24 research outputs found

    Morphokinetic parameters as a source of information concerning embryo developmental and implantation potential

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to present the results of time-lapse observation and to verify whether morphokinetic parameters are associated with embryo developmental and implantation potential. Material and methods: The analysed data concern the development of 1,060 embryos, 898 of which (84.72%) achieved the blastocyst stage and 307 were transferred into the uterine cavity. As a result, 126 (41.04%) biochemical pregnancies and 109 (35.50%) clinical pregnancies were observed. Time from fertilisation to further divisions into 2–9 blastomeres, first to fourth round of cleavage, second to third synchronisation parameters and the duration of stages after the first, second and third division were analysed. Results: Most of the parameters in the group of embryos developed to the blastocyst stage reached lower values than in the non-developed group. Moreover, parameters in the first group clearly had less dispersion. The differences between the groups with and without a biochemical pregnancy were smaller than the differences in the analysis of development to the blastocyst stage. However, in the case of clinical pregnancy analysis, there were again larger differences between both groups. A strong correlation was found between the majority of absolute morphokinetic parameters. A weaker, but still statistically significant correlation, was established between relative and other parameters. Conclusions: Morphokinetic parameters are associated with embryo developmental and implantation potential and can be considered as predictors of their quality. However, the development of efficient pregnancy prediction models needs further research utilising information from all available parameters and using advanced biostatistical methods

    Analiza profilu demograficznego pacjentów leczonych z powodu niepłodności metodami rozrodu wspomaganego w latach 2005-2010

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    Objectives: analysis of the demographic profile of patients, causes for infertility and effectiveness of infertility treatment methods in the years 2005-2010. Material and methods: Retrospective research was conducted to analyze data of 1705 randomly selected couples who underwent in vitro fertilization procedure at the Department of Reproduction and Gynecological Endocrinology, Medical University of Bialystok, between 2005 and 2010. The analyzed data included mainly causes for infertility, age of the female and male subjects, place of residence and final treatment results. Results: The percentage of pregnancy rate increased significantly to approximately 40% in 2007. The contribution of male and female infertility factors remained at a similar level, but the idiopathic factor continued to steadily increase (to 20% in the last years of the study). We observed a greater prevalence of the male factor among couples living in cities compared to inhabitants of rural areas (42.3% vs. 34.3%, p=0.004), whereas the tubal factor dominated among couples living in the countryside when compared to city dwellers (29.7% vs. 21.6%, p=0.001). The average age of women entering treatment was significantly higher in cities than the countryside (pCel pracy: Analiza profilu demograficznego pacjentów, przyczyn niepłodności oraz skuteczności leczenia metodami rozrodu wspomaganego w latach 2005-2010. Materiał i metody: W badaniu retrospektywnym przeanalizowano dane dotyczące 1705 losowo wybranych cykli leczenia niepłodności metodami rozrodu wspomaganego, przeprowadzonych w latach 2005-2010 w Klinice Rozrodczości i Endokrynologii Ginekologicznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku. Wyniki: Odsetek uzyskanych ciąż wyraźnie wzrósł w 2007 roku do poziomu około 40%. Udział męskich i żeńskich czynników niepłodności kształtuje się na porównywalnym poziomie, stale wzrasta udział czynnika niewyjaśnionego pochodzenia (do około 20% w ostatnich latach badania). Wśród par z miasta stwierdza się większy niż na wsi odsetek występowania czynnika męskiego (42,3% vs. 34,3%, p=0,004), natomiast u par ze wsi – większy niż w miastach udział czynnika jajowodowego (29,7% vs. 21,6%, p=0,001). Przeciętny wiek kobiet podejmujących leczenie jest istotnie wyższy w mieście niż na wsi (

    Thiamine Status in Humans and Content of Phosphorylated Thiamine Derivatives in Biopsies and Cultured Cells

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    Background Thiamine (vitamin B1) is an essential molecule for all life forms because thiamine diphosphate (ThDP) is an indispensable cofactor for oxidative energy metabolism. The less abundant thiamine monophosphate (ThMP), thiamine triphosphate (ThTP) and adenosine thiamine triphosphate (AThTP), present in many organisms, may have still unidentified physiological functions. Diseases linked to thiamine deficiency (polyneuritis, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) remain frequent among alcohol abusers and other risk populations. This is the first comprehensive study on the distribution of thiamine derivatives in human biopsies, body fluids and cell lines. Methodology and Principal Findings Thiamine derivatives were determined by HPLC. In human tissues, the total thiamine content is lower than in other animal species. ThDP is the major thiamine compound and tissue levels decrease at high age. In semen, ThDP content correlates with the concentration of spermatozoa but not with their motility. The proportion of ThTP is higher in humans than in rodents, probably because of a lower 25-kDa ThTPase activity. The expression and activity of this enzyme seems to correlate with the degree of cell differentiation. ThTP was present in nearly all brain and muscle samples and in ~60% of other tissue samples, in particular fetal tissue and cultured cells. A low ([ThTP]+[ThMP])/([Thiamine]+[ThMP]) ratio was found in cardiovascular tissues of patients with cardiac insufficiency. AThTP was detected only sporadically in adult tissues but was found more consistently in fetal tissues and cell lines. Conclusions and Significance The high sensitivity of humans to thiamine deficiency is probably linked to low circulating thiamine concentrations and low ThDP tissue contents. ThTP levels are relatively high in many human tissues, as a result of low expression of the 25-kDa ThTPase. Another novel finding is the presence of ThTP and AThTP in poorly differentiated fast-growing cells, suggesting a hitherto unsuspected link between these compounds and cell division or differentiation

    Development of a new protocol for 2-day generation of mature dendritic cells from human monocytes

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    We developed a new 2-day protocol for the generation of dendritic cells (DCs) from human monocytes in vitro. First, we demonstrated that 24 hours of culture with GM-CSF and IL-4 are sufficient to generate immature DCs capable of antigen uptake. We then compared two different strategies for DC maturation: proinflammatory mediators were either added together with GM-CSF and IL-4 from the beginning of cell culture or added after 24 hours of differentiation with GM-CSF and IL-4. After 48 hours of total culture period, expression of activation markers was more pronounced in cells generated by the 2-step differentiation and activation method. Our new protocol for 2-day DC differentiation reduces labor, cost and time and also reliably renders high numbers of mature and viable DCs

    Placenta is Capable of Protecting the Male Fetus from Exposure to Environmental Bisphenol A

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    Embryo-fetal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) could be related to poor male reproductive parameters in rodents, but this concept has not been convincingly confirmed in humans. We investigated the association of environmental BPA exposure of pregnant women with selected endocrine and anthropometric parameters of male newborns. We analyzed plasma BPA from pregnant mothers, umbilical cord, and placental tissues (n = 117/each group) by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. LH, FSH, AMH, TGF beta 2, inhibin B, and selected sex steroids were measured in cord plasma. The infant anthropometric parameters included anogenital distance, stretched penile length, head circumference, birthweight, and length. The median BPA concentrations in maternal and umbilical cord plasma, and in placental tissue were 19.0, 8.0, and 22.2 nmol/L, respectively, the levels thus being over twofold lower in the fetal circulation than in the mother or placenta. The BPA concentrations measured were 100-1000-fold lower than those demonstrated in animal experiments to have endocrine disrupting effects. Multivariable regression analysis indicated no significant correlations between the maternal/fetal/placental BPA concentrations and any of the hormone levels or anthropometric parameter measured. Plasma concentrations of BPA confirmed both maternal, placenta, and fetal exposure to environmental BPA, but the concentrations were orders of magnitude lower than those with documented endocrine disrupting activity. Moreover, the maternal/fetal concentration gradient as well as the lack of correlations of BPA levels with any major endocrine or anthropometric parameters measured in the newborns suggest a protective role for the placenta in reducing fetal exposure to the environmental BPA

    The Use of Data Mining Methods to Predict the Result of Infertility Treatment Using the IVF ET Method

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    The IVF ET method is a scientifically recognized infertility treat- ment method. The problem, however, is this method’s unsatisfactory efficiency. This calls for a more thorough analysis of the information available in the treat- ment process, in order to detect the factors that have an effect on the results, as well as to effectively predict result of treatment. Classical statistical methods have proven to be inadequate in this issue. Only the use of modern methods of data mining gives hope for a more effective analysis of the collected data. This work provides an overview of the new methods used for the analysis of data on infertility treatment, and formulates a proposal for further directions for research into increasing the efficiency of the predicted result of the treatment process