16 research outputs found

    Occurrence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus Strains Isolated from Mares with Fertility Problems

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    Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (S. zooepidemicus), is a β-hemolytic Streptococcus belonging to the Lancefield group C; it is a rare human pathogen, but in horses, it is frequently associated with endometritis. This study aimed to isolate S. zooepidemicus strains, associated with bacterial endometritis in mares, and to define their antimicrobial resistance profile. Twenty-three isolates were recovered from one hundred ninety-six equine uterine swabs (11.7%). Bacterial identification was carried out by Api 20 Strep and confirmed by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), while antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion method on Muller Hinton agar plates. The antibiotic resistance profiles of the isolates revealed a high percentage of resistance to amikacin (95.6%), ampicillin (73.9%) and tetracycline (69.6%), while ceftiofur and ceftriaxone were highly effective with 82.6% and 78.3% of the isolates inhibited, respectively. An intriguing value of resistance to penicillin (34.8%), which represents the first-choice antibiotic in equine S. zooepidemicus infections, was observed. Furthermore, a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant strains (82.6%) was recorded. Continuous surveillance of this potential zoonotic pathogen and an appropriate antimicrobial stewardship program with the promotion of correct use of antimicrobials, after a proper diagnosis, are needed to allow an effective therapy

    Development and Initial Validation of a Self-Scored COPD Population Screener Questionnaire (COPD-PS)

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    COPD has a profound impact on daily life, yet remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. We set out to develop a brief, reliable, self-scored questionnaire to identify individuals likely to have COPD. COPD-PS™ development began with a list of concepts identified for inclusion using expert opinion from a clinician working group comprised of pulmonologists (n = 5) and primary care clinicians (n = 5). A national survey of 697 patients was conducted at 12 practitioner sites. Logistic regression identified items discriminating between patients with and without fixed airflow obstruction (AO, postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 70%). ROC analyses evaluated screening accuracy, compared scoring options, and assessed concurrent validity. Convergent and discriminant validity were assessed via COPD-PS and SF-12v2 score correlations. For known-groups validation, COPD-PS differences between clinical groups were tested. Test-retest reliability was evaluated in a 20% sample. Of 697 patients surveyed, 295 patients met expert review criteria for spirometry performance; 38% of these (n = 113) had results indicating AO. Five items positively predicted AO (p < 0.0001): breathlessness, productive cough, activity limitation, smoking history, and age. COPD-PS scores accurately classified AO status (area under ROC curve = 0.81) and reliable (r = 0.91). Patients with spirometry indicative of AO scored significantly higher (6.8, SD = 1.9; p < 0.0001) than patients without AO (4.0, SD = 2.3). Higher scores were associated with more severe AO, bronchodilator use, and overnight hospitalization for breathing problems. With the prevalence of COPD in the studied cohort, a score on the COPD-PS of greater than five was associated with a positive predictive value of 56.8% and negative predictive value of 86.4%. The COPD-PS accurately classified physician-reported COPD (AUC = 0.89). The COPD-PS is a brief, accurate questionnaire that can identify individuals likely to have COPD

    Cysteamine re-establishes the clearance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by macrophages bearing the cystic fibrosis-relevant F508del-CFTR mutation

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common lethal monogenic disease in Caucasians, is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections and colonization, mainly by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, resulting in unresolved airway inflammation. CF is caused by mutations in the gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein, which functions as a chloride channel in epithelial cells, macrophages, and other cell types. Impaired bacterial handling by macrophages is a feature of CF airways, although it is still debated how defective CFTR impairs bacterial killing. Recent evidence indicates that a defective autophagy in CF macrophages leads to alterations of bacterial clearance upon infection. Here we use bone marrow-derived macrophages from transgenic mice to provide the genetic proof that defective CFTR compromises both uptake and clearance of internalized Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We demonstrate that the proteostasis regulator cysteamine, which rescues the function of the most common F508del-CFTRmutant and hence reduces lung inflammation in CF patients, can also repair the defects of CFmacrophages, thus restoring both bacterial internalization and clearance through a process that involves upregulation of the pro-autophagic protein Beclin 1 and re-establishment of the autophagic pathway. Altogether these results indicate that cysteamine restores the function of several distinct cell types, including that of macrophages, which might contribute to its beneficial effects on CF

    Genistein antagonizes gliadin-induced CFTR malfunction in models of celiac disease

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    In celiac disease (CD), an intolerance to dietary gluten/gliadin, antigenic gliadin peptides trigger an HLA-DQ2/DQ8-restricted adaptive Th1 immune response. Epithelial stress, induced by other non-antigenic gliadin peptides, is required for gliadin to become fully immunogenic. We found that cystic-fibrosis-transmembrane-conductance-regulator (CFTR) acts as membrane receptor for gliadin-derived peptide P31-43, as it binds to CFTR and impairs its channel function. P31-43-induced CFTR malfunction generates epithelial stress and intestinal inflammation. Maintaining CFTR in an active open conformation by the CFTR potentiators VX-770 (Ivacaftor) or Vrx-532, prevents P31-43 binding to CFTR and controls gliadin-induced manifestations. Here, we evaluated the possibility that the over-the-counter nutraceutical genistein, known to potentiate CFTR function, would allow to control gliadin-induced alterations. We demonstrated that pre-treatment with genistein prevented P31-43-induced CFTR malfunction and an epithelial stress response in Caco-2 cells. These effects were abrogated when the CFTR gene was knocked out by CRISP/Cas9 technology, indicating that genistein protects intestinal epithelial cells by potentiating CFTR function. Notably, genistein protected gliadin-sensitive mice from intestinal CFTR malfunction and gliadin-induced inflammation as it prevented gliadin-induced IFN-gamma production by celiac peripheral-blood-mononuclear-cells (PBMC) cultured ex-vivo in the presence of P31-43-challenged Caco-2 cells. Our results indicate that natural compounds capable to increase CFTR channel gating might be used for the treatment of CD

    Genistein antagonizes gliadin-induced CFTR malfunction in models of celiac disease.

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    In celiac disease (CD), an intolerance to dietary gluten/gliadin, antigenic gliadin peptides trigger an HLA-DQ2/DQ8-restricted adaptive Th1 immune response. Epithelial stress, induced by other non-antigenic gliadin peptides, is required for gliadin to become fully immunogenic. We found that cystic-fibrosis-transmembrane-conductance-regulator (CFTR) acts as membrane receptor for gliadin-derived peptide P31-43, as it binds to CFTR and impairs its channel function. P31-43-induced CFTR malfunction generates epithelial stress and intestinal inflammation. Maintaining CFTR in an active open conformation by the CFTR potentiators VX-770 (Ivacaftor) or Vrx-532, prevents P31-43 binding to CFTR and controls gliadin-induced manifestations. Here, we evaluated the possibility that the over-the-counter nutraceutical genistein, known to potentiate CFTR function, would allow to control gliadin-induced alterations. We demonstrated that pre-treatment with genistein prevented P31-43-induced CFTR malfunction and an epithelial stress response in Caco-2 cells. These effects were abrogated when the CFTR gene was knocked out by CRISP/Cas9 technology, indicating that genistein protects intestinal epithelial cells by potentiating CFTR function. Notably, genistein protected gliadin-sensitive mice from intestinal CFTR malfunction and gliadin-induced inflammation as it prevented gliadin-induced IFN-gamma production by celiac peripheral-blood-mononuclear-cells (PBMC) cultured ex-vivo in the presence of P31-43-challenged Caco-2 cells. Our results indicate that natural compounds capable to increase CFTR channel gating might be used for the treatment of CD

    Transglutaminase 2 regulates innate immunity by modulating the STING/TBK1/IRF3 axis

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    We have recently shown that type 2 transglutaminase (TG2) plays a key role in the host’s inflammatory response during bacterial infections. In this study, we investigated whether the enzyme is involved in the regulation of the STING pathway, which is the main signaling activated in the presence of both self- and pathogen DNA in the cytoplasm, leading to type I IFN (IFN I) production. In this study, we demonstrated that TG2 negatively regulates STING signaling by impairing IRF3 phosphorylation in bone marrow−derived macrophages, isolated from wild-type and TG2 knockout mice. In the absence of TG2, we found an increase in the IFN-b production and in the downstream JAK/STAT pathway activation. Interestingly, proteomic analysis revealed that TG2 interacts with TBK1, affecting its interactome composition. Indeed, TG2 ablation facilitates the TBK1−IRF3 interaction, thus indicating that the enzyme plays a negative regulatory effect on IRF3 recruitment in the STING/TBK1 complex. In keeping with these findings, we observed an increase in the IFNb production in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids from COVID-19−positive dead patients paralleled by a dramatic decrease of the TG2 expression in the lung pneumocytes. Taken together, these results suggest that TG2 plays a negative regulation on the IFN-b production associated with the innate immunity response to the cytosolic presence of both self- and pathogen DNA. The Journal of Immunology, 2021, 206: 2420−2429

    Transglutaminase 2 Regulates Innate Immunity by Modulating the STING/TBK1/IRF3 Axis

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    We have recently shown that type 2 transglutaminase (TG2) plays a key role in the host's inflammatory response during bacterial infections. In this study, we investigated whether the enzyme is involved in the regulation of the STING pathway, which is the main signaling activated in the presence of both self- and pathogen DNA in the cytoplasm, leading to type I IFN (IFN I) production. In this study, we demonstrated that TG2 negatively regulates STING signaling by impairing IRF3 phosphorylation in bone marrow-derived macrophages, isolated from wild-type and TG2 knockout mice. In the absence of TG2, we found an increase in the IFN-beta production and in the downstream JAK/STAT pathway activation. Interestingly, proteomic analysis revealed that TG2 interacts with TBK1, affecting its interactome composition. Indeed, TG2 ablation facilitates the TBK1-IRF3 interaction, thus indicating that the enzyme plays a negative regulatory effect on IRF3 recruitment in the STING/TBK1 complex. In keeping with these findings, we observed an increase in the IFN beta production in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids from COVID19-positive dead patients paralleled by a dramatic decrease of the TG2 expression in the lung pneumocytes. Taken together, these results suggest that TG2 plays a negative regulation on the IFN-beta production associated with the innate immunity response to the cytosolic presence of both self- and pathogen DNA

    The adenine nucleotide translocator 1 acts as a type 2 transglutaminase substrate: implications for mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis

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    In this study we provide in vitro and in vivo evidence showing that the protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) activity of type 2 transglutaminase (TG2) regulates the correct assembly and function of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP transporter adenine nucleotide translocator 1 (ANT1). We demonstrate, by means of biochemical and morphological analyses, that ANT1 and TG2 physically interact in the mitochondria. Under physiological conditions, TG2's PDI activity regulates the ADP/ATP transporter function by controlling the oligomerization of ANT1. In fact, mitochondria isolated from hearts of TG2(-/-) mice exhibit increased polymerization of ANT1, paralleled by an enhanced ADP/ATP carrier activity, as compared to mitochondria belonging to TG2(+/+) mice. Interestingly, upon cell-death induction, ANT1 becomes a substrate for TG2's cross-linking activity and the lack of TG2 results in a reduction of apoptosis as well as in a marked sensitivity to the ADP/ATP exchange inhibition by atractyloside. These findings suggest a complex TG2-dependent regulation of the ADP/ATP transporter and reveal new important avenues for its potential applications in the treatment of some mitochondrial-dependent diseases, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases