8 research outputs found

    Formalising the Continuous/Discrete Modeling Step

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    Formally capturing the transition from a continuous model to a discrete model is investigated using model based refinement techniques. A very simple model for stopping (eg. of a train) is developed in both the continuous and discrete domains. The difference between the two is quantified using generic results from ODE theory, and these estimates can be compared with the exact solutions. Such results do not fit well into a conventional model based refinement framework; however they can be accommodated into a model based retrenchment. The retrenchment is described, and the way it can interface to refinement development on both the continuous and discrete sides is outlined. The approach is compared to what can be achieved using hybrid systems techniques.Comment: In Proceedings Refine 2011, arXiv:1106.348

    Feedback control system analysis and synthesis

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    xx, 824 p. : il.; 21 cm

    Prosessidraama lapsikuoron työskentelytapana

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    Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, voiko prosessidraamaa käyttää työskentelytapana lapsikuorossa ilmaisun tukemisen apuna ja ohjelmistoon tutustumisessa. Tutkimus pyrkii myös kartoittamaan, millainen prosessidraama soveltuu käytettäväksi lapsikuoroon. Prosessidraama on draamakasvatuksen genre, jossa ryhmä työskentelee yhteistoiminnallisesti opettajan suunnitteleman episodimaisen draamatarinan parissa. Toteutin tutkimuksen laadullisena toimintatutkimuksena jyväskyläläisessä KolmeKuutoset -lapsikuorossa keväällä 2021. Toimintatutkimuksen kenttävaihe koostui kahdesta observointikerrasta sekä kahdesta prosessidraamasta, jotka toteutin kuoroharjoitusten aikana. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui kahden prosessidraamakerran videotallenteista ja kahdesta kyselystä, joissa kartoitin kuorolaisten kokemuksia draamatyöskentelystä. Lisäksi aineistoon kuului kuoronjohtajan haastattelu. Toimin sekä draamaohjaajana että tukijana kenttävaiheen aikana. Tutkimusaineisto analysoin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimus osoitti, että prosessidraama soveltuu lapsikuorossa ääni- ja liikeilmaisun tukemiseen ja prosessidraaman avulla voidaan myös tutustua ohjelmistoon. Kuorossa tehtävään prosessidraamatoimintaan liittyy hyötyjä, kuten draaman ryhmäyttävä vaikutus sekä kuorolaisten osallistaminen. Draamatoiminnan haasteena kuorokontekstissa on ajankäytön rajallisuus

    Decoupling of high-gain multivariable tracking systems

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    Muscle degeneration in neuramindase 1 deficient mice results from infiltration of the muscle fibers by expanded connective tissue

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    Neuraminidase 1 (NEU1) regulates the catabolism of sialoglycoconjugates in lysosomes. Congenital NEU1 deficiency in children is the basis of sialidosis, a severe neurosomatic disorder in which patients experience a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations varying in the age of onset and severity. Osteoskeletal deformities and muscle hypotonia have been described in patients with sialidosis. Here we present the first comprehensive analysis of the skeletal muscle pathology associated with loss of Neu1 function in mice. In this animal model, skeletal muscles showed an expansion of the epimysial and perimysial spaces, associated with proliferation of fibroblast-like cells and abnormal deposition of collagens. Muscle fibers located adjacent to the expanded connective tissue underwent extensive invagination of their sarcolemma, which resulted in the infiltration of the fibers by fibroblast-like cells and extracellular matrix, and in their progressive cytosolic fragmentation. Both the expanded connective tissue and the juxtaposed infiltrated muscle fibers were strongly positive for lysosomal markers and displayed increased proteolytic activity of lysosomal cathepsins and metalloproteinases. These combined features could lead to abnormal remodeling of the extracellular matrix that could be responsible for sarcolemmal invagination and progressive muscle fiber degeneration, ultimately resulting in an overt atrophic phenotype. This unique pattern of muscle damage, which has never been described in any myopathy, might explain the neuromuscular manifestations reported in patients with the type II severe form of sialidosis. More broadly, these findings point to a potential role of NEU1 in cell proliferation and extracellular matrix remodeling