4 research outputs found

    Polymers ā€“ from the primeval beginning to plastics and elastomers

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    Polazeći od fi lozofskih misli O. Spenglera i Aristotela, utvrđeno je da su polimeri prastari, jer sežu tamo do postanka osnovnih prirodnih organskih i anorganskih polimera. Istodobno je uočeno da se riječ polimeri učestalo upotrebljava kao zajedničko ime za plastiku i elastomere. Od osnovnih prirodnih organskih polimera: bjelančevina, nukleinskih kiselina i polisaharida dug je povijesni put. Taj se put pokuÅ”alo opisati dijagramom toka, tokovnikom. Za navedeni opis potrebne su brojne defi nicije, ali i motivacijska osnova. To je učinjeno u dodatcima A i B. Zaključak je istraživanja: praoblikovanje i prastrukturiranje prirodnih polimera staro je oko 3,5 milijardi godina, a humana obradba razdvajanjem oko 3,4 milijuna godina. Svatko tko se bavi polimerima trebao bi biti obrazovan na odgovarajućoj razini potrebnog znanja s razvijenim tokovnikom.Based on the philosophic ideas of O. Spengler and Aristotle it has been determined that polymers are ancient since they reach back all the way to the origin of the basic natural organic and inorganic polymers. At the same time it has been noted that the word polymers is frequently used as a common name for plastics and elastomers. Since the basic natural organic polymers: proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides there is a long historical path. An attempt was made to present this path by means of a fl ow chart. For the mentioned description numerous defi nitions are required, as well as a motivating basis. This was done in Annexes A and B. The conclusion of the research is that primary shaping and primary structuring of natural polymers is around 3.5 billion years old and human separation with natural tools about 3.4 million years. Anyone involved in polymers should be educated at an adequate level of the necessary knowledge with the developed fl owchart