulty in agreeing on a definition of counterfeiting, the huge profits made by the counterfeiters and the complexity of the market are the other main reasons for the extent of the phenomenon. Above all, international cooperation is needed to thwart the spread of counterfeiting. Moreover effort is urgently required on the legal, enforcement and scientific levels. Pharmaceutical companies and agencies have developed measures to protect the medicines and allow fast and reliable analysis of the suspect products. Several means, essentially based on chromatography and spectroscopy, are now at the disposal of the analysts to enable the distinction between genuine and counterfeit products. However the determination of the components and the use of analytical data for forensic purposes still constitute a challenge. The aim of this review article is therefore to point out the intricacy of medicine counterfeiting so that a better understanding can provide solutions to fight more efficiently against it

    Evaluation de spectromètres portables Raman, Infrarouge et Proche Infrarouge pour la détection de contrefaçons de médicaments

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    La contrefaçon de médicaments est un délit qui n'a cessé d'augmenter ces dernières années. Diff érents spectromètres portables ont été proposés sur le marché afi n de permettre une détection rapide des contrefaçons sur le terrain. Les spectroscopies Raman, Infrarouge et Proche Infrarouge présentent des caractéristiques intéressantes pour l'analyse de médicaments douteux, propriétés qui sont exposées dans cet article. Une comparaison des diff érents instruments portables permet de présenter l'intérêt d'utiliser ces spectromètres pour la détection de contrefaçons

    Detection, Determination of Chemical Composition and Chemical Profiling of Counterfeit Medicines by Raman Spectroscopy.

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    Raman spectroscopy has become a widespread technique for the analysis ofpharmaceutical solid forms. The application proposed here is the investigationof counterfeit medicines. This serious global issue requires quick and accurateidentification methods to fight against this phenomenon. Thanks to its chemicalselectivity, rapidity of analysis and potential of generating repeatable spectralprofiles, Raman spectroscopy presents distinct advantages for the analysis ofcounterfeits. Combined with chemometric tools, the technique enablesthe detection, the determination of chemical composition and the profiling ofmedicine counterfeits

    Detection and chemical profiling of medicine counterfeits by Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics

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    Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics has recently become a widespread technique for the analysis of pharmaceutical solid forms. The application presented in this paper is the investigation of counterfeit medicines. This increasingly serious issue involves networks that are an integral part of industrialized organized crime. Efficient analytical tools are consequently required to fight against it. Quick and reliable authentication means are needed to allow the deployment of measures from the company and the authorities. For this purpose a method in two steps has been implemented here. The first step enables the identification of pharmaceutical tablets and capsules and the detection of their counterfeits. A nonlinear classification method, the Support Vector Machines (SVM), is computed together with a correlation with the database and the detection of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) peaks in the suspect product. If a counterfeit is detected, the second step allows its chemical profiling among former counterfeits in a forensic intelligence perspective. For this second step a classification based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlation distance measurements is applied to the Raman spectra of the counterfeits

    Innovative Strategy for Counterfeit Analysis

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    Currently, counterfeit medicine is a significant issue for the pharmaceutical world, and it targets all types of therapeutic areas. The health consequences are appalling, since counterfeit medicines can contain impurities and the wrong chemical composition, and can be manufactured and/or stored in dreadful conditions. The provision of fast and reliable analytical tools can contribute to an efficient fight against this phenomenon. In this paper, an analytical strategy based on mobile and forensic laboratories is presented. The mobile equipment, composed of handheld x-ray fluorescence, Raman, infrared, and near-infrared spectrometers, and a handheld microscope, can be used as a first screening tool to detect counterfeits. The counterfeits can then be confirmed in a forensic-dedicated lab in which the chemical composition of the counterfeits is determined to evaluate the danger encountered by the patients. Relevant links with former counterfeit cases then can be revealed based on the analytical data, and can be interpreted from a forensic intelligence perspective in order to provide additional information for law enforcement