76 research outputs found

    Complex interpolation of compact operators mapping into lattice couples

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    Suppose that (A_0,A_1) and (B_0,B_1) are Banach couples, and that T is a linear operator which maps A_0 compactly into B_0 and A_1 boundedly (or even compactly) into B_1. Does this imply that T maps [A_0,A_1]_s to [B_0,B_1]_s compactly for 0<s<1 ? (Here, as usual, [A_0,A_1]_s denotes the complex interpolation space of Alberto Calderon.) This question has been open for 44 years. Affirmative answers are known for it in many special cases. We answer it affirmatively in the case where (A_0,A_1) is arbitrary and (B_0,B_1) is a couple of Banach lattices having absolutely continuous norms or the Fatou property. Our result has some overlap with a recent result by Evgeniy Pustylnik.Comment: 14 pages. (Page 13 contains routine and standard material which you quite probably will not need or want to print.) The only changes in this new version are the correction of small typographic errors on the first page and the updating of a reference

    Lecture notes on duality and interpolation spaces

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    Known or essentially known results about duals of interpolation spaces are presented, taking a point of view sometimes slightly different from the usual one. Particular emphasis is placed on Alberto Calderon's theorem describing the duals of his complex interpolation spaces [A_0,A_1]_\theta. The pace is slow, since these notes are intended for graduate students who have just begun to study interpolation spaces. This second version corrects some small misprints. It also draws attention to a convenient norming subspace of the dual of a complex interpolation space, and to the slight difference between the spaces \mathcal{G}(X_0,X_1) introduced by Calderon and by Stafney.Comment: 36 page

    Lecture notes about a simpler approach to Riemann integration

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    It is of course well known that the usual definitions of Riemann integration and Riemann integrals are equivalent to simpler definitions which can be expressed in terms of just one sequence of partitions, using dyadic intervals or dyadic squares or dyadic cubes for univariate, double, or triple integrals respectively. These lecture notes, intended mainly for undergraduates, present and prove some basic standard results of Riemann integration in detail, taking advantage of this simpler definition. The last section of the notes provides a proof of the equivalence of this definition with the classical one. But the implicit suggestion is that the classical definition need be the concern of specialists only, and that regular students can probably do just about everything that they need to do with Riemann integration by working only with the simpler dyadic definition. This is a preliminary version of these notes which will surely be updated later. It is very difficult to believe that there do not exist any other documents which give a systematic treatment of Riemann integration using this approach. The author would be very grateful for any information about any such documents.Comment: 23 page

    Some alternative definitions for the "plus-minus" interpolation spaces ⟨A0,A1⟩θ\left\langle A_{0},A_{1}\right\rangle _{\theta} of Jaak Peetre

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    The Peetre "plus-minus" interpolation spaces ⟨A0,A1⟩θ\left\langle A_{0},A_{1}\right\rangle _{\theta} are defined variously via conditions about the unconditional convergence of certain Banach space valued series whose terms have coefficients which are powers of 2 or, alternatively, powers of ee. It may seem intuitively obvious that using powers of 2, or of ee, or powers of some other constant number greater than 1 in such definitions should produce the same space to within equivalence of norms. To allay any doubts, we here offer an explicit proof of this fact, via a "continuous" definition of the same spaces where integrals replace the above mentioned series. This apparently new definition, which is also in some sense a "limiting case" of the above mentioned "discrete" definitions, may be relevant in the study of the connection between the Peetre "plus-minus" interpolation spaces and Calderon complex interpolation spaces when both the spaces of the underlying couple are are Banach lattices on the same measure space. Related results can probably be obtained for the Gustavsson-Peetre variant of the "plus-minus" spaces.Comment: 17 page

    A quick description for engineering students of distributions (generalized functions) and their Fourier transforms

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    These brief lecture notes are intended mainly for undergraduate students in engineering or physics or mathematics who have met or will soon be meeting the Dirac delta function and some other objects related to it. These students might have already felt - or might in the near future feel - not entirely comfortable with the usual intuitive explanations about how to "integrate" or "differentiate" or take the "Fourier transform" of these objects. These notes will reveal to these students that there is a precise and rigorous way, and this also means a more useful and reliable way, to define these objects and the operations performed upon them. This can be done without any prior knowledge of functional analysis or of Lebesgue integration. Readers of these notes are assumed to only have studied basic courses in linear algebra, and calculus of functions of one and two variables, and an introductory course about the Fourier transform of functions of one variable. Most of the results and proofs presented here are in the setting of the space of tempered distributions introduced by Laurent Schwartz. But there are also some very brief mentions of other approaches to distributions or generalized functions.Comment: 22 pages This second version has an additional reference and some slight modifications in one of its appendice

    K-divisibility constants for some special couples

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    We prove new estimates of the KK-divisibility constants for some special Banach couples. In particular, we prove that the KK-divisibility constant for a couple of the form (UβŠ•V,U)(U\oplus V, U) where UU and VV are non-trivial Hilbert spaces equals 2/32/\sqrt{3}. We also prove estimates for the KK-divisibility constant of the two-dimensional version of the couple (L2,L∞)(L_2,L_\infty), proving in particular that this couple is not exactly KK-divisible. There are also several auxiliary results, including some estimates for relative Calder\'on constants for finite dimensional couples

    Calderon couples of p-convexified Banach lattices

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    This paper updates the previous version in the following ways: 1. The main result is extended from the case of sequence spaces to the case of Dedekind complete Banach lattices. 2. A new appendix is added to mention some sufficient and necessary conditions (which are probably already known) for lattices to be Dedekind complete. We deal with the question of whether or not the p-convexified couple (X_0^{(p)},X_1^{(p)}) is a Calderon couple under the assumption that (X_0,X_1) is a Calderon couple of Banach lattices on some measure space. We find that the answer is affirmative, not only in the case of sequence spaces treated in the previous version, but also in the case where X_0 and X_1 are Dedekind complete Banach lattices (and provided the same additional "positivity" assumption is imposed regarding (X_0,X_1)). We also prove a quantitative version of the result with appropriate norm estimates.Comment: 11 page

    Estimates for covering numbers in Schauder's theorem about adjoints of compact operators

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    Let T:X --> Y be a bounded linear map between Banach spaces X and Y. Let S:Y' --> X' be its adjoint. Let B(X) and B(Y') be the closed unit balls of X and Y' respectively. We obtain apparently new estimates for the covering numbers of the set S(B(Y')). These are expressed in terms of the covering numbers of T(B(X)), or, more generally, in terms of the covering numbers of a "significant" subset of T(B(X)). The latter more general estimates are best possible. These estimates follow from our new quantitative version of an abstract compactness result which generalizes classical theorems of Arzela-Ascoli and of Schauder. Analogous estimates also hold for the covering numbers of T(B(X)), in terms of the covering numbers of S(B(Y')) or in terms of a suitable "significant" subset of S(B(Y')).Comment: 13 page

    Interpolation of compact operators by the methods of Calder\'on and Gustavsson-Peetre

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    Let X=(X0,X1) X=(X_0,X_1) and Y=(Y0,Y1) Y=(Y_0,Y_1) be Banach couples and suppose T:X→YT: X\to Y is a linear operator such that T:X0→Y0T:X_0\to Y_0 is compact. We consider the question whether the operator T:[X0,X1]θ→[Y0,Y1]θT:[X_0,X_1]_{\theta}\to [Y_0,Y_1]_{\theta} is compact and show a positive answer under a variety of conditions. For example it suffices that X0X_0 be a UMD-space or that X0X_0 is reflexive and there is a Banach space so that X0=[W,X1]αX_0=[W,X_1]_{\alpha} for some $0<\alpha<1.

    An alternative characterization of normed interpolation spaces between β„“1\ell^{1} and β„“q\ell^{q}

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    Given a constant q∈(1,∞)q\in(1,\infty), we study the following property of a normed sequence space EE: ===================== If {xn}n∈N\left\{ x_{n}\right\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}} is an element of EE and if {yn}n∈N\left\{ y_{n}\right\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}} is an element of β„“q\ell^{q} such that βˆ‘n=1∞∣xn∣q=βˆ‘n=1∞∣yn∣q\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\left|x_{n}\right|^{q}=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \left|y_{n}\right|^{q} and if the nonincreasing rearrangements of these two sequences satisfy βˆ‘n=1N∣xnβˆ—βˆ£qβ‰€βˆ‘n=1N∣ynβˆ—βˆ£q\sum_{n=1}^{N}\left|x_{n}^{*}\right|^{q}\le\sum_{n=1}^{N}\left|y_{n}^{*}\right|^{q} for all N∈NN\in\mathbb{N}, then {yn}n∈N∈E\left\{ y_{n}\right\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\in E and βˆ₯{yn}n∈Nβˆ₯E≀Cβˆ₯{xn}n∈Nβˆ₯E\left\Vert \left\{ y_{n}\right\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\right\Vert_{E}\le C\left\Vert \left\{ x_{n}\right\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\right\Vert_{E} for some constant CC which depends only on EE. ===================== We show that this property is very close to characterizing the normed interpolation spaces between β„“1\ell^{1} and β„“q\ell^{q}. More specificially, we first show that every space which is a normed interpolation space with respect to the couple (β„“p,β„“q)\left(\ell^{p},\ell^{q}\right) for some p∈[1,q]p\in[1,q] has the above mentioned property. Then we show, conversely, that if EE has the above mentioned property, and also has the Fatou property, and is contained in β„“q\ell^{q}, then it is a normed interpolation space with respect to the couple (β„“1,β„“q)\left(\ell^{1},\ell^{q}\right). These results are our response to a conjecture of Galina Levitina, Fedor Sukochev and Dmitriy Zanin in arXiv:1703.04254v1 [math.OA].Comment: 33 page
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