78 research outputs found

    Modelado, implementación, optimización y generación de estadísticas de desempeño en una BDOO

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    El presente trabajo, muestra los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de investigación de cátedra realizado en la Sede Rafaela de la Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero en un lapso de catorce meses iniciados en mayo del 2011, el cual aborda la problemática de la optimización en el diseño de una Base de Datos Orientada a Objetos (BDOO), garantizando bloqueos eficientes, concurrencia y acceso multiusuario. Se realizó el diseño e implementación de una BDOO del material bibliográfico existente en la UCSE DAR, explotando los beneficios que estas proponen. Al trabajar con gran cantidad de datos, es fundamental buscar en la Base de Datos tan eficazmente como sea posible. Para esto se probaron dos productos de BDOO lo que nos permitió realizar un análisis comparativo de la respuesta de estas, tiempos, bloqueos, flexibilidad, desempeño, etc. A partir de las Bases de Datos generada, se realizaron diferentes optimizaciones sobre estas de manera tal que podamos comprobar y comparar el comportamiento ante consultas sobre muchos objetos, sobre objetos complejos, sin indexar e indexados. Luego, todos los casos de prueba y mediciones de desempeño realizados, nos permitieron generar conclusiones acerca de las particularidades y similitudes en ambos Sistemas de Administración de Bases de Datos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Weak anisotropy and disorder dependence of the in-plane magnetoresistance in high mobility (100) Si-inversion layers

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    We report studies of the magnetoresistance (MR) in a two-dimensional electron system in (100) Si-inversion layers, for perpendicular and parallel orientations of the current with respect to the magnetic field in the 2D-plane. The magnetoresistance is almost isotropic; this result does not support the suggestion of the orbital origin of the MR in Si-inversion layer. In the hopping regime, however, the MR contains a weak anisotropic component that is non-monotonic in magnetic field. We found that the field, at which the MR saturates, for different samples varies by a factor of two, being lower or higher than the field of complete spin polarization of free carriers. Therefore, the saturation of the MR can not be identified with the spin polarization of free carriers.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; New data adde

    The key role of smooth impurity potential in formation of hole spectrum for p-Ge/Ge_{1-x}Si_x heterostructures in the quantum Hall regime

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    We have measured the temperature (0.1 <= T <= 15 K) and magnetic field (0 <= B <= 12 T) dependences of longitudinal and Hall resistivities for the p-Ge_0.93Si_0.07/Ge multilayers with different Ge layer widths 10 <= d_w <= 38 nm and hole densities p_s = (1-5)10^11 cm^-2. Two models for the long-range random impurity potential (the model with randomly distributed charged centers located outside the conducting layer and the model of the system with a spacer) are used for evaluation of the impurity potential fluctuation characteristics: the random potential amplitude, nonlinear screening length in vicinity of integer filling factors nu = 1 and nu = 2 and the background density of state (DOS). The described models are suitable for explanation of the unusually high value of DOS at nu = 1 and nu = 2, in contrast to the short-range impurity potential models. For half-integer filling factors the linear temperature dependence of the effective QHE plateau-to-plateau transition width nu_0(T) is observed in contrast to scaling behavior for systems with short-range disorder. The finite T -> 0 width of QHE transitions may be due to an effective low temperature screening of smooth random potential owing to Coulomb repulsion of electrons.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nanotechnolog

    Metal-insulator transition in a 2D electron gas: Equivalence of two approaches for determining the critical point

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    The critical electron density for the metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional electron gas can be determined by two distinct methods: (i) a sign change of the temperature derivative of the resistance, and (ii) vanishing activation energy and vanishing nonlinearity of current-voltage characteristics as extrapolated from the insulating side. We find that in zero magnetic field (but not in the presence of a parallel magnetic field), both methods give equivalent results, adding support to the existence of a true zero-field metal-insulator transition.Comment: As publishe

    Effect of screening of the Coulomb interaction on the conductivity in the quantum Hall regime

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    We study variable range hopping in the quantum Hall effect regime in the presence of a metallic gate parallel to the plane of a two-dimensional electron gas. Screening of the Coulomb interaction by the gate causes the partial ``filling'' of the Coulomb gap in the density of localized states. At low enough temperatures this leads to a substantial enhancement and a new temperature behavior of the hopping conductivity. As a result, the diagonal conductivity peaks become much wider. The power law dependence of the width of the peaks on the temperature changes: the corresponding exponent turns out to be twice as small as that for gateless structures. The width dependences on the current in non-ohmic regime and on the frequency for the absorption of the electromagnetic waves experience a similar modification. The experimental observation of the crossovers predicted may demonstrate the important role of the Coulomb interaction in the integer quantum Hall regime.Comment: 14 pages + 3 figures by request preprint TPI-MINN-93/58-

    Electron-Electron Interactions and the Hall-Insulator

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    Using the Kubo formula, we show explicitly that a non-interacting electron system can not behave like a Hall-insulator, {\it ie.,} a DC resistivity matrix ρxx\rho_{xx}\rightarrow\infty and ρxy=\rho_{xy}=finite in the zero temperature limit, as has been observed recently in experiment. For a strongly interacting electron system in a magnetic field, we illustrate, by constructing a specific form of correlations between mobile and localized electrons, that the Hall resistivity can approximately equal to its classical value. A Hall-insulator is realized in this model when the density of mobile electrons becomes vanishingly small. It is shown that in non-interacting electron systems, the zero-temperature frequency-dependent conductacnce generally does not give the DC conductance.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX3.

    Sliding motion of a two-dimensional Wigner crystal in a strong magnetic field

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    We study the sliding state of a two-dimensional Wigner crystal in a strong magnetic field and a random impurity potential. Using a high-velocity perturbation theory, we compute the nonlinear conductivity, various correlation functions, and the interference effects arising in combined AC + DC electric effects, including the Shapiro anomaly and the linear response to an AC field. Disorder is found to induce mainly transverse distortions in the sliding state of the lattice. The Hall resistivity retains its classical value. We find that, within the large velocity perturbation theory, free carriers which affect the longitudinal phonon modes of the Wigner crystal do not change the form of the nonlinear conductivity. We compare the present sliding Wigner crystal in a strong magnetic field to the conventional sliding charge-density wave systems. Our result for the nonlinear conductivity agrees well with the IVI-V characteristics measured in some experiments at low temperatures or large depinning fields, for the insulating phases near filling factor ν\nu = 1/5. We summarize the available experimental data, and point out the differences among them.Comment: appeared in RPB vol. 50, 4600 (1994); LaTex file; 3 figures available from [email protected]

    Variational quantum Monte Carlo study of two-dimensional Wigner crystals: exchange, correlation, and magnetic field effects

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    The two-dimensional Wigner crystals are studied with the variational quantum Monte Carlo method. The close relationship between the ground-state wavefunction and the collective excitations in the system is illustrated, and used to guide the construction of the ground-state wavefunction of the strongly correlated solid. Exchange, correlation, and magnetic field effects all give rise to distinct physical phenomena. In the absence of any external magnetic field, interesting spin-orderings are observed in the ground-state of the electron crystal in various two-dimensional lattices. In particular, two-dimensional bipartite lattices are shown not to lead necessarily to an antiferromagnetic ground-state. In the quantum Hall effect regime, a strong magnetic field introduces new energy and length scales. The magnetic field quenches the kinetic energy and poses constraints on how the electrons may correlate with each other. Care is taken to ensure the appropriate translational properties of the wavefunction when the system is in a uniform magnetic field. We have examined the exchange, intra-Landau-level correlation as well as Landau-level-mixing effects with various variational wavefunctions. We also determine their dependences on the experimental parameters such as the carrier effective mass at a modulation-doped semiconductor heterojunction. Our results, when combined with some recent calculations for the energy of the fractional quantum Hall liquid including Landau-level-mixing, show quantitatively that in going from nn-doping to pp-doping in GaAS/AlGaASGaAS/AlGaAS heterojunction systems, the crossover filling factor from the fractional quantum Hall liquid to the Wigner crystal changes from filling factor ν1/5\nu \sim 1/5 to ν1/3\nu \sim 1/3. This lends strong support to the claim that theComment: LaTex file, 14 figures available from [email protected]