36 research outputs found

    Konkurentnost agroprivrede Srbije

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    Organizational forms of foreign direct investment in banking sector of Serbia

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    Globalization and liberalization of financial markets led to a dramatic increase in the presence of foreign banks in many countries, especially in transitional ones. For small open economies, without adequate sources of domestic savings, foreign direct investment and a healthy financial system that has capacity to support these investments are of vital importance for creating preconditions for future economic growth. In the last decade foreign direct investment in banking sector of Serbia, have changed the banking landscape and triggered important changes in the banking system structure. This paper presents the discussion about the organizational forms of banks related to the entry of new banking capital in the form of foreign direct investments. There are many reasons and theories related to the internationalization of banking sector. Following the decision to entry a new foreign market, each bank must choose organizational form. Throughout history, there have been various solutions that have been applied by banks in terms of their organizational form for the expansion. Usually three factors are considering when determining form of organizing. First factor is type and volume of bank business operations, second is the need for employing resources, and the third is regulatory framework. In economic theory, banks can be organized as correspondent banking, representative offices, agencies, subsidiaries and branches, while in Serbia this choice is narrowed

    Upravljanje kvalitetom kao faktor povećanja konkurentnosti preduzeća srpske tekstilne industrije

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    Ovaj rad analizira poziciju srpske tekstilne industrije i modela upravljanja kvalitetom u tekstilnim preduzećima. Ekonomska kriza ima negativne efekte na ekonomiju Srbije, a tekstilna industrija je jedna od najranjivijih privrednih grana koju karakteriÅ”e loÅ”a pozicija tekstilnih preduzeća na globalnom tržiÅ”tu, nedovoljna konkurentnost, nedostatak primene savremenih tehnologija, nedovoljno kvalifikovani zaposleni i nesertifikovana preduzeća prema međunarodnim standardima Å”to ukazuje da srpska preduzeća zaostaju za međunarodnom konkurencijom

    Market Analysis of Clusters in Serbian Agribusiness

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    In the national economy clusters have been recognized as an instrument for strengthening productivity and innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises, as well as an instrument for regional development starting from 2005, when the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development began with the implementation of development projects of the first clusters. The ministry along with other government and foreign institutions, which worked to build clusters based on the projects, has provided support for cluster development in the national economy. The subjects of this paper are clusters in Serbian agribusiness registered until June 05, 2013. The aim of this work is to identify main characteristics of clusters, problems in their functioning, and to propose measures for cluster promotion in the future. This is achieved by market analysis of clusters or survey in the form of interviews. The research results indicate that clusters in Serbia were unable to develop until middle of 2013. They still possess low operative, innovative and export capacities, and there is a lack of key contributions of clusters to creating a unique regional specialization of labor and knowledge, as well as increasing regional competitiveness. In the future cluster development in agribusiness will be directly related to the creation of a favourable business environment for SMEs, stimulative and predictable agricultural policy, as well as developed entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at joint activities and cooperation

    Specifičnosti poslovanja banaka u Srbiji u funkciji načina ulaska na tržiŔte

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    Ovaj rad analizira modalitete ulaska stranih banaka u Srbiji. Uvažavajući specifičnosti tržiÅ”ta i regulative, prepoznate su tri faze. Prvu fazu je karakterisala liberalna politika izdavanja dozvola za rad domaćim i stranim bankama, te je na domaće tržiÅ”te uÅ”lo pet stranih banaka. Nakon 2002. godine, politika regulatornog tela nadležnog za izdavanje dozvola za rad bankama se menja, te su stane banke ulazile na tržiÅ”te isključivo kupovinom postojećih. Treća faza počinje 2008. godine i karakteriÅ”e je povratak na liberalnu politiku izdavanja licenci za rad stranim bankama

    Access to finance for organic producers in Serbia: demand side

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the problems faced by organic producers when trying to access inance in Serbia. Previous research and experience show that demand for inancial services in the segment of organic producers is higher than the supply, and that neither commercial banks nor other inancial institutions are willing or able to meet inancial needs within the value chain. Due to such situation, agricultural producers are stuck in the ā€œmissing middleā€ segment which lacks funding sources. This study uses questionnaires designed speciically to obtain farm-level data in order to evaluate the shortcomings of the farm credit system. The study shows that access to inance is one of the biggest constraints faced by organic producers and that the existing mechanisms for agricultural funding are not adequate

    Quality system organization and quality tools

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    Pun efekat primene alata kvaliteta zahteva pravilan izbor i međusobnu koordinaciju alata kvaliteta, pa su stoga u radu najpre definisani relevantni alati kvaliteta. Na izbor i primenu alata kvaliteta utiče veliki broj faktora, organizacionog i tehničkog karaktera, pa su, u radu date osnovne postavke za projektovanje, odnosno organizaciono strukturiranje sistema kvaliteta, koje se oslanjaju na opÅ”te principe projektovanja organizacije, a prema kojima je predložen model za projektovanja organizacione strukture sistema kvaliteta. Konačno, predložena je i klasifikacija alata kvaliteta prema primeni u radnim sistemima preduzeća koja se može smatrati i smernicama za njihovu primenu u praksi.Full effect of quality tools application needs itā€™s adequate choice and coordination, for that reason, in this paper, relevant quality tools are defined. Quality tools choice and application are influenced by many organizational and technical factors, then are given basic premises for quality systemā€™s design, that are based on organization designā€™s principles and, according to them is proposed model for quality systemā€™s structure design. Finally, there is proposed, among other, classification of quality tools deployment according to application in organization functions, that also presents a recommended way for application

    Quality system organization and quality tools

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    Pun efekat primene alata kvaliteta zahteva pravilan izbor i međusobnu koordinaciju alata kvaliteta, pa su stoga u radu najpre definisani relevantni alati kvaliteta. Na izbor i primenu alata kvaliteta utiče veliki broj faktora, organizacionog i tehničkog karaktera, pa su, u radu date osnovne postavke za projektovanje, odnosno organizaciono strukturiranje sistema kvaliteta, koje se oslanjaju na opÅ”te principe projektovanja organizacije, a prema kojima je predložen model za projektovanja organizacione strukture sistema kvaliteta. Konačno, predložena je i klasifikacija alata kvaliteta prema primeni u radnim sistemima preduzeća koja se može smatrati i smernicama za njihovu primenu u praksi.Full effect of quality tools application needs itā€™s adequate choice and coordination, for that reason, in this paper, relevant quality tools are defined. Quality tools choice and application are influenced by many organizational and technical factors, then are given basic premises for quality systemā€™s design, that are based on organization designā€™s principles and, according to them is proposed model for quality systemā€™s structure design. Finally, there is proposed, among other, classification of quality tools deployment according to application in organization functions, that also presents a recommended way for application

    Contingency factors influence on application of quality tools

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    U radu se kroz eksperimentalno istraživanje u preduzećima motorske industrije uticaj kontingentnih faktora na pouzdanost proizvoda kroz primenu kvaliteta.The subject of this paper is an experimental research done in motor industry enterprises that analysis influence of contingency factors on products reliability through application of quality tools

    Contingency factors influence on application of quality tools

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    U radu se kroz eksperimentalno istraživanje u preduzećima motorske industrije uticaj kontingentnih faktora na pouzdanost proizvoda kroz primenu kvaliteta.The subject of this paper is an experimental research done in motor industry enterprises that analysis influence of contingency factors on products reliability through application of quality tools