733 research outputs found

    A High Phase Advance Damped and Detuned Structure for the Main Linacs of Clic

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    The main accelerating structures for the CLIC are designed to operate at an average accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m. The accelerating frequency has been optimised to 11.994 GHz with a phase advance of 2{\pi}/3 of the main accelerating mode. The moderately damped and detuned structure (DDS) design is being studied as an alternative to the strongly damped WDS design. Both these designs are based on the nominal accelerating phase advance. Here we explore high phase advance (HPA) structures in which the group velocity of the rf fields is reduced compared to that of standard (2{\pi}/3) structures. The electrical breakdown strongly depends on the fundamental mode group velocity. Hence it is expected that electrical breakdown is less likely to occur in the HPA structures. We report on a study of both the fundamental and dipole modes in a CLIC_DDS_HPA structure, designed to operate at 5{\pi}/6 phase advance per cell. Higher order dipole modes in both the standard and HPA structures are also studied

    Enhanced coupling design of a detuned damped structure for clic

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    The key feature of the improved coupling design in the Damped Detuned Structure (DDS) is focused on the four manifolds. Rectangular geometry slots and rectangular manifolds are used. This results in a significantly stronger coupling to the manifolds compared to the previous design. We describe the new design together with its wakefield damping properties.Comment: 3 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IPAC1

    Dust properties at z=6.3 in the host galaxy of GRB 050904

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    We investigate the dust extinction properties in the host galaxy of the Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) GRB 050904 at z=6.29 by analyzing simultaneous broad band observations of the optical and UV afterglow at three different epochs. We show that the peculiar afterglow spectral energy distribution (SED) observed at 0.5 days and at 1 day after the burst (1.6 and 3 hours rest frame) cannot be explained with dust reddening with any of the extinction curves observed at low redshift. Yet, the extinction curve recently inferred for the most distant BAL QSO at z=6.2 nicely reproduces the SED of GRB 050904 at both epochs. Our result provides an additional, independent indication that the properties of dust evolve beyond z~6. We discuss the implications of this finding within the context of the dust production mechanisms through the cosmic ages.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Effective absorbing column density in the gamma-ray burst afterglow X-ray spectra

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    We investigate the scaling relation between the observed amount of absorption in the X-ray spectra of Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows and the absorber redshift. Through dedicated numerical simulations of an ideal instrument, we establish that this dependence has a power law shape with index 2.4. However, for real instruments, this value depends on their low energy cut-off, spectral resolution and on the detector spectral response in general. We thus provide appropriate scaling laws for specific instruments. Finally, we discuss the possibility to measure the absorber redshift from X-ray data alone. We find that 10^5-10^6 counts in the 0.3-10 keV band are needed to constrain the redshift with 10% accuracy. As a test case we discuss the XMM-Newton observation of GRB 090618 at z=0.54. We are able to recover the correct redshift of this burst with the expected accuracy.Comment: MNRAS accepted. 6 figures. 3 table

    Finite Density QCD: a New Approach

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    We introduce a new approach to analyze the phase diagram of QCD at finite chemical potential and temperature, test it in the Gross-Neveu model at finite baryon density, and apply it to the study of the chemical potential-temperature phase diagram of QCD with four degenerate flavors of Kogut-Susskind type.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Some comments and references adde

    There is a short gamma-ray burst prompt phase at the beginning of each long one

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    We compare the prompt intrinsic spectral properties of a sample of short Gamma--ray Burst (GRB) with the first 0.3 seconds (rest frame) of long GRBs observed by Fermi/GBM. We find that short GRBs and the first part of long GRBs lie on the same E_p--E_iso correlation, that is parallel to the relation for the time averaged spectra of long GRBs. Moreover, they are indistinguishable in the E_p--L_iso plane. This suggests that the emission mechanism is the same for short and for the beginning of long events, and both short and long GRBs are very similar phenomena, occurring on different timescales. If the central engine of a long GRB would stop after ~0.3 * (1+z) seconds the resulting event would be spectrally indistinguishable from a short GRB.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    UVES/VLT high resolution absorption spectroscopy of the GRB080330 afterglow: a study of the GRB host galaxy and intervening absorbers

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    We study the Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) environment and intervening absorbers by analyzing the optical absorption features produced by gas surrounding the GRB or along its line of sight. We analyzed high resolution spectroscopic observations (R=40000, S/N=3 - 6) of the optical afterglow of GRB080330, taken with UVES at the VLT ~ 1.5 hours after the GRB trigger. The spectrum illustrates the complexity of the ISM of the GRB host galaxy at z = 1.51 which has at least four components in the main absorption system. We detect strong FeII, SiII, and NiII excited absorption lines associated with the bluemost component only. In addition to the host galaxy, at least two more absorbers lying along the line of sight to the afterglow have been detected in the redshift range 0.8 < z < 1.1, each exhibiting MgII absorption. For the bluemost component in the host galaxy, we derive information about its distance from the site of the GRB explosion. We do so by assuming that the excited absorption lines are produced by indirect UV pumping, and compare the data with a time dependent photo-excitation code. The distance of this component is found to be 280+40-50 pc, which is lower than found for other GRBs (1 - 6 kpc). We identify two additional MgII absorbers, one of them with a rest frame equivalent width larger than 1A. The distance between the GRB and the absorber measured in this paper confirms that the power of the GRB radiation can influence the conditions of the interstellar medium up to a distance of at least several hundred pc. For the intervening absorbers, we confirm the trend that on average one strong intervening system is found per afterglow, as has been noted in studies exhibiting an excess of strong MgII absorbers along GRB sightlines compared to quasars.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 ps figures, A&A in pres

    A complete sample of bright Swift short Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We present a carefully selected sample of short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) observed by the Swift satellite up to June 2013. Inspired by the criteria we used to build a similar sample of bright long GRBs (the BAT6 sample), we selected SGRBs with favorable observing conditions for the redshift determination on ground, ending up with a sample of 36 events, almost half of which with a redshift measure. The redshift completeness increases up to about 70% (with an average redshift value of z = 0.85) by restricting to those events that are bright in the 15-150 keV Swift Burst Alert Telescope energy band. Such flux-limited sample minimizes any redshift-related selection effects, and can provide a robust base for the study of the energetics, redshift distribution and environment of the Swift bright population of SGRBs. For all the events of the sample we derived the prompt and afterglow emission in both the observer and (when possible) rest frame and tested the consistency with the correlations valid for long GRBs. The redshift and intrinsic X-ray absorbing column density distributions we obtain are consistent with the scenario of SGRBs originated by the coalescence of compact objects in primordial binaries, with a possible minor contribution (~10%-25%) of binaries formed by dynamical capture (or experiencing large natal kicks). This sample is expected to significantly increase with further years of Swift activity.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA