73 research outputs found

    Valorizzazione e salvaguardiadei prodotti tradizionali: caratteristiche fisiche, chimiche e aromatiche del salame S. Angelo IGP per la caratterizzazione e certificazione di prodotto

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    The Salami S. Angelo is the oldest Italian pork sausage. Recently this product has obtained by the European Union (G.U.C.E. 2007/C 289/17) the IGP certification mark. In order to characterize this Sicilian product, a study was carried out on 17 "S. Angelo IGP" salami called "sottocularino", of 515g of weight after 55 days (±7) of seasoning, and prepared according to the disciplinary of production of the "Consorzio di tutela del salami S. Angelo". The salami were sampled from the 5 of 7 food industries belonging to the "Consorzio di Tutela del Salame S. Angelo". The physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics of this product were studied. The central part of each salami was sliced, and, on each slice, the colour, the tenderness and the elasticity were determined. Moreover, on each sample homogenized, the pH, the chemical composition and the sensorial characteristics were analysed. The colour of the muscular part showed a red index (a*) of 20,16±2,04, whereas, the yellow index (b*) of the fat was 15,78±1,67. The tenderness was 0,405±0,06 N/mm2 and the elasticity index was 0,09±0,006mm. The mean value of the pH was 5,99±0,15. The chemical composition, expressed in g per 100g of edible part, showed good values of humidity (35,97±2,56g), high values of crude protein (32,02±1,75g), low values of fat (23,03±2,36g) as weel as of NaCl (3,91±0,44g). Fortyfive volatile compound were identified and quantified; the number of identified compound for each class and the incidence of the classes on the aromatic composition were: n.21 terpenes (52,11%), n.5 ketones (24,42%), n.8 alcohols (13,68%), n.4 acids (2,19%), n.2 aldehydes (0,16%) e n.5 miscellaneous (7,44%)

    Condition of film wrapped "Fairchild" fruits held in shelf-life conditions

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    "Fairchild" mandarins were washed with water or treated with imazalil (250) ppm, then were left un-wrapped or sealed in polystyrene trays using two polyolefinic films (MR 19 μm or MY 20 μm) with different permeability characteristics. Soon after fruits were stored at room temperature (19-20°C) and 70-75% relative humidity for 8 weeks. Inspections were carried out after 4 weeks or 8 weeks. Both the films were very effective in reducing weight losses, shrinking of the peel and in maintaining freshness of the fruits. Wrapped fruit had the highest losses of acidity, total soluble solid and vitamin C, especially those sealed with MY film, the less permeable to gases. In addition, decay was very high in both packed fruits non treated with imazalil. Respiration rate of non treated fruit decreased by the time in storage, and the same trend was revealed for the in-package CO2, in the trays free of rotten fruits, with an average of about 4% and 12% for MR and MY film, respectively. The best results were obtained in the thesis where fruits wrapped with MR film were previously treated with imazalil

    Valorizzazione della qualità di fichi da consumo fresco della cv "Niedda longa" mediante imballaggio con film plastici e breve esposizione in condizioni anaerobiche

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    Results of 2 storage trials on "Niedda longa" fresh fig are reported. The first trial was accomplished either packaging fruits with 3 different plastic films, or unpackaging figs, prior to storing them at 0°C for 4, 8, 12 and 16 days plus 3 days of shelf-life at 20°C. Exposition of fruits to an initial atmosphere of 99% N2 and 1% 02 before 3 days of shelf-life was carried out in the second experiment. Packaging strongly reduced weight loss and maintained the original freshness of the fruit, with respect to control. Decay was reduced only by cold storage, while SL conditions brought to a excessive decay spread, mainly in packaged fruit. The N2 treatment also lowered weight loss and gave a better overall appearance, if compared to control, even if to a lesser extent of film packaging. A drastic both decay and sugary exudate reduction was the main effect of the short time anaerobic treatment, as well as delaying their manifestation. Si riferisce su due prove tecnologiche relative alla conservazione di fichi freschi della cultivar (cv) locale "Niedda longa". Nella prima prova i frutti sono stati sia confezionati con 3 film plastici differenti, sia lasciati sconfezionati e quindi frigoconservati a 0°C per periodi di 4, 8, 12 e 16 giorni, seguiti da 3 giorni di shelf-life a 20°C (SL). Nella seconda prova metà dei frutti è stata esposta per 12 ore ad un'atmosfera contenente inizialmente il 99% di N2 e l'1 % di 02, indi tenuta in SL per 3 giorni. Si è registrata una riduzione significativa della perdita di peso nei frutti confezionati, rispetto al controllo, con un conseguente effetto favorevole sull'aspetto esterno e sulla commerciabilità dei frutti. Solamente durante la refrigerazione si è avuto il contenimento dei marciumi, mentre in SL, e soprattutto all'interno dei confezionamenti, l'incidenza micotica è stata elevatissima. II trattamento anaerobico ha contribuito, seppur in minor misura rispetto ai film plastici, a ridurre il calo peso e a far mantenere al frutto un aspetto più fresco, rispetto ai frutti del controllo. I risultati più apprezzabili si sono avuti nel contenimento dei marciumi, avendo il trattamento ridotto di oltre il 50% sia le alterazioni patologiche, sia la fuoriuscita di un essudato zuccherino dall'ostiolo (colatura) e dilazionato la loro comparsa

    "San Giovanni", "San Giovanni Arrubia" e "Di Luglio": tre cultivar precocissime di melo del germoplasma autoctono

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    San Giovanni, San Giovanni Arrubia and Di Luglio, are three very early ripening apple cultivars from the local germplasm which can be harvested since the second half of June. Fruits of San Giovanni and San Giovanni Arrubia were harvested the 20th of June, while those of Di Luglio the 2nd of July. Fruits were stored at 20De and 75% RH for a 15-days period. Respiration activity and ethylene production rate, together with chemical and sensory characteristics are reported. Data analysis showed a very high metabolic activity common to the three cultivars and the occurrence of water core, especially in San Giovanni and Di Luglio. Amongst the three cultivars San Giovanni Arrubia is the only one that, for physiological and sensory characteristics, could have commercial interest. La San Giovanni, la San Giovanni Arrubia e la Di Luglio, sono tre cultivar di melo del germoplasma autoctono della Sardegna a maturazione precocissima, che possono essere raccolte tra la seconda e la prima decade di luglio. In questa nota sono descritti gli aspetti metabolici (attività respiratoria e produzione di etilene) e le caratteristiche chimiche e sensoriali alla raccolta, avvenuta il 20 giugno 1998 per la S. Giovanni e la S. Giovanni Arrubia, ed il due di luglio 1998 per la Di Luglio e nel corso di un periodo di shelf-life di 15 giorni a 20°C e 70% di UR. L'analisi dei dati ha reso evidente un'elevata attività metabolica di tutte e tre le cultivar ed un'accentuata predisposizione alla vitrescenza della San Giovanni e della Di Luglio. La San Giovanni Arrubia è l'unica che, per le caratteristiche fisiologiche ed organolettiche, potrebbe avere un certo interesse commerciale

    Evolution of respiration rate, internal CO<sub>2</sub> or O<sub>2</sub> and resistance to gas diffusion of anaerobic exposed and waxed 'Miho' satsuma fruits during market life

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    'Miho' satsumas received an anaerobic treatment with N2 or CO2 for 24 hr at 20°C before being waxed with shellac and transferred to 20°C for 30 days, in order to measure respiration rate, internal gas evolution (CO2 and O2) and peel resistance to CO2 diffusion. Ethanol in the juice, as well as taste and appearance were also determined. Respiration rate decreased by more than half following 30 days of storage, while internal CO2 and O2 rose and decreased, respectively. Conversely, resistance to CO2 diffusion increased drastically with time in storage. Waxing significantly decreased respiration rate and doubled resistance to CO2 diffusion, while anaerobic treatments did not influence physiological parameters. Off-flavour development due to time in storage or wax application strongly affected taste of fruits. Exposition to CO2 negatively influenced fruit taste also, with respect to control and N2 exposed fruits. In general, the higher the ethanol content in the juice, the higher the off-flavour score and the lower the acceptability by panellists. The external fruit appearance declined with time in storage. Waxing or anaerobic treated fruits maintained a better freshness than control fruits. From a commercial standpoint the best result was gained with non-waxed nitrogen-treated fruits, which stored satisfactorily for 10 days

    Risposta alla frigoconservazione di alcune cultivar di pere estive del germoplasma autoctono

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    The pear has been cultivated in Sardinia since ancient time, and this has resulted in a wide range of germplasm with different organolectic characteristics and adapted to the different ecological conditions of the island. Approximately 100 cultivars are maintained at the CNR research station in Oristano. In this trial we studied the chemical characteristics and the behaviour in storage conditions of the different early ripening cultivars, since these have a high metabolic activity with respect to winter varieties, which limits the possibility of marketing the fruit far from the production areas. The fruit of the most interesting early ripening cultivars were harvested at the commercial maturity stage and stored for 1 month at loe and 95% relative humidity (RH), plus 4 or 7 days in simulated shelf-life conditions at 20°C and 75% RH. At each inspection time fruits were subjectively evaluated for sweetness, acidity, astringency, presence of off-flavour, acceptability and judged for internal browning and overall appearange. In addition chemical analysis, including pH, total acidity (TA), total soluble solids (TSS) and firmness were also carried out. All the cultivars had good chemical and organolectic characteristics at harvest, but the responce to the storage conditions varied considerably among them. The major cause of loss of quality was the development of internal browning which became particularly severe as the fruits reached the eating stage The cultivars which gave the best responce were: "Camusina di Sassari", "Bau", "Camusina Grande", "Santa Maria", "Butirra de Austu", "Laconi 6" and "Cauli". La coltura del pero vanta in Sardegna origini remote che hanno consentito il differenziarsi di un ricco patrimonio varietale, oggi in gran parte custodito in campi collezione del CNR. Con il presente lavoro sono state valutate le caratteristiche qualitative e l'attitudine alla frigoconservazione di alcune delle cultivar estive ritenute più interessanti sotto il profilo agronomico e commerciale, al fine di individuare le selezioni caratterizzate da una migliore risposta alle condizioni di conservazione. I frutti raccolti a maturazione commerciale sono stati sottoposti ad un mese di frigoconservazione a 1°C e 95% di umidità relativa (UR), a cui ha fatto seguito un periodo di shelf-life di 4 0 7 giorni a 20°C e 75% UR. Le cultivar saggiate hanno dimostrato di possedere buone caratteristiche organolettiche alla raccolta, mentre la risposta alla frigoconservazione ha evidenziato differenze tra le varietà, in particolare per il manifestarsi dell'ammezzimento nel corso della prova. Le cultivar che hanno dato i risultati migliori sono la "Camusina di Sassari ", la "Bau ", la "Camusina Grande ", la "SantaMaria", la "Butirra de Austu", la "Laconi 6" e la "Cauli"

    Effetti dell'applicazione per breve periodo di un'atmosfera a bassa concentrazione d'ossigeno sui parametri qualitativi dei frutti di tangelo "Page"

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    A brief prestorage treatment of Page tangelo [(Citrus paradisi Macf. x C. reticulata) x C. reticulata] with a low-O2 atmosphere was performed, in order to assess if anaerobic conditions could delay senescence of the fruit. Freshly harvested fruits were randomly selected for minimal blemishes and omogenous size and divided into two plots. Fruits to be treated were put in a 250-liter plastic container at 20°C in which an atmosphere containing 99% N2 + 1 % O2 was established within 1 hour by flushing water saturated N2 from a cylinder at a flow rate of 5L/min and then sealing ermetically the container. Control fruits were placed in a container and flushed with water saturated air at the above cited conditions. After 24 hours from the beginning of the experiment containers were opened and fruit transferred immediately either at simulated shelf-life (SL) conditions at 20°C and 70% of relative humidity (RH) for 30 days, or in cold storage at 4°C and 95% RH for 4 or 8 weeks periods, each one followed by 1 week of SL. Fruits placed directly in SL were inspected at ten day intervals, while the cold stored fruits after each cold storage and subsequent SL periods. At each inspection the following parameters were monitored: weight loss and decay as percent, as well as firmness of the entire fruit, expressed as deformation in mm, by applying a 1 kg weight on the equatorial side of the fruit for 5 seconds. A visual test was assessed by five technicians, who were asked to rank the overall appearance of 60 undamaged fruit with a scale of 1 to 5 with 3 as the limit of saleability. The incidence of chilling injury simptoms (pitting) was also carried out. At each inspection time three replicates of 20 fruits taken at random were used for juice chemical analyses, which included pH, total soluble solid content (TSS) titratable acidity, vitamin C, ethanol and acetaldehyde content. Respiration rate and ethylene production were also monitored by TCD and FID gaschromatography. Presto rage anaerobic applications significandy reduced deformation of the fruit, probably due to a reduction of the enzimatic activity involved in the cell wall breakdown. Infact, cell turgor, the other important factor responsible for fruit firmness, would not be involved in firmness differences, as water loss leading to a diminution in water pressure of cells was quite similar between exposed and not exposed fruits. Moreover, in citrus fruits weight loss is mainly localized in the epicarp, that assumes a leather like aspect being in this way more resistant to deformation forces, alto ugh in this experiment this aspect was not encountered. The low-O2 treated tangelos also maintained a better external appearance than the control fruit. In particular, fruit that had been exposed to anarobic conditions appeared more fresh, with the stem end greener and with a more shining epicarp than control fruits. The positive effects of the anaerobic treatment were recorded chiefly during the 30 days of SL, while during the cold storage regimes the beneficial role of the exposition could have been overlapped by the low temperature. Accumulation of acetaldehyde and ethanol in the fruit juice was registered at the end of the 24h-treatment, the amount of ethanol being 100 times higher than that of acetaldehyde. However, both acetaldehyde and ethanol content declined quickly by 10 days of SL. The level of ethanol, although very high in some cases, did not impart any off-flavour to fruits, as detected by an informal panel test of five persons. Frutti di tangelo Page [ibrido ottenuto dall'incrocio (Citrus paradisi Macf. x C. reticulata) x C. reticulata] sono stati esposti ad un'atmosfera contenente inizialmente il 99% di N2 e l'1 % di O2 alla temperatura di 20°C e trasferiti dopo 24 ore in condizioni di shelf-life (SL) a 20°C e 70% di umidità relativa (U.R.) per 30 giorni, oppure a 4 °C e 95% di U.R. per periodi di 4 e 8 settimane a ciascuno dei quali seguiva una settimana di SL. L'applicazione delle condizioni anaerobiche ha avuto degli effetti benefici sulla senescenza del frutto, rallentando sia il naturale peggioramento dell'aspetto esterno, sia il rammollimento rispetto ai frutti del controllo. I frutti trattati hanno fatto registrare un contenuto più alto in solidi solubili totali e in vitamina C. Tali risultati sono stati evidenti quasi esclusivamente nei frutti posti direttamente in SL. Il trattamento ha favorito l'accumulo di acetaldeide ed etanolo nel succo rispetto ai frutti non trattati. Si è registrato comunque un rapido declino della concentrazione dei due metaboliti già dopo 10 giorni di SL. Gli alti valori di concentrazione di etanolo nel succo raggiunti in alcuni casi non hanno comunque pregiudicato le caratteristiche organolettiche del prodotto. Infatti, i frutti all'assaggio non mostravano odori e sapori sgradevoli

    Midpoint geometric integrators for inertial magnetization dynamics

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    We consider the numerical solution of the inertial version of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation (iLLG), which describes high-frequency nutation on top of magnetization precession due to angular momentum relaxation. The iLLG equation defines a higher-order nonlinear dynamical system with very different nature compared to the classical LLG equation, requiring twice as many degrees of freedom for space-time discretization. It exhibits essential conservation properties, namely magnetization amplitude preservation, magnetization projection conservation, and a balance equation for generalized free energy, leading to a Lyapunov structure (i.e. the free energy is a decreasing function of time) when the external magnetic field is constant in time. We propose two second-order numerical schemes for integrating the iLLG dynamics over time, both based on implicit midpoint rule. The first scheme unconditionally preserves all the conservation properties, making it the preferred choice for simulating inertial magnetization dynamics. However, it implies doubling the number of unknowns, necessitating significant changes in numerical micromagnetic codes and increasing computational costs especially for spatially inhomogeneous dynamics simulations. To address this issue, we present a second time-stepping method that retains the same computational cost as the implicit midpoint rule for classical LLG dynamics while unconditionally preserving magnetization amplitude and projection. Special quasi-Newton techniques are developed for solving the nonlinear system of equations required at each time step due to the implicit nature of both time-steppings. The numerical schemes are validated on analytical solution for macrospin terahertz frequency response and the effectiveness of the second scheme is demonstrated with full micromagnetic simulation of inertial spin waves propagation in a magnetic thin-film.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Influenza del confezionamento con film plastico sulla maturazione di frutti di avocado (<i>Persea americana</i> Mill.) cv Hass frigoconservati

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    Hass avocado fruit was harvested in mid April from a commercial orchard located in the Eastern Sicily. The fruits were transported under non-controlled conditions in Sardinia, where arrived the day after. Immediately after arrival, fruits were sorted out and were either wrapped individually in polystyrene trays with a 15 mm thick polyolefinic heat shrinkable film or not wrapped (group A), before being stored at 4 °C and 90 % RH for 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks. At the end of each storage period, when the fruit was transferred at 20°C for ripening, a lot of fruit was un-wrapped (group B), while one more lot was un-wrapped after 3 days of exposure at 20 °C (group C). At day interval respiration rate and ethylene production rate were measured. Weight loss was releaved at the time of transferring and after 3 days at 20°C. When ripe the fruits were inspected for decay and internal browning, and the time required to reach the eating ripe stage was recorded. In addition, ten packaged fruits (group D) were used to measure the in-package concentration of CO2, 02 and C2H4. The necessary time to reach the climacteric peak decreased with time in storage, and since the fourth week of storage no rise was observed after transferring to 20°C. No important differences were observed among the no-wrapped fruit and the unwrapped ones in relation to C02, either at the moment of transfer from storage to 20°C or after 3 days at 20°C. Ethylene production rate decreased very highly by the time in storage, and the greatest reductions were observed in no-wrapped fruits, while in general the pattern was similar for the un-wrapped groups. The in-package atmosphere, which ranged between 3% and 6% for C02 and 16% and 12% for 02 during storage, affected neither the respiration rate nor the ethylene evolution, in fact when fruit were transferred at 20°C the CO2 and C2H4 concentration inside the packages increased, reached the peaks and then decreased with the same timing of no-wrapped or unwrapped fruits. In addition ethylene concentration decreased by the time in storage, as observed both for no-wrapped and unwrapped fruit. The action of wrapping in reducing weight losses resulted very effective; after 3 days at 20°C following 8 weeks storage the group A, B and C lost 15.5%,3.2% and 2.3% of the initial weight respectively. Decay was mainly caused by anthracnose but the incidence was low for all the treatments, in particular no differences were observed until the fruit were in storage, while after the transfer to 20°C it was significandy higher in group C. Wrapping also reduced internal browning, and the differences with the control became much more evident going on with the time in storage. In fruit placed directly at 20°C, or after 2 week storage, the plastic film slighdy retarded the time required to reach the eating ripe stage; but since the fourth week of storage the time required to the eating ripe stage decreased, and after 8 weeks of storage most of the control failed to ripen while the un-wrapped fruit ripened in about 5 days. Film wrapping was not effective in prolonging postharvest life of Hass avocado fruit by slowing the physiological activity of the fruit, but was very effective in reducing chilling injury, as evidenced by the negligible incidence of internal browning, the higher ethylene production rate, and the shorter time required to ripening following the fourth weeks of storage, when the severity of chilling injury appeared evident. Frutti di avocado della cultivar Hass sono stati raccolti nella seconda decade di aprile e frigoconservati a 4 °C e 90% di umiditaà relativa (UR) per 0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 settimane, dopo essere stati in parte confezionati singolarmente con un film plastico termoretraibile di natura poliolefinica di 15 micron di spessore in contenitori di polistirolo. Alla raccolta e dopo i succitati periodi di frigoconservazione i frutti sono stati trasferiti a 20°C e sono stati sconfezionati in parte subito ed in parte dopo tre giorni di permanenza a 20°C per seguirne la produzione di anidride carbonica e di etilene, il calo peso e valutare soggettivamente l'incidenza dei marciumi, l'imbrunimento interno ed il tempo medio impiegato per raggiungere la maturazione di consumo. Inoltre un gruppo di frutti posto a 20°C non è stato mai sconfezionato in modo da poter monitorare giornalmente l'evoluzione della composizione dell'atmosfera interna al confezionamento. II confezionamento con il film plastico ha contribuito in modo significativo alla riduzione delle perdite di peso. L'incidenza dei marciumi è stata molto contenuta in tutti i trattamenti ed è stata principalmente causata da antracnosi. II film plastico non ha esercitato alcuna influenza sullo sviluppo dei marciumi durante it periodo di frigoconservazione, ma nei frutti trasferiti a 20°C la presenza del film plastico ha favorito lo sviluppo della malattia. Molto efficace è stata l'azione del film plastico nel ridurre l'imbrunimento interno dei tessuti, espressione del danno da freddo, e tale influenza è diventata sempre più marcata con il procedere della frigoconservazione. Scarsa è stata l'influenza del film nel rallentare il processo di maturazione. Al contrario, a partire dalla 4a settimana di frigoconservazione i frutti confezionati hanno impiegato meno tempo per raggiungere lo stadio di maturazione di consumo rispetto ai frutti non confezionati, evidenziando una chiara azione positiva di riduzione delle alterazioni fisiologiche conseguenti all'esposizione alle basse temperature. All'interno dei confezionamenti non sono stati mai raggiunti valori di CO2 e di O2 tali da interferire sull'attività respiratoria o sulla produzione di etilene

    Influenza del confezionamento con film plastici sulla conservazione del fico

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    The influence of film packaging on keeping quality attributes of Niedda longa fig fruit was studied. Fresh huits harvested at the eating stage were placed in polystyrene trays (15 fruits per tray) and equally divided into 4 treatments groups of 48 trays each. One of the groups was manually overwrapped with a 15 μm thickness extensible PVC film (CX), while other two groups were packaged either with a 15 or 19 μm polyolefinic heat-shrinkable films (MD). Unwrapped fruit served as control. After packaging the fruits were stored 16 days at 0 °C and 95% relative humidity (RH). At 4 days interval 12 trays per group were transferred for 3 days at 20°C and 75% RH to simulate merchandising conditions (shelf-life). Following each 4 days storage interval and after shelf-life periods, sound fruit were subjectively evaluated for overall appearance and taste, rating with a 0 to 9 scale for the former and a 0 to 5 one for the latter. At harvest and at the above cited periods chemical analyses including pH, total soluble solid content (TSS) and juice titratable acidity, were performed on three replicates of 10 sound fruits. Decay was expressed as a percentage. Plastic film strongly lowered weight loss due to transpiration and give better overall appearance to wrapped fruit as compared to unwrapped one, as the latter showed shrivelling due to moisture loss. No appreciable differences in weight loss and overall appearance were found between CX and MD wrapped fruit. A slight deterioration of external appearance was evidenced at the end of each shelf-life period regardless of the previous cold storage regime, althoughsound fruits were never judged unacceptable. Moreover, wrapped fruits showed a small off-flavour and off-odour production. Cold storage was effective in reducing rots, while a drastic increase in decay incidence was noticed during the shelf-life period, the wrapped fruit showing the highest percentage of rots. Internal quality parameters underwent slight modifications, albeit TSS were lower in wrapped than unwrapped fruit. Thus, in conclusion we point out that matching appropriate film wrapping with cold storage conditions may be beneficial in extending the postharvest life of figs and enabling to transport fresh fruits to more distant markets as well. Frutti di fico della cv Niedda longa sono stati raccolti a maturazione commerciale e confezionati con tre film plastici differenti, due di natura poliolefinica e uno in PVC estensibile, mentre un quarto lotto e stato tenuto non confezionato. I frutti sono stati immediatamente conservati a 0 °C e 95% di umidita relativa (U.R.) per un periodo di 16 giorni. Ad intervalli di 4 giorni la metà dei frutti di ogni tesi veniva posta in condizioni simulate di shelf-life a 20°C e 75% di U.R. Alla raccolta e a ciascuno dei periodi succitati sono stati determinati i principali parametri qualitativi dei frutti (pH, acidità, solidi solubili totali) e si sono valutati soggettivamente l'aspetto esteriore e il gusto della polpa. I frutti confezionati hanno registrato una perdita di peso significativamente minore rispetto al controllo, che si è riflettuta positivamente sull'aspetto esteriore del frutto. Le condizioni di conservazione refrigerata hanno bloccato l'insorgenza dei marciumi, mentre durante la shelf-life si è avuta un'alta incidenza dei marciumi soprattutto nei frutti confezionati. I parametri di qualità interna generale del frutto presentavano lievi differenze, fatta eccezione per il contenuto in solidi solubili totali, che è risultato inferiore nei frutti confezionati. L'associazione basse temperature confezionamento con film plastico, pertanto, potrebbe essere un utile mezzo per il prolungamento della qualità postraccolta dei frutti di fico