26 research outputs found

    Extremal Correlators in the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    The non-renormalization of the 3-point functions trXk1trXk2trXk3tr X^{k_1} tr X^{k_2} tr X^{k_3} of chiral primary operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory is one of the most striking facts to emerge from the AdS/CFT correspondence. A two-fold puzzle appears in the extremal case, e.g. k_1 = k_2 + k_3. First, the supergravity calculation involves analytic continuation in the k_i variables to define the product of a vanishing bulk coupling and an infinite integral over AdS. Second, extremal correlators are uniquely sensitive to mixing of the single-trace operators trXktr X^k with protected multi-trace operators in the same representation of SU(4). We show that the calculation of extremal correlators from supergravity is subject to the same subtlety of regularization known for the 2-point functions, and we present a careful method which justifies the analytic continuation and shows that supergravity fields couple to single traces without admixture. We also study extremal n-point functions of chiral primary operators, and argue that Type IIB supergravity requires that their space-time form is a product of n-1 two-point functions (as in the free field approximation) multiplied by a non-renormalized coefficient. This non-renormalization property of extremal n-point functions is a new prediction of the AdS/CFT correspondence. As a byproduct of this work we obtain the cubic couplings tϕϕt \phi \phi and sϕϕs \phi \phi of fields in the dilaton and 5-sphere graviton towers of Type IIB supergravity on AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5.Comment: 26 pages, LateX, no figure

    The group approach to AdS space propagators: A fast algorithm

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    In this letter we show how the method of [4] for the calculation of two-point functions in d+1-dimensional AdS space can be simplified. This results in an algorithm for the evaluation of the two-point functions as linear combinations of Legendre functions of the second kind. This algorithm can be easily implemented on a computer. For the sake of illustration, we displayed the results for the case of symmetric traceless tensor fields with rank up to l=4.Comment: 14 pages, comment adde

    A note on the perturbative properties of BPS operators

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    We discuss the perturbative behavior of the 1/2 BPS operators in N=2 SCFT on the example of two very similar quadrilinear composite operators made out of hypermultiplets. An explicit one-loop computation shows that one of them is protected while the other acquires an anomalous dimension. Although both operators are superconformal primaries in the free case, the quantum corrections make the latter become a 1/2 BPS descendant of the Konishi multiplet, while the former remains primary. The comparative study of these two operators at higher orders may be helpful in understanding the quantum properties of the Konishi multiplet

    Universal properties of superconformal OPEs for 1/2 BPS operators in 3D63\leq D \leq 6

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    We give a general analysis of OPEs of 1/2 BPS superfield operators for the D=3,4,5,6D=3,4,5,6 superconformal algebras OSp(8/4,R), PSU(2,2), F4{}_4 and OSp(8/48^*/4) which underlie maximal AdS supergravity in 4D+174\leq D+1\leq 7. \\ The corresponding three-point functions can be formally factorized in a way similar to the decomposition of a generic superconformal UIR into a product of supersingletons. This allows for a simple derivation of branching rules for primary superfields. The operators of protected conformal dimension which may appear in the OPE are classified and are shown to be either 1/2 or 1/4 BPS, or semishort. As an application, we discuss the "non-renormalization" of extremal nn-point correlators.Comment: To be published in NJP Focus Issue: Supersymmetry in condensed matter and high energy physic

    Gravitino Propagator in anti de Sitter space

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    We construct the gauge invariant part of the propagator for the massless gravitino in AdS(d+1) by coupling it to a conserved current. We also derive the propagator for the massive gravitino.Comment: 24 pages; LaTe

    Defect Conformal Field Theory and Locally Localized Gravity

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    Gravity may be "locally localized" over a wide range of length scales on a d-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) brane living inside AdS_{d+1}. In this paper we examine this phenomenon from the point of view of the holographic dual "defect conformal field theory". The mode expansion of bulk fields on the gravity side is shown to be precisely dual to the "boundary operator product expansion" of operators as they approach the defect. From the field theory point of view, the condition for localization is that a "reduced operator" appearing in this expansion acquires negative anomalous dimension. In particular, a very light localized graviton exists when a mode arising from the reduction of the ambient stress-energy tensor to the defect has conformal dimension Delta ~ d-1. The part of the stress tensor containing the defect dynamics has dimension Delta = d-1 in the free theory, but we argue that it acquires an anomalous dimension in the interacting theory, and hence does not participate in localization in the regime of small backreaction of the brane. We demonstrate that such an anomalous dimension is consistent with the conservation of the full stress-energy tensor. Finally, we analyze how to compute the anomalous dimensions of reduced operators from gravity at leading order in the interactions with the brane.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures. v2: typos fixe

    Bosonic Quadratic Actions for 11D Supergravity on AdS_7/4 x S_4/7

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    We determine from 11D supergravity the quadratic bulk action for the physical bosonic fields relevant for the computation of correlation functions of normalized chiral operators in D=6, N=(0,2) and D=3, N=8 supersymmetric CFT in the large N limit, as dictated by the AdS/CFT duality conjecture.Comment: 16 pages, Plain TeX, no figures, requires AMS font files amssym.def and amssym.tex, a few typos correcte

    Positive energy unitary irreducible representations of D=6 conformal supersymmetry

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    We give a constructive classification of the positive energy (lowest weight) unitary irreducible representations of the D=6 superconformal algebras osp(8*/2N). Our results confirm all but one of the conjectures of Minwalla (for N=1,2) on this classification. Our main tool is the explicit construction of the norms of the states that has to be checked for positivity. We give also the reduction of the exceptional UIRs.Comment: 27 pages, TeX with harvmac, amssym.def, amssym.tex; v.2: minor corrections and references added; v.3: minor corrections; v.4: to appear in J. Phys.