49 research outputs found

    VBO preimpregnats : an opportunity for S&M aircraft manufacturers

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    W artykule przedstawiono szereg problem贸w zwi膮zanych z wytwarzaniem kompozytowych element贸w struktury p艂atowca wykonanych z tradycyjnych preimpregnat贸w utwardzanych w autoklawie i nowej generacji, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 utwardzane w piecu. Przedstawiona problematyka dotyczy艂a zar贸wno bezpo艣rednio procesu fabrykacyjnego jak i koszt贸w oprzyrz膮dowania. Wysuni臋to przypuszczenie, i偶 wykorzystanie preimpregnat贸w nowej generacji, utwardzanych poza autoklawem stwarza ma艂ym i 艣rednim firmom lotniczym mo偶liwo艣膰 wytwarzania kompozytowych zespo艂贸w p艂atowca w standardach daj膮cych im szans臋 na pe艂nienie roli podwykonawc贸w du偶ych wytw贸rni lotniczych.Several problems concerning manufacturing of composite parts made of autoclave prepregs and VBO ones were presented and discussed from the point of view of manufacturing processes and investments, and production costs. It was suggested that VBO prepregs offer an opportunity to the S&M enterprises of being subcontractors to the big aircraft companies or manufacture aircraft composite parts of high quality on their own

    Numerical and experimental investigations of embedded delamination growth caused by compressive loading

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    The paper deals with growth analysis of initially circular delaminations embedded in carbon-epoxy laminate plates subjected to compressive loading. Three different reinforcement lay-ups yielding different elastic laminate properties were considered. The numerical results were supplemented with experimental ones. The reasonably good agreement between the numerical predictions and experimental results was found. It was shown that variation in elastic properties of sub-laminates separated by delaminations significantly affected the way the delaminations propagated

    Load capacity and failure modes of non-adhesive metal-composite joint serving the purpose of introducing concentrated loads in composite structures made with carbon fibre prepregs

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    W celu poznania no艣no艣ci statycznej, przebiegu zmian sztywno艣ci oraz postaci zniszczenia bezadhezyjnego po艂膮czenia metal-kompozyt (BPMK), stanowi膮cego w臋ze艂 do wprowadzania obci膮偶e艅 skupionych w pow艂oki no艣ne wykonane z preimpregnat贸w w臋glowych w technologii VBO (Vacuum-Bag-Only), przeprowadzono pr贸by no艣no艣ci elementu badawczego modeluj膮cego fragment struktury no艣nej p艂atowca. Wyniki por贸wnywano z wynikami uzyskiwanymi dla takiego samego w臋z艂a z kompozytem wykonanym technik膮 przesycania kontaktowego. Mimo lepszych w艂asno艣ci wytrzyma艂o艣ciowych preimpregnatu no艣no艣膰 BPMK dla tego surowca okaza艂a si臋 nieco ni偶sza w stosunku do rozwi膮zania referencyjnego. Prawdopodobn膮 tego przyczyn膮 jest wi臋ksza koncentracja napr臋偶e艅 normalnych oraz stycznych wynikaj膮ca z r贸偶ni膰 w obj臋to艣ciowym udziale zbrojenia oraz sposobie formowania laminatu w obu por贸wnywanych przypadkach. Badania metod膮 tomografii komputerowej wykaza艂y, i偶 zniszczenie laminatu zaczyna si臋 po stronie 艣ciskanej w臋z艂a.Test were carried out to determine the load capacity, stiffness changes and failure modes of the non-adhesive metal-composite joint used for application of concentrated loads to composite shell structures made of carbon-epoxy VBO (Vacuum-Bag-Only) prepregs. These test results were compared against those obtained for similar joint designed for application of concentrated load to composite shell structure made with wet lay-up method. In spite of better mechanical properties of composite made with prepregs the load capacity of the former was slightly lower than that of the latter. The reasons for this can be higher normal and shear stress concentrations resulting from the difference in fibre volume fraction and the way the reinforcement layers were laid down. The results of CT (Computed Tomography) inspection indicated that the laminate failure initiated in the region of structure subjected to compression

    Numerical simulation of delamination growth due to cyclic loading

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    Przedstawiono uproszczon膮 procedur臋 numerycznego symulowania rozwoju delaminacji z wykorzystaniem MES, w warunkach 1 sposobu p臋kania, pod dzia艂aniem obci膮偶enia cyklicznego. Uproszczenie polega艂o na ograniczeniu procesu degradacji zm臋czeniowej materia艂u do jednego elementu, bezpo艣rednio s膮siaduj膮cego z czo艂em rozwarstwienia. Otrzymane wyniki w niewielkim stopniu odbiega艂y od wynik贸w bada艅 zmeczeniowych.Simplified procedure taking advantage of FEM for simulation of delamination growth due to Mode I cycling loading is presented. The simplification consisted in restricting effect of fatigue load to one element that was next to the dealmination front only. The discrepancy between the numerical and experimental results was not significant

    Numerical simulation of fatigue delamination growth under mode I loading conditions

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    Delaminations are common defects that deteriorate strength of laminates. Delaminations can arise in the course of manufacturing due to faulty fabrication process or can result from low energy impacts, (e.g. FOD), that can take place in service. Once a delamination has been detected, a question will arise whether the defective component can still stay in service or should be immediately repaired or replaced. Before the decision is made, one of the factors that must be considered is a possible delamination growth rate under the expected service cyclic loading. One of the most effective tools that help to answer this question is a numerical simulation of delamination growth. Relatively easy way to simulate fatigue delamination growth under Mode I loading conditions is presented. The a=f(n) relationship was simulated. The simulation was performed with the help of FEM. The delamination extension resulted from gradual reduction in the stiffness of cohesive elements of length t that were located along the expected delamination path. It was assumed that the delamination would extend by delta a=t if the cohesive element stiffness dropped to 0. The applied degradation procedure of the initial mechanical properties of the cohesive elements was based on Paris low. For each delamination, extension increment the degradation process was limited to the cohesive element adjacent to the delamination front. In case of laminates, so far, there is no standard procedure available to determine Paris low and the one used to determine it for the purpose of the simulation performed is presented, as well. The simulation was ended when the number of cycles simulated exceeded 1000 000. The numerical results were verified against the experimental ones resulting from the four specimens tested and a satisfactory agreement was found. The difference between the a=f(n) relationship obtained by the simulation and the one being the average of the four tests was smaller than the scatter of the tests results

    Modified method for determination of ParisErdogen relatIonship for mode I cyclic Delamination of carbon-epoxy laminate

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    W zwi膮zku z brakiem og贸lnie przyj臋tej standardowej procedury wyznaczania odporno艣ci na rozwarstwienia laminat贸w ze spoiwem polimerowym, w pracy do tego celu adaptowano norm臋 ASTM E647. Dla unikni臋cia konieczno艣ci bezpo艣redniego monitorowania rozwoju rozwarstwienia zaproponowano modyfikacj臋 wymaga艅 tej normy, polegaj膮ce na wyznaczaniu d艂ugo艣ci rozwarstwienia na podstawie zmian podatno艣ci pr贸bki. Wyniki wskazuj膮, i偶 jest to mo偶liwe, jednak w celu podwy偶szenia ich wiarygodno艣ci konieczne jest wykonanie interlaboratoryjnych bada艅 na obszerniejszej partii pr贸bek, wykonanych ze zr贸偶nicowanych materia艂贸w.Designed for metals ASTM E647 standard test procedure was adapted for determination of Paris-Erdogen relationship for carbon-epoxy laminate. To eliminate the need for continuous monitoring of delamination growth during the test the new procedure was applied that takes advantage of compliance changes resulting from delamination growth. The test results indicate that such a procedure is promising one however additional interlaboratory test should be carried out with the use of larger number of specimens made of various laminates to enhance reliability of the procedure

    Definition of ultimate load including capability of quality control methods

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    Zaproponowano niekonwencjonaln膮 procedur臋 definiowania obci膮偶enia niszcz膮cego w odniesieniu do bezadhezyjnego po艂膮czenia metal-kompozyt, mo偶liw膮 do zaakceptowania w procesie dowodowym zdolno艣ci do lotu statku powietrznego. Proponowany spos贸b post臋powania bazuje na mo偶liwo艣ciach rutynowych metod kontroli jako艣ci i uwzgl臋dnia ich ograniczenia. Pokazano tak偶e powi膮zania istniej膮ce mi臋dzy mo偶liwo艣ciami diagnostycznymi wykorzystywanych metod, a warto艣ci膮 obci膮偶enia niszcz膮cego.Non-conventional procedure for defining limit load of non-adhesive metal-composite joint was proposed. This procedure could be used to show compliance of the joint with the airworthiness requirements. The procedure is based on the routine quality control methods and accounts for their limitations. Also, connections between the capacity of quality control methods and value of limit load were indicated

    Resistance of carbon-epoxy laminatete against mode I cyclic delamination

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    Przeprowadzone badania dotycz膮 odporno艣ci laminatu w臋glowo-epoksydowego o wzmocnieniu z jednokierunkowej z ta艣my KDU1007 wykonywanego technik膮 "na mokro" na propagacje rozwarstwie艅 w warunkach obci膮偶e艅 cyklicznych, w warunkach I sposobu p臋kania, dla R = 0.5 i G max= 0.9 Gc . Z bada艅 otrzymano nast臋puj膮ce wyniki: warto艣ci progowa i krytyczna wsp贸艂czynnika uwalniania energii wynosz膮 odpowiednio 0.145 i 0.275 N/mmm natomiast r贸wnanie Parisa przyjmuje posta膰 da/dn = 10 6.404 G 15.977. Wyniki te s膮 rezultatem przyj臋cia do oblicze艅 obserwowanej d艂ugo艣ci rozwarstwienia a vis. Uzupe艂niono je o analogiczne wyniki uzyskane przez przyj臋cie do oblicze艅 d艂ugo艣ci rozwarstwienia wynikaj膮cej ze zmian podatno艣ci pr贸bki. S膮 to Gth = 0.15 N/mm, Gc = 0.275 n/mm i zale偶no艣膰 da/ dn = 10 7.475 G 17.553.Carbon-epoxy laminate reinforced with KO111007 UD carbon fabric was tested to determine the laminate resistance against Mode I delamination due to cyclic loading. The laminate was made with the use of hand wet lay-up method. The tests ware carried out under displacement controlled conditions for R = 0.5 and G max = 0.9 G1c. The following results were obtained: Gth = 145 N/mm, GIc = 0.275 N/mm, and Paris low of the form da/dn = 10 6.404G 15.977 for visual assessment of the delamination extension, and G th = 0.15 N/mm , Gc =0.275 N/mm and Paris low of the form da/dn = 10 7.475 G 17.553 for compliance changes based assessment of delamination extension