30 research outputs found

    Estimates of weldability and selection of the optimal procedure and technology for welding of high strength steels

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    High strength steels belong into a group of high quality steels, with exceptional mechanical properties, especially in regards to tensile strength. At the same time, as their deficiency is emphasized the limited and difficult weldability. In other words, some of those steels are weldable only with application of special measures related to controlled heat input. In that way, the favorable mechanical properties can be kept within the heat affected zone, with condition that the optimal welding technology is selected. Existing, very scarce and often unclear and insufficient recommendations for selection of the optimal welding technology are one of the causes of large number of flaws in welded joints. Mentioned problems, as well as others, can be successfully solved by proper selection of the procedure, filler metal and technology of welding, verified by experiments conducted in laboratory or in real operating conditions. Those experiments can not be performed in arbitrary conditions. Thus, partially due to results reported in this paper, technologists will obtain the possibility to predict in advance, in a very short time period, the mechanical and metallurgical properties of joints of this class of high strength steels. This will be possible without conducting the large number of practical tests or relying on personal experience of a designer

    Anticoagulant rodenticides in game meat: a risk to human health

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    Although rodents are the largest taxonomic groups of all mammals, only about 5% of them are considered pests. Rodent pest control is used to control commensal rodents such as Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), roof rats (Rattus rattus), and house mice (Mus musculus). Methods used for rodent pest control are: trapping, poisons, habitat management, fertility control, barriers, repellents (acoustic and olfactory), behavioural mechanisms, predators or parasites, control of ectoparasites or pathogens, damage prevention and forecasting, etc. One of the most widespread methods in the world is the application of poisons. The most common are anticoagulant rodenticides, which are divided into first‑generation anticoagulant rodenticides and second‑generation anticoagulant rodenticides. Considering that anticoagulant rodenticides are indiscriminate and can affect all vertebrates, there is a high risk of unintentional poisoning of non‑target wildlife or domesticated animals. Therefore, there is growing concern about the detection of second‑generation anticoagulant residues in a large number of animal species. Their accumulation in the environment can cause anticoagulants to transfer along the food chain, causing potentially serious health consequences for wildlife and humans

    The international continuity of Serbia after secession of Montenegro

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    The author deals with a set of questions that have emerged after the secession of the Republic of Montenegro from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and they are as follows: international legal continuity of Serbia, membership of the two now independent states in various international organizations, the issues concerning the succession between Serbia and Montenegro, regulation of various individual rights of the citizens from the former State Union, etc

    Energy resources management of Serbia and its foreign trade with Russia

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    Resources management by a national economy is of great significance for every country. If they are deficient then they should be purchased abroad. Oil and oil derivatives are the energy resources that are in shortest supply in Serbia. The statistical data on its foreign trade in the period January-July 2008 show that Serbia recorded the greatest foreign deficit in its trade with the Russian Federation. This primarily results from its energy resources imports. Russia is Serbia's most important partner in strategic commodities supply. For this reason the measures for abolishing or decreasing the oil export duties would considerably reduce the production costs in our economy. This would lead to an improvement in a large number of our economic branches

    Doha round of WTO negotiations and trade liberalization in Serbian agriculture

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    The accession of Serbia to the WTO is expected in 2008. In negotiations process, the most difficult is to reach agreement in agriculture. This sector is very sensitive in market access for biotechnological, economical and social reasons. The level of sensitivity varies between production branches. In the course of defining the schedules of market access commitments, it is crucial to keep in mind the need of reconciliation dynamics and level of market liberalization with the obligations comprised in the EU Stabilization and Association Agreement. Export support policy also must conform to the Doha negotiations commitments


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    Having a central position in the Eastern European region, Serbia has a high potential to base its economic development on various forms of cooperation with surrounding countries. Its geographic location enables Serbia to develop infrastructure, especially traffic infrastructure, cooperation in fields of tourism and agriculture, as well as frontier collaboration. When the neighboring countries join the European Union, our country will find its self in the European Union surrounding. Serbia's accession to the most significant European integration certainly is one of the major goals of economic politics

    Lovišta kao izvor sporednih poizvoda životinjskog porekla

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    Lov odavnina predstavlja jedan od izvora hrane, kao i ostalih proizvoda koji se koriste za potrebe ljudi. Pored trofeja i mesa divljači koji za lovce predstavljaju jedan od glavnih razloga za lovne aktivnosti, za našu struku posebno važno mesto imaju i sporedni proizvodi životinjskog porekla koji nastaju u toku lova. Sporedni proizvodi životinjskog porekla koji nastaju u lovištu obuhvataju sve delove tela odstreljene divljači, koji nisu namenjeni za ishranu ljudi i definišu se kao nusproizvodi lova. Ovi proizvodi mogu imati različite namene i upotrebu, ali takođe mogu predstavljati i potencijalnu opasnost sa epidemiološko-epizotiološkog i ekološkog aspekta, ukoliko se na adekvatan način neškodiljivo ne uklanjaju. Uvažavajući sve zdravstvene i ekološke rizike koje donose sporedni proizvodi životinjskog porekla, koji potiču od odstreljene divljači, veoma je važno da lovni radnici i lovci poštuju sve važeće propise i zakone koji se odnose na problematiku neškodljivog uklanjanja sporednih proizvoda životinjskog porekla. U Republici Srbiji je posebnim zakonskim aktima regulisano sakupljanje, prerada i uništavanje sporednih proizvoda životinjskog porekla. U radu je analizom dostupnih podataka o određenim vrstama odstreljene divljači u Republici Srbiji predstavljena potrencijalna količina sporednih proizvoda životinjskog porekla poreklom iz u lovišta, sa ciljem da se istakne važnost navedene problematike.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj

    Dezinfekcija vimena krava kao faktor prevencije mastitisa

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    Danas je mastitis jedan od najvećih problema u uzgoju mlečnih goveda. Tretman ove bolesti sa konvencionalnim antibioticima iziskuje mnogo sredstava i vremena i često je neefikasan zbog učestale rezistencije. U poslednje vreme veliki značaj se pridaje higijeni muže, naročito dezifekciji vimena, kao jednoj od ključnih mera u prevencije pojave mastitisa. Pored primene već poznatih dezinfekcionih sredstava u novije vreme se vrše istraživanja efekata dezinfekcionih sredstava koja u sebi sadrže nanočestice različitih metala, a najčešće srebra. Nanočestice (nanoparticles-NPs) pokazuju visoku antimikrobnu efikasnost, bez pojave rezistencije na njih i njihova upotreba zahvaljujući novim tehnološkim postupcima proizvodnje i aplikacije je ekonomski opravdana.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj

    Landscape Changes through History Following the Example of the Former Narrow-Gauge Railroad Belgrade (Cukarica-Obrenovac) Serbia

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    The process of urbanistic changes in space and time is not a steady one, nor always the same, followed by dissipation and demolition of objects, and the construction of new ones does not necessarily stabilize the process of changes within space. The changes that took place on the former narrow-gauge railroad Belgrade-Obrenovac reflect the changes in historical, cultural, and urban processes as well. The strategic plan of the development of the city and the villages altered, as certain sections of the railroad were being shut down. The observance of a particular infrastructure is, at the same time, the base for monitoring the urban changes through time. Forty years later, the railroad was not the only thing that had ceased to function. Using qualitative and historical methods, this study is an attempt to give answers to multiple questions, some of them being the reasons for the deconstruction of the railroad