8 research outputs found

    Zasięg i natężenie zmian w zespołach leśnych rezerwatu "Olszyny Rakutowskie" w latach 1969-2002

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    Influence of salt drilling operation on soil properties and the state of health of trees in the area of the salt mine „Solino” S.A. in Góra near Inowrocław

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    Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza wpływu prac wiertniczych prowadzonych na terenie Kopalni Soli „Solino” S.A. w Górze k. Inowrocławia na właściwości gleb oraz stan drzewostanu. Badania wykazały, że prace te, głównie poprzez oddziaływanie aerozoli, miały wyraźny wpływ na wzrost zasolenia analizowanych gleb. Wartości ECe nie wykazywały jednak związku z odległością od miejsca odwiertu, co mogło sugerować okresowy wpływ płytko zalegających wód glebowo-gruntowych. Uruchomienie odwiertu przyczyniło się do pogorszenia się stanu zdrowotnego drzew w najbliższym otoczeniu wieży wiertniczej. W przylegającej do niej strefie o średnicy około 50 m większość egzemplarzy drzew cechowała się ubytkiem aparatu asymilacyjnego od 26% do nawet ponad 60% (stopień uszkodzeń średni i silny). Zawartość Na i Cl w liściach i gałązkach drzew rosnących w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie wiertni była kilkunastokrotnie wyższa niż oznaczona na powierzchni referencyjnej.This paper aimed at analysing the influence of salt drilling operation on soil properties and the state of health of trees. The study was conducted in the area of the salt mine in Góra near Inowrocław (north-central Poland). Due to the impact of aerosols, the high salt accummulation in soils in the 50 m zone around the drilling site was stated. However, the ECe values, showed no relation with the distance from that site. It could suggest seasonal influence of shallow saline ground water. The salt drilling operation contributed to the deterioration of the health condition of trees in the immediate vicinity of the borehole. Most trees were characterized by loss of assimilation apparatus from 26% to as much as over 60% (degree of damage to the medium and strong). The content of Na and Cl in the leaves and twigs of trees growing nearest the drilling site was several times higher than recorded in the reference area

    Changes in herb layer vegetation in Pomeranian fertile beech forest Galio odorati-Fagetum in Wronie nature reserve in 1967-2005

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    The Wronie nature reserve was established in 1978 for conservation of Pomeranian fertile beech forest Galio odorati−Fagetum (=Melico−Fagetum) outside of the natural range of European beech Fagus sylvatica. Reserve is located in Golub−Dobrzyń Forest District (53°18'39.52"N; 18°54'3.89"E; N Poland). The aim of our study was to determine the influence of passive protection for beech forest herb layer biodiversity. For our research, we used four series of phytosociological relevés made in 1967, 1984, 1995 and 2005. To investigate changes in habitat conditions we used Ellenberg indicator values. Differences between years were analysed with ANOVA and Tukey test. In subsequent years, the frequency and cover of non−forest species, mainly from Epilobietea, Artemisietea, Trifolio−Geranietea and Molinio−Arrhenatheretea classes increased. This is caused by the increase in light availability, as result of disturbances in the tree stands (windthrow, oak decline, insect gradation). Light is the only Ellenberg coefficient that has significantly changed during 38 years (fig., tab. 2). Increase of light availability had no effect on biodiversity of forest herb species from Querco−Fagetea class. In comparison, with other studies in similar forest communities, our results suggests that passive protection might give different effects on biodiversity in similar forest communities, depending on tree stand dynamics

    Impact of planted alien tree species on the syntaxonomical structure of forest communities

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