560 research outputs found

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    Pest, Buda, Óbuda 1787-1867 közötti zsidó népessége számítógépes adatbázisának elkészítése és történeti - statisztikai értékelése = The construction of database of the Jewish population of Pest, Buda and Óbuda between 1787-1867 and the historico-statistical analysis of the database

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    A kutatatási téma megvalósítása 2001-ben kezdődött és engedélyezett hosszabbítás alapján 2005-ben fejeződött be. A munka során megvalósult az 1787-1867 közötti időszakból jelenleg rendelkezésünkre álló 32 fővárosi (Óbuda, Buda, Pest,) zsidóösszeírás adatainak számítógépre vitele és - összeolvasással - a rögzített adatok ellenőrzése. Ez mintegy 85 ezer ember átlagosan 10-12 jellemző adatának mint például sorszám - lakás - név - kor - foglalkozás - születési hely - itt tartózkodás ideje - családi állapot stb.) feldolgozását jelentette. Az adatok rögzítése és ideiglenes összekapcsolása a DBASE IV PLUS adat-báziskezelő programcsomag, illetve az EXCEL programcsomagok segítségével történt. Az utóbbi táblázatkezelő programcsomag segítségével megvalósítható az adatok előzetes történelmi-statisztikai kiértékelése, illetve elemzése az SPSS matematikai-statisztikai programrendszer bevonásával. Az időközben bekövetkezett informatikai fejlődés jóvoltából már nem látszik célszerűnek az anyag nyomtatott formában történő táblázatos megjelenítése és kiadásra. Ma a közzététel és más kutatók számára való hozzáférés legkönnyebben az INTERNET segítségével valósítható meg. Az adatbázis alapján - felkérésre - egy nagyobb tanulmány készül, amely a főváros illetve Pest megye zsidó népességének gazdasági-társadalmi szerepét (migrációját, területi elhelyezkedését, foglalkozásait, belső mobilitását, családi struktúráját stb.) vizsgálja. | The construction of database of the Jewish population of Pest, Buda and Obuda between 1787-1867 started in 2001 and was completed in 2005 after legalised extension. This research used 32 list of consription of the Jews of this area and period gathered form archives and other institutes. The data have been processed on computer and checked by collation. Nearly 85.000 people were involved in the concription described by an average 10-12 characteristic features - such as ordinal number, accomodation, name, age, occupation, place of birth, the period of stay, marital status, number of children, their sex according to name and age, financial state, taxation, moral description, number of domestic servant according to their name, age and sex. The procession and temporary union of data have been completed by DBASE IV PLUS and EXCEL spreadshett programs. By EXCEL the previous evaluation of historico-statistical data and its comparative analysis was completed using SPSS, a mathematical-statistical program. Due to IT development the printed publication of this material is no longer practical - since it is more than 1000 pages long. The easiest access to publication would be through Internet. For further request a larger study can be started on this database that would investigate the economical-socual role of the Jewish population of the capital and Pest county (migration, regional location, occupation, inner mobility, familiar structure etc

    The possibilities of Additive Manufacturing in medical use

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    Additive Manufacturing has been invented in 1981 at the University of Texas, and to this day it has grown to be the most versatile and promising manufacturing technology in the market, both the industry and health care system has noticed this. Additive Bio-Manufacturing (ABM) techniques, which can be used in health care, are highly in demand, and researches have been going on to make these technologies safer and even more versatile. For more utilization and versatility, special attention is required to develop new materials which can help in increasing the service life, bioactivity, cell growth along with the desired mechanical properties, and to find the right manufacturing parameters for creating optimal products. The aim of this review is to present the available main Additive Manufacturing technologies, and particularly the biomedical usability of Additive Manufacturing

    Susceptibility to addictive behaviour in online and traditional poker playing environments

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    Abstract Background and aims: With the growing number of virtual sites and easy access to them, as well as increasing popularity of the game, online poker could foster addiction. The aim of the current inquiry was to gauge susceptibility to behavioural addiction in online and traditional poker players. Methods: Ninety-six online poker players and 35 traditional players were tested on the basis of the “Components model” for addiction (Griffiths, 2005). Using a Likert scale, ratings on six components were examined: salience, conflict, mood modification, withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, and relapse. Results: The traditional players scored higher than online players on measures of conflict, mood modification, and relapse. While none of the traditional players were at risk, the majority of them (94.7%) were symptomatic. Two online players were at risk, 67.7% symptomatic and 30.2% asymptomatic. No significant correlations have emerged between the amount and history of poker playing and the addiction scores. Conclusions: The current findings suggest that most traditional players are prone to behavioural addiction while the majority of the online players are also symptomatic

    Az acne patogenezise

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    Holey graphs: very large Betti numbers are testable

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    We show that the graph property of having a (very) large kk-th Betti number βk\beta_k for constant kk is testable with a constant number of queries in the dense graph model. More specifically, we consider a clique complex defined by an underlying graph and prove that for any ε>0\varepsilon>0, there exists δ(ε,k)>0\delta(\varepsilon,k)>0 such that testing whether βk(1δ)dk\beta_k \geq (1-\delta) d_k for δδ(ε,k)\delta \leq \delta(\varepsilon,k) reduces to tolerantly testing (k+2)(k+2)-clique-freeness, which is known to be testable. This complements a result by Elek (2010) showing that Betti numbers are testable in the bounded-degree model. Our result combines the Euler characteristic, matroid theory and the graph removal lemma.Comment: 10 pages, 0 figure

    A Method for Measuring Normal and Shear Stiffness of Laminate Stacks of Electric Motors

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    Structural simulations of electric motors require precise material models. Laminate stacks that are made of several identical steel sheets are particularly challenging to simulate using FEA. The structural stiffness of laminate stacks usually follows transversal isotropic behavior. Measuring a complete laminate stack used in passenger cars is challenging due to its size and the high testing load needed to reach real loads experienced while in operation. A new method capable of performing such measurements is presented in this article, with the help of equipment normally used for testing structures used in civil engineering. Two sets of exemplary results are presented utilizing this measurement procedure, that were performed on a real automotive rotor laminate stack: axial compression stiffness from a cyclic test, and shear stiffness at various axial preload levels. In the axial compression load case, the loading and unloading curves form a hysteresis, that changes in every test cycle. Shear stiffness shows high dependance on the axial compression preload. After loading and unloading the stack with shear loads, significant plastic deformations remain

    The role of weakest links and system size scaling in multiscale modeling of stochastic plasticity

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    Plastic deformation of crystalline and amorphous matter often involves intermittent local strain burst events. To understand the physical background of the phenomenon a minimal stochastic mesoscopic model was introduced, where microstructural details are represented by a fluctuating local yielding threshold. In the present paper, we propose a method for determining this yield stress distribution by lower scale discrete dislocation dynamics simulations and using a weakest link argument. The success of scale-linking is demonstrated on the stress-strain curves obtained by the resulting mesoscopic and the discrete dislocation models. As shown by various scaling relations they are statistically equivalent and behave identically in the thermodynamic limit. The proposed technique is expected to be applicable for different microstructures and amorphous materials, too.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Bronzedények, fegyverek, ékszerek – A kelta arisztokrácia kincsei

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    A Poveglianói olasz-magyar ásatás bemutatása