85 research outputs found

    Analiza mechanizmów zachowania spójności w komunikacie multimodalnym na przykładzie relacji na żywo, w ramach teorii modelu sytuacji; propozycja modelu spójności dla telewizyjnego przekazu reporterskiego

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    The paper presents a model of multimodal message coherence based on Event-Indexing Model of text processing. The approach proposed here enables differentiating between two perspectives on multimodal message coherence: parallel and sequential. It also provides means for comparing the levels of coherence in messages of different types and making predictions concerning how changes in the coherence level may affect processing of a message. Moreover, the model proposed in the paper allows coherence analysis from the point of view of both the author and the audience.W artykule przedstawiono model spójności  komunikatu multimodalnego skonstruowany z perspektywy modelu przetwarzania tekstu Event-Indexing Model. Podejście to pozwala na wyróżnienie dwóch perspektyw analizy spójności komunikatu multimodalnego: paralelnej oraz sekwencyjnej. Umożliwia także porównanie stopnia spójności różnych typów komunikatów multimodalnych oraz przewidywanie wpływu zmian poziomu spójności na przetwarzanie komunikatu. Proponowany model daje możliwość analizy spójności zarówno z punktu widzenia odbiorcy, jak i nadawcy komunikatu

    Operatory metatekstowe w funkcji wskazówek organizacji tekstu w telewizyjnej relacji na żywo

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    The article presents a study of the use of metatext markers for signalling the structure of television live report. The study is aimed at analysing how reporters organize their messages with metatextual elements. A corpus of live reports form polish news bulletins was used. The list of metatext markers was based on metadiscourse classifications by Hyland (2005), Dahl (2004) and Ädel (2006) and extended with propositions of the authors.The article presents a study of the use of metatext markers for signalling the structure of television live report. The study is aimed at analysing how reporters organize their messages with metatextual elements. A corpus of live reports form polish news bulletins was used. The list of metatext markers was based on metadiscourse classifications by Hyland (2005), Dahl (2004) and Ädel (2006) and extended with propositions of the authors

    The usage and meaning of "mentioned" ("wspomniany") and "described" ("opisany") metatext markers in Polish scientific texts

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    The usage and meaning of mentioned (wspomniany) and described (opisany) metatext markers in Polish scientific texts Metatext markers (MMs) are defined as expressions used in a text to inform readers of its structure or relations between its elements (Fraser, 1999; Goldman & Rakestraw, 2000; Schiffrin, 1988). In this paper the usage of two MMs "mentioned" ("wspomniany") and "described" ("opisany") in scientific texts is described and the relation between their meaning and usage is analysed. In Study 1, the frequency, scope and direction of the MM is analysed in a corpus of peer-reviewed scientific texts in Polish. In Experiment 2, participants decided whether to use the aforementioned MMs to fill gaps in short scientific texts. The results of both experiments suggest that while the meaning of an MM may influence its usage, this relation may be affected by the size of the whole text.   Użycie i znaczenie operatorów metatekstowych wspomniany i opisany w tekstach naukowych po polsku Operatory metatekstowe (OM) to wyrażenia informujące czytelnika o strukturze tekstu, w którym zostały umieszczone, oraz o relacjach pomiędzy jego elementami (Fraser, 1999; Goldman & Rakestraw, 2000; Schiffrin, 1988). W poniższej pracy zostało opisane użycie dwóch OM wspomniany i opisany w tekstach naukowych, przeanalizowano także relację pomiędzy ich znaczeniem i używaniem. W badaniu 1 zostały przeanalizowane częstość użycia, zakres i ukierunkowanie OM w tekstach naukowych pisanych po polsku. W badaniu 2 czytelnicy decydowali o tym, czy umieścić dodatkowy OM w krótkim tekście naukowym. Wyniku obydwu badań wskazują, że znaczenie OM może wpływać na sposób jego używania, ale wpływ ten zmienia się wraz z wielkością tekstu

    Electronic structure and enhanced visible light absorption of N, B-codoped TiO2

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    We present the GGA+U calculations to investigate the electronic structure and visible light absorption of the N, B-codoped anatase TiO2. The NsBi (substitutional N, interstitial B) codoped TiO2 produces significant Ti 3d and N 2p mid-gap states when the distance of N and B atoms is far, and the NiBi (interstitial N and B) and NsBs (substitutional N and B) codoped TiO2 prefer to form localized p states at 0.3-1.2 eV above the valence band maximum. Further, the optical band edges of the three codoped systems shift slightly to the visible region, but only the far distance NsBi codoped TiO2 shows an obvious visible optical transition. These results indicate that the NsBi codoped TiO2 has a dominant contribution to the visible absorption of the N, B-codoped TiO2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 17 reference

    A proposal of a framework for analysis of multimodal message coherence (FAMC). Live report coherence pilot study

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    We present an application of Framework for Analysis of Multimodal Message Coherence (FAMC) to a pilot study on live report (LR) coherence impact on audience’s memory and impressions. The study participants (6) were asked to watch LR with or without coherence manipulation and asked to recall key information and unusual elements from LR. FAMC is based on the Event Indexing Model (EIM) of message processing (Zwaan, Langston and Graesser 1995, Zwaan and Radvansky 1998, Czoska and Kara´skiewicz in print). The framework may enable assessment of local and global coherence of a multimodal message and provide basis for testing the impact of coherence manipulation on message understanding.1116223Journal of Multimodal Communication Studie

    Aspects of gestural alignment in task-oriented dialogues

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    Aspects of gestural alignment in task-oriented dialogues Interlocutors in a conversation influence each other in a number of dimensions. This process may lead to observable changes in their communicative behaviour. The directions and profiles of these changes are often correlated with the quality of interaction and may predict its success. In the present study, the gestural component of communication is scrutinised for changes that may reflect the process of alignment. Two types of task-oriented dialogues between teenagers are recorded and annotated for gestures and their features. We hypothesize that the dialogue task type (collaborative vs. competitive), as well as certain culture-specific properties of alignment that differ between German and Polish pairs, may significantly influence the process of communication. In order to explore the data and detect tendencies in gestural behaviour, automatised annotation mining and statistical exploration have been used, including a moving frame approach aimed at the investigation of co-occurring strokes as well as re-occurring strokes and their features. Significant differences between German and Polish speakers, as well as between the two dialogue types, have been found in the number of gestures, stroke duration and amplitude.   Aspekty wzajemnego dopasowania gestykulacji w dialogach zadaniowych Uczestnicy konwersacji wpływają na siebie wzajemnie w wielu różnych wymiarach. Proces ten może prowadzić do obserwowalnych zmian w ich zachowaniach komunikacyjnych. Kierunek i charakter tych zmian często wiążą się z jakością interakcji i mogą pozwolić przewidzieć jej sukces. Celem niniejszego badania jest eksploracja gestowego składnika komunikacji pod kątem zjawisk, które mogą odzwierciedlać zjawisko wzajemnego dopasowania uczestników. Zarejestrowano dwa typy dialogów zadaniowych z udziałem nastolatków. Nagrania anotowano pod kątem gestów i ich cech. W badaniu postawiono hipotezę, iż typ zadania dialogowego (ukierunkowane na współpracę vs. na konkurencję), jak również pewne specyficzne cechy kulturowe dopasowania komunikacyjnego, które różnicują polskie i niemieckie pary rozmówców, mogą oddziaływać na proces komunikacji. W celu eksploracji danych oraz wykrycia tendencji cechujących zachowania gestowe, wykorzystano zautomatyzowane metody analizy anotacji oraz techniki statystyczne. Uwzględniono podejście oparte na ruchomych oknach czasowych, umożliwiające analizę współwystępowania jak i powtarzania gestów właściwych i ich właściwości. Wykazano istotne różnice między rozmówcami polskimi i niemieckimi oraz między typami zadań dialogowych w zakresie liczby gestów, czasu trwania oraz amplitudy gestu właściwego

    Klasykacja operatorów metatekstowych i częstość ich występowania w krótkich tekstach naukowych w języku polskim

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    The article presents an analysis of the usage frequency of different types of metatext markers in short scientific texts written in Polish. A well-known classification by Hyland (1998, 2005) was used with additional binary classifications by Bunton (1999) and Dahl (2004). Data mining was performed on the data using rule-generating algorithm OneRule, decision tree J48, bayesian Naive Bayes Classifier and k-Neares Neighbour classifier, in order to analyse relations between the classes of metatext markers found in the texts. The outcomes of the analysis may be used to simplify classification of metatext markers. Information on metatext markers classes frequency may also be used for preparing or adapting texts in research on the influence of metatext markers on reading and, eventually, for automatic text structure analysis and abstract generation.

    Corrosion of Ni-5 percent Al AND Ni-5 percent Al-Al2O3 flame sprayed coatings of "CastoDyn 8000" torch in 0.01 M H2SO4 and 3.5 percent NaCl solutions

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    One of methods of regenerating parts of machines is flame thermal spraying, which can be used by ship engine room crew. This method does not require great skill of the operator and is not associated with expensive workstation equipment. Flame sprayed coatings are characterized bv porosity and the presence of oxide inclusions. The presence of pores affects negatively on the corrosion properties of coatings. There is a corrosive environment which may be passed thmugh the pores of the coating to the substrate. This phenomenon is especially dangerous in case of applying cathodic coatings (copper, copper alloys and nickel alloys). The substrate corrosion may then proceed below coating. In the paper researches results of corrosion properties of Ni-Al alloy and Ni-Al-Al2O3 composite coatings were presented. Coatings were obtained by flame spraying of "Casto-Dyn 8000" torch. The studies in 0.01 M H2SO4 and 3.5 NaCl (artificial sea water) environments were realized. Measurements were made following methods: polarization and impedance spectroscopy. Rated coatings are more resistant to the 3.5% NaCl environment than the 0.01 M H2SO4. Corrosion current density for alloy coatings in artificial seawater was 7 miA/cm2 and 232 miA/cm2 environment acidic. Impedance spectroscopy studies showed that the alloy coatings are characterized by more than four times greater resistance in sodium chloride solution than in sulphuric acid solution. Curves flattened in the Nyquist plots may indicate that the appearance of products of corrosion coatings in the pores of the samples during exposure to sea water substitute. The value of corrosion potential in an environment of 3.5% NaCl is about 200 mV lower than 0.01 MH2SO4. Composite coatings Ni-Al-Al2O3 were characterized by a lower corrosion current densities and increased resistance than Ni-Al coatings. This is connected with the operation of non-conducting barrier electrim particles of alumina

    Vaccine misinformation on social media – topic-based content and sentiment analysis of Polish vaccine-deniers’ comments on Facebook

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    Introduction: Vaccinations are referred to as one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine. However, their effectiveness is also constantly denied by certain groups in society. This results in an ongoing dispute that has been gradually moving online in the last few years due to the development of technology. Our study aimed to utilize social media to identify and analyze vaccine-deniers’ arguments against child vaccinations. Method: All public comments posted to a leading Polish vaccination opponents’ Facebook page posted between 01/05/2019 and 31/07/2019 were collected and analyzed quantitatively in terms of their content according to the modified method developed by Kata (Kata, 2010). Sentiment analysis was also performed. Results: Out of 18,685 comments analyzed, 4,042 contained content covered by the adopted criteria: conspiracy theories (28.2%), misinformation and unreliable premises (19.9%), content related to the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations (14.0%), noncompliance with civil rights (13.2%), own experience (10.9%), morality, religion, and belief (8.5%), and alternative medicine (5.4%). There were also 1,223 pro-vaccine comments, of which 15.2% were offensive, mocking, or non-substantive. Sentiment analysis showed that comments without any arguments as well as those containing statements about alternative medicine or misinformation were more positive and less angry than comments in other topic categories. Conclusions: The large amount of content in the conspiracy theory and misinformation categories may indicate that authors of such comments may be characterized by a lack of trust in the scientific achievements of medicine. These findings should be adequately addressed in vaccination campaigns