99 research outputs found

    Short of Transformation: American ADN Students\u27 Thoughts, Feelings, and Experiences of Studying Abroad in a Low-Income Country

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    ADN students are a large yet distinct subgroup of nursing students who require research and understanding. The purpose of this study was to describe the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of American associate degree nursing (ADN) students who participated in a short study abroad course in a low-income country. A qualitative, narrative method was used. Three categories emerged from the analysis. Participants revealed thoughts of “constant comparisons”, feelings of an “emotional journey”, and they experienced “learning”. Participants did not demonstrate perspective transformation as defined by Mezirow as participants signified no intent for social action. Several potential blocks to perspective transformation were identified: egocentrism/emotional disconnect, perceived powerlessness/being overwhelmed, and a vacation mindset. The findings provide insight into the student experience of studying abroad. Transformative learning is not a guaranteed result. Nurse educators must consider strategies to foster transformation including discussing global systemic oppressors, international relations, coping, connecting, and social action

    Associate Degree Nursing Students\u27 Thoughts, Feelings, and Experiences of Short Study Abroad in a Low-Income Country

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    Associate Degree Nursing students are rarely offered opportunities to study abroad. Educational research about nursing students studying abroad is limited but suggests positive outcomes. Prior research has focused on graduate or baccalaureate students in developed and less developed countries, thus, the experience of studying abroad in a low-income country for the associate degree student is unknown. The purpose of this study was to describe the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of associate degree nursing students who participated in a short study abroad course in a low-income country. Ten students participated in phone interviews to share narratives two to six weeks following their return home. Mezirow\u27s (1991) theory of transformative learning was applied to the findings. Three categories emerged from the analysis. Participants revealed thoughts of constant comparisons, feelings of an emotional journey, and they experienced learning. The category of constant comparisons encompassed subcategories of cultural beliefs, health practices, and poverty. Fear, frustration, shock/surprise, and sympathy emerged as subcategories within the emotional journey. Learning comprised of subcategories of elaborating and/or learning new meaning schemes and transforming meaning schemes. Participants did not demonstrate the highest level of learning as described by Mezirow (1991), perspective transformation, as participants signified no intent for social action. Several potential blocks to perspective transformation were identified: egocentrism/emotional disconnect, perceived powerlessness/being overwhelmed, and a vacation mindset. The findings pose implications for nursing education. To cultivate transformative learning, nurse educators must implement select strategies with students promoting critical reflection and empathy for others during study abroad experiences. Educators must be aware of defense mechanisms and promote effective coping. The findings highlight the importance of proper preparation efforts, objectives, teaching strategies, and assessment methods to foster education of social action in nursing

    Mexican American mothers\u27 health practices for febrile children in southeast Wisconsin

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the health care practices Mexican American mothers use for children with fever. The survey results (N = 47) indicated the following three most common practices: 1) giving acetaminophen (85%), 2) removing warm clothes (66%) and 3) giving ibuprofen (53%). The potentially harmful practice of administering aspirin to children with fever was indicated by 23% of the mothers. In addition, 29% of mothers placed alcohol on the body, a practice contraindicated by Western medicine. A variety of other remedies for fever were identified by Mexican American mothers including applying cold compresses, praying, giving cold baths, Vaporub, tea, placing tomatoes on the body, placing eggs on the body, dressing with clothes, using herbs, magic, enemas, electrolyte drinks, placing alcohol in the belly button, giving water, giving Nyquil, and keeping the child in the house. No participants indicated the use of a curandero, placing mud on the body, or the use of azarcón. Thirty-six percent of the mothers reported using home remedies more due to lack of money or insurance. Forty three percent of the mothers used remedies obtained from Mexico. While many mothers in the survey utilized accepted Western practices, 96% of the mothers used alternative practices unique to the culture. After reviewing the study findings, the researcher encourages health care givers to practice culturally sensitive care and promotes increased awareness of teaching opportunities for Mexican American mothers about the safe and potentially unsafe practices of treating fever

    Transformative Learning Through Study Abroad in Low-Income Countries

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    Study abroad in low-income countries is an emerging trend in nursing education, yet student outcomes vary from positive to negative. Study abroad in low-income countries can be transformative because it has the potential to increase student awareness of socioeconomic relations, structural oppression, and human connectedness. The authors discuss 10 strategies to facilitate transformative learning in students who study abroad

    Plan estratégico de alianza Tesla-Delta Signal 2022-2026

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    Delta Signal Corporation, se fundó en 1992 en Ohio (Estados Unidos), siendo su Core de negocio la manufactura y distribución de autopartes eléctricas y electrónicas del rubro Automotriz. En, los últimos 4 años (2018-2021) ha apostado por una estrategia enfocada en la diferenciación, para recuperar su cuota de mercado global e incrementar sus ventas, invirtiendo 200 USD MM en iniciativas de valor agregado que le permitan posicionarse en el mercado de automóviles. Se diseñó una nueva Estrategia Competitiva de Diferenciación basada en Innovación, se manejaron herramientas de análisis interno y externo, metodología del Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Asimismo, se destinó un Presupuesto de 255MM para llevar a cabo 5 Planes funcionales; el Plan de Operaciones cuyo objetivo principal es agilizar la co-creación del Sistema Integrado Autónomo Delta 5.0 que permita obtener 35 patentes en tecnologías emergentes, asimismo, un Plan de Recursos que permita atraer, desarrollar e inspirar al mejor talento en investigación y desarrollo y propicie una Cultura Innovadora Sostenible que permita contar con un 95% de personal entrenado y especializado en tecnologías de vanguardia, por otro lado el Plan de Responsabilidad Social está orientada a lograr una Cadena de Suministro que cuente con un 85% de productos e insumos sostenibles y el Plan de Marketing consolidará un crecimiento de ventas en un 70%