27 research outputs found

    Derivative Polynomials and Closed-Form Higher Derivative Formulae

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    In a recent paper, Adamchik [V.S. Adamchik, On the Hurwitz function for rational arguments, Appl. Math. Comp. 187 (2007) 3--12] expressed in a closed form symbolic derivatives of four functions belonging to the class of functions whose derivatives are polynomials in terms of the same functions. In this sequel, simple closed-form higher derivative formulae which involve the Carlitz-Scoville higher order tangent and secant numbers are derived for eight trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.Comment: 7 page

    Closed-form formulae for the derivatives of trigonometric functions at rational multiples of π\pi

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    In this sequel to our recent note it is shown, in a unified manner, by making use of some basic properties of certain special functions, such as the Hurwitz zeta function, Lerch zeta function and Legendre chi function, that the values of all derivatives of four trigonometric functions at rational multiples of π\pi can be expressed in closed form as simple finite sums involving the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials. In addition, some particular cases are considered.Comment: 5 page

    New integral representations of the polylogarithm function

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    Maximon has recently given an excellent summary of the properties of the Euler dilogarithm function and the frequently used generalizations of the dilogarithm, the most important among them being the polylogarithm function Li(z)Li_(z). The polylogarithm function appears in several fields of mathematics and in many physical problems. We, by making use of elementary arguments, deduce several new integral representations of the polylogarithm for any complex z for which z|z| < 1. Two are valid for all complex s, whenever (s)>1\Re(s)>1 . The other two involve the Bernoulli polynomials and are valid in the important special case where the parameter s is an positive integer. Our earlier established results on the integral representations for the Riemann zeta function ζ(2n+1)\zeta(2n+1) ,nNn\in\mathbb{N}, follow directly as corollaries of these representations.Comment: 15 page

    Finite cotangent sums and the Riemann zeta function

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    A dilogarithmic integral arising in quantum field theory

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    Recently, an interesting dilogarithmic integral arising in quantum field theory has been closed-form evaluated in terms of the Clausen function Cl2(θ)\text{Cl}_2(\theta) by Coffey [J. Math. Phys.} 49 (2008), 093508]. It represents the volume of an ideal tetrahedron in hyperbolic space and is involved in two intriguing equivalent conjectures of Borwein and Broadhurst. It is shown here, by simple and direct arguments, that this integral can be expressed by the triplet of the Clausen function values which are involved in one of the two above-mentioned conjectures.Comment: 6 page

    Integral representations of the Riemann zeta function for odd-integer arguments

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    AbstractWe deduce four new integral representations for ζ(2n+1),n∈N, where ζ(s) is the Riemann zeta function

    Polypseudologarithms revisited

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    Lee, in a series of papers, described a unified formulation of the statistical thermodynamics of ideal quantum gases in terms of the polylogarithm functions, Lis(z)\textup{Li}_{s} (z). It is aimed here to investigate the functions Lis(z),\textup{Li}_{s} (z), for s=0,1,2,...,s = 0, -1, -2, ..., which are, following Lee, referred to as the polypseudologarithms (or polypseudologs) of order nn. Various known results regarding polypseudologs, mainly obtained in widely differing contexts and currently scattered throughout the literature, have been brought together along with many new results and insights and they all have been proved in a simple and unified manner. In addition, a new general explicit closed-form formula for these functions involving the Carlitz--Scoville higher tangent numbers has been established.Comment: 10 page

    The Lerch zeta and related functions of non-positive integer order

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    Integral representations of the Legendre chi function

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