219 research outputs found

    Il liberalismo di fronte al fascismo: il problema della società civile e della società di massa

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    L’assaig reflexiona sobre les dificulats del liberalisme per a ajustar-se als nous ritmes polítics, oberts en el període immeditament posterior a la Primera guerra mundial. Especialment es subratlla la incapacitat del liberalisme d’obrir-se a les masses, d’organitzar partits capaços d’aconseguir el consens de les multituds tal i com feien els partits revolucionaris, catòlics o feixistes. En aquest marc, es ressenya l’evolució històrica de conceptes com societat de masses o societat civil i la seva recepció en el pensament polític italià, especialment durant els primers anys del feixisme. Finalment, es ressalta l’assassinat de Giacomo Matteotti (1924) i les divisions dels partits antifeixistes a l’hora d’aconseguir un canvi polític a Itàlia. La victòria del feixisme fou el cant del cigne de la societat liberal i democràtica que havia protagonitzat la vida del Regne d'Itàlia des de la seva unificació.This essay reflects on the difficulties of liberalism to adapt to the new political rythms opened by the First World War's aftermath. Special emphasis is made on the limitations of liberalism to open to the masses, as well as its incapacity to organize mass-based parties, as it was the case of revolutionary, Catholic and fascist parties. Within this theoretical framework, we will review the historical evolution of concepts such as civil society and mass society, and study its reception in the Italian political thought, especially during the early years of Fascism. Finally, this essay highlights the murder of Giacomo Matteoti (1924) and the divisions of antifascist parties in achieving political change in Italy. The victory of fascism came to symbolize the swan song of the liberal and democratic society that had led the life of the Kingdom of Italy from its unification

    M/M/∞M/M/\infty queue with on-off service speeds

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    Psychological Influencers of a Consumer\u27s Innovative Propensity: A Cross-Cultural Examination

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    The purpose of this effort was to focus on measuring the psychological characteristics (specifically perceived risk, dogmatism, fatalism, self esteem, empathy, and cognitive complexity) of the innovative consumer. In order to assess the various relationships and interrelationships that exist in the psychological determinants of innovativeness, a structural modeling approach was employed. The model was also tested in a two country setting in order to determine its robustness cross-culturally. The innovative behavior measure focused on a single domain, the Internet, since innovativeness does not typically overlap across product categories (e.g. Gatignon and Robertson 1985). Overall, the results of the test of the model of innovativeness used in this study support the assertions of recent researchers (Goldsmith and Hofacker 1991; Mudd 1990) that a relationship exists between a consumer\u27s personality traits, innovativeness predisposition and adoption behavior. It also provides credence for the long held belief that early adopters of new products exhibit a tendency toward innovativeness (e.g., Midgley and Dowling 1978; Rogers and Shoemaker 1971). This may be important for marketers since it can provide future researchers with the ability to use trait innovativeness as a surrogate for actual adoption behavior. The findings of this study also showed that three of the six personality measures were directly related to innovativeness predisposition: fatalism, cognitive complexity, and risk. Thus, consumers who are innovative can be said to (1) perceive themselves as able to control their own future; (2) actively seek out information and enjoy interpreting stimuli multidimensionally; and (3) enjoys change and is not afraid of situations with uncertain outcomes. Finally, the innovativeness model was verified cross-culturally. The fact that the overall model was structurally similar in the United States and Australia reconfirms the notion that countries which share a cultural rather than a geographic proximity may exhibit similar innovative styles (Cosmos and Sheth 1980; Green and Langeard 1975). In summary, the findings from this study support the notion that the adoption of a new product is an actualization of an innovativeness trait


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    O editorial desta edição traz artigos referentes a um tema comum: a inclusão. Em tempos de crise, há uma tendência geral de sermos mais solidários, mais respeitosos, e mais do que nunca, avaliarmos que a única forma de resistirmos e superarmos as dificuldades é pela via da educação


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    A crise sanitária provocada pelo coronavírus vem alterando a vida de milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, gerando transtornos em todos os âmbitos. E o setor educacional é um dos que está sofrendo consequências de forma mais aguda: escolas fechadas, transição do ensino presencial para o digital e incerteza em torno dos processos habituais do sistema educativo. O impacto é tal, que no final de 2020 nos questionamos sobre o cenário que nos espera em 2021. Como será o retorno às aulas


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    Os resultados dos alunos nas avaliações do PISA – Programfor International Student Assessment – realizados pela OCDE (Organizaçãopara a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico)são influenciados por múltiplos fatores. Em geral, em todos ospaíses, se observam diferenças substanciais entre alunos segundosua origem socioeconômica, sua trajetória escolar prévia e osníveis de estudos completados por seus pares

    Polyvector Super-Poincare Algebras

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    A class of Z_2-graded Lie algebra and Lie superalgebra extensions of the pseudo-orthogonal algebra of a spacetime of arbitrary dimension and signature is investigated. They have the form g = g_0 + g_1, with g_0 = so(V) + W_0 and g_1 = W_1, where the algebra of generalized translations W = W_0 + W_1 is the maximal solvable ideal of g, W_0 is generated by W_1 and commutes with W. Choosing W_1 to be a spinorial so(V)-module (a sum of an arbitrary number of spinors and semispinors), we prove that W_0 consists of polyvectors, i.e. all the irreducible so(V)-submodules of W_0 are submodules of \Lambda V. We provide a classification of such Lie (super)algebras for all dimensions and signatures. The problem reduces to the classification of so(V)-invariant \Lambda^k V-valued bilinear forms on the spinor module S.Comment: 41 pages, minor correction
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