2 research outputs found
Petrol sniffing in Aboriginal communities: a review of interventions
Petrol sniffing (and other forms of inhalant misuse) occur within some Aboriginal communities across Australia. However, there is little documented information about the nature and combination of interventions that are most effective in addressing it. This article reviews published and unpublished literature relevant to petrol sniffing in Australian Aboriginal communities. A range of strategies which have been trialled previously are discussed under the categories of primary, secondary and tertiary intervention.We have adopted Zinberg's schema of 'drug', 'set' and 'setting' in theorizing the mix of interventions most likely to reduce petrol sniffing. We argue that interventions should address as many as possible of these factors. Further, while no strategy is likely to succeed without strong support from local community members, governments also have an important role in addressing petrol sniffing. Consistent funding for strategies directly addressing petrol sniffing and co-ordinated government responses to the broader needs of Aboriginal young people and their communities are critical
Alcohol sales data are essential for good public policies towards alcohol
[Extract] Australians pay a substantial price for the pleasure they derive from alcohol. According to the latest estimate, on a net basis, alcohol accounts for 2.2% of the total disease burden in Australia. This is marginally more than illicit drugs (2.0%), but alcohol's toll would be even higher if the 3430 deaths of young adults caused by alcohol-related road crashes, accidents, assaults, suicide and other causes were not partially offset by 2345 deaths from heart disease counted (some would argue erroneously) as having been averted by moderate drinking in adults over the age of 65