2,202 research outputs found

    A genetic algorithm-assisted semi-adaptive MMSE multi-user detection for MC-CDMA mobile communication systems

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    In this work, a novel Minimum-Mean Squared-Error (MMSE) multi-user detector is proposed for MC-CDMA transmission systems working over mobile radio channels characterized by time-varying multipath fading. The proposed MUD algorithm is based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-assisted per-carrier MMSE criterion. The GA block works in two successive steps: a training-aided step aimed at computing the optimal receiver weights using a very short training sequence, and a decision-directed step aimed at dynamically updating the weights vector during a channel coherence period. Numerical results evidenced BER performances almost coincident with ones yielded by ideal MMSE-MUD based on the perfect knowledge of channel impulse response. The proposed GA-assisted MMSE-MUD clearly outperforms state-of-the-art adaptive MMSE receivers based on deterministic gradient algorithms, especially for high number of transmitting users

    Coesione Territoriale in ESPON

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    Il documento presenta il concetto 'Coesione territoriale' attraverso il suo uso nei progetti di ricerca applicata finanziati nell'ambito del Programma ESPON 2013: ARTS, DEMIFER, ESPON Climate, TIPTAP, TERCO, TIGE

    Greening Tourism: Reimagining the Tourism Sector in Ireland

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    Tourism is a leading and ever-growing economic sector outpacing the global economy with a 4% increase each year, according to the UNWTO Tourism Barometer 20191. Europe is the destination of choice for 51% of the world market with its rich cultural heritage and favourable socio-political environment. The objective is to analyse the current situation of national and regional lockdowns, and the resulting slowdown in tourism activities, related to COVID-19, provides an opportunity to rethink overall development strategies for Ireland with particular reference to the tourism sector which has been a central asset in terms of employment and contribution to national GDP over the last decade. As was the case during the last recession, tourism has a key role in play in Ireland’s national economic recovery, discussing both the Irish National Tourism Development Authority (Fáilte Ireland) and the main industry organisation, the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC), launched strategies in 2016 and 2018 respectively

    Tourism and Cultural Heritage for regional development Synergetic relations between Cultural Heritage (CH) and Tourism as driver for territorial development.

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    IntroductionThe relationship between Cultural Heritage (CH) and tourism in spatial development can be observed from several points of view. The first, linked to a vision of tourism as an industry, starts from the consideration of CH as an asset, and concerns the attractiveness of the territories as having interesting assets for tourism development. The second is linked to a more integrated vision and uses the category of cultural tourism, which assumes CH as a relational asset par excellence. The objective is to discuss how applying the New European Agenda for Culture 2018 (replacing the previous version from 2007) that provides a strategic framework for EU action in the cultural sector, while the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage (2018) establishes a set of 4 principles of action for European Cultural Heritage: - Holistic approach, which considers CH as a resource for the future and puts people at its centre; - Mainstreaming and an integrated approach between different EU policies; - Development of evidence-based policies, including through cultural statistics; - Multi-stakeholder cooperation, encouraging dialogue and exchange between a wide range of actors in the design and implementation of cultural heritage policies and programmes

    Territorial Approach to Energy Development Policies: Italian Regions in Transition

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    Approccio territoriale nelle politiche di sviluppo energetico: le regioni italiane in transizione. Lo sviluppo energetico è stato definito come il tentativo di fornire fonti di energia primaria e secondaria sufficienti a soddisfare le esigenze della società: esso comporta sia il pieno sviluppo delle tecnologie energetiche già disponibili sia la ricerca, lo sviluppo e il potenziamento di nuove tecnologie. La transizione energetica, in questo contesto, implica il coinvolgimento e il cambiamento complesso e non lineare (retroattivo) di tutte le dimensioni reciprocamente interdipendenti coinvolte in tale sviluppo: istituzionale, finanziaria, territoriale e tecnologica più la governance e il comportamento dei consumatori. Questo processo darà origine a nuovi cluster tecnologici, nuove organizzazioni socio-economiche, nuovi comportamenti e preferenze: la società adotterà nel complesso un nuovo paradigma socio-tecnico. Sia le aree rilevanti per lo sviluppo energetico che il policy making nel contesto europeo sono differenziati in termini regionali. Infatti, le decisioni politiche dell’Unione che vengono adottate e tradotte in scelte strategiche nazionali vengono «trasposte» e adattate alle diverse realtà regionali per produrre propri specifici modelli di sviluppo energetico. In questo quadro, il contributo analizza la situazione delle regioni italiane rispetto al loro ruolo nello sviluppo energetico attraverso l’analisi di 5 aree – lo sviluppo delle fonti rinnovabili, il risparmio e l’efficienza energetica, la riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti, la promozione di attività di ricerca applicata, l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico per sistemi efficienti dal punto di vista energetico – mostrando il loro posizionamento rispetto alle politiche di sviluppo energetico in termini di sviluppo delle fonti di energia rinnovabile (FER) e di potenziale di specializzazione regionale.Energy development has been defined as an attempt to provide sufficient primary and secondary energy sources to meet society’s needs: it involves the full development of already available energy technologies and research, and the development and enhancement of new technologies. Energy transition, in this context, implies the involvement and complex and nonlinear (retroactive) change of all mutually interdependent dimensions involved in such development: institutional, financial, territorial and technological, plus governance and consumer behaviour. This process will give rise to new technological clusters, new socio-economic organizations and new behaviours and preferences: society will adopt an altogether new sociotechnical paradigm. The areas relevant to energy development and policy-making in the European context are differentiated in regional terms. In fact, Union policy decisions that are adopted and translated into national strategic choices are «transposed» and adapted to different regional realities in order to produce specific energy development patterns. In this framework, this paper analyses the situation of the regions of Italy with respect to their role in energy development through the analysis of five areas – developing renewable sources, promoting energy saving and efficiency, reducing pollutant emissions, promoting applied research activities, and transferring innovation and technology for energy-efficient systems – all showing their positioning with respect to energy development policies in terms of Renewable Energy Systems (RES) development and regional specialization potential.L’approche territoriale dans les politiques de développement énergétique : les régions italiennes en transition Le développement énergétique a été défini comme une tentative de fournir suffisamment de sources d’énergie primaire et secondaire pour répondre aux besoins de la société : il implique à la fois le développement complet des technologies énergétiques déjà disponibles et la recherche, le développement et l’amélioration de nouvelles technologies. La transition énergétique, dans ce contexte, implique la mobilisation et le changement complexe et non linéaire (rétroactif) de toutes les dimensions mutuellement interdépendantes qui concourent à ce développement : institutionnelles, financières, territoriales et technologiques, plus la gouvernance et le comportement des consommateurs. Ce processus donnera naissance à de nouveaux clusters technologiques, de nouvelles organisations socio-économiques, de nouveaux comportements et préférences : la société adoptera globalement un nouveau paradigme socio-technique. Les deux domaines pertinents pour le développement énergétique et l’élaboration des politiques dans le contexte européen sont différenciés en termes régionaux. En effet, les décisions politiques de l’Union qui sont adoptées et traduites en choix stratégiques nationaux sont « transposées » et adaptées aux différentes réalités régionales pour produire leurs propres modèles spécifiques de développement énergétique. Dans ce cadre, la contribution analyse la situation des régions italiennes en ce qui concerne leur rôle dans le développement énergétique à travers l’analyse de 5 domaines – le développement des sources d’énergie renouvelables, les économies d’énergie et l’efficacité énergétique, la réduction des émissions polluantes, la promotion des activités de recherche appliquée, l’innovation et le transfert de technologie pour les systèmes efficaces en énergie – montrant leur position par rapport aux politiques de développement énergétique en termes de développement des systèmes d’énergie renouvelable (SER) et de potentiel de spécialisation régionale

    Greening Tourism

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    The event started with a general introduction of the ESPON programme, its goals and tools for stakeholders by Michaela Gensheimer (Senior Project Expert - ESPON EGTC), focusing on the Peer Learning workshop as selected choice for promoting a wider practical use of ESPON research outputs and knowledge transfer. The opening session was moderated by Maria Prezioso (University of Rome Tor Vergata and ECP Italy) who gave a few introductory words highlighting the role of the sustainable approach for the recovery of the tourism sector. Out of the 186 registrations, an average of 80 participants from 21 member states attended the event. The largest proportions of attendees were from Ireland, Italy, and Belgium. The people registered belonged to three groups: professionals (36,5%), public servants (35%) or academics (28,5%). Overall, the event has proven to be successful with a high level of satisfaction

    Chemical analysis of iron meteorites using a hand-held X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

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    We evaluate the performance of a hand-held XRF (HHXRF) spectrometer for the bulk analysis of iron meteorites. Analytical precision and accuracy were tested on metal alloy certified reference materials and iron meteorites of known chemical composition. With minimal sample preparation (i.e., flat or roughly polished surfaces) HHXRF allowed the precise and accurate determination of most elements heavier than Mg, with concentrations > 0.01% m/m in metal alloy CRMs, and of major elements Fe and Ni and minor elements Co, P and S (generally ranging from 0.1 to 1% m/m) in iron meteorites. In addition, multiple HHXRF spot analyses could be used to determine the bulk chemical composition of iron meteorites, which are often characterised by sulfide and phosphide accessory minerals. In particular, it was possible to estimate the P and S bulk contents, which are of critical importance for the petrogenesis and evolution of Fe-Ni-rich liquids and iron meteorites. This study thus validates HHXRF as a valuable tool for use in meteoritics, allowing the rapid, non-destructive (a) identification of the extraterrestrial origin of metallic objects (i.e., archaeological artefacts); (b) preliminary chemical classification of iron meteorites; (c) identification of mislabelled/unlabelled specimens in museums and private collections and (d) bulk analysis of iron meteorites