261 research outputs found

    Stvaranje hibrida dekorativnog suncokreta

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    The main objectives in ornamental sunflower breeding are different from the objectives in development highly-productive oil and confectionary sunflower hybrids. Breeding of ornamental sunflower requires desirable plant architecture, colour of ray and disc flowers, duration of flowering, etc. There are different directions within breeding of ornamental sunflower depending on their usage. Modern breeding of ornamental sunflower follows three main directions; ornamental sunflower for gardens and parks, ornamental sunflower as a cut flower; dwarf types for pot productions. Each direction has different demands and aims, but most important is to be attractive and sterile - without pollen production to avoid allergies and for aesthetical reasons. In commercial production both varieties and hybrids are used. The use of hybrids has more advantages compared to varieties because they enable higher crop uniformity, better vigour, simple breeding methods for gene introduction for diseases resistance. The aim of this paper is to show main characteristics of five ornamental inbred lines and their crosses, as well as genetic variability and mode of inheritance for length of basal branches flowering, number of branches and length of branches.Glavni ciljevi u oplemenjivanju dekorativnog suncokreta u mnogome se razlikuju od strategije i ciljeva kod stvaranja visokoproduktivnih uljanih i konzumnih hibrida suncokreta. Kod dekorativnog suncokreta glavni ciljevi su poželjna arhitektura biljke, boja trubastih i jezičastih cvetova, kao i period trajanja cvetanja. Unutar oplemenjivanja dekorativnog suncokreta postoje različiti pravci u zavisnosti od namene. Savremeno oplemenjivanje dekorativnog suncokreta se odvija u sledećim pravcima: dekorativni suncokreta za gajenje u vrtovima i parkovima; dekorativni suncokreta za rezano cveće; dekorativni niski suncokret za gajenje u saksijama. Kod svakog tipa dekorativnih suncokreta različiti su zahtevi i ciljevi. Zajedničko im je da budu Å”to atraktivniji i sterilni, odnosno bez produkcije polena radi izbegavanja alergija kod ljudi, kao i iz estetskih razloga kada su u pitanju hibridi za rezano cveće. U komercijalnoj proizvodnji dekorativnog suncokreta koriste se i sorte i hibridi. Tendencija je na koriŔćenju hibrida poÅ”to se u odnosu na sorte omogućuje veća uniformnosti useva, bolji vigor i lakÅ”e unoÅ”enje gena za otpornost prema bolestima. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se za pet ispitanih inbred linija i njihova međusobna ukrÅ”tanja prikažu njihove osnovne karakteristike, kao i da se ispitaju genetička varijabilnost i načini nasleđivanja dužine cvetanja bočnih grana, broj bočnih grana i dužina bočnih grana

    Evaluacija genotipova suncokreta za upotrebu u hortikulturi

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    Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a species with interspecies variability, especially in qualitative traits. From horticultural point of view it is important to choose genotypes with desired characteristics. Knowing of genotypes characteristics is essential to choose the correct genotypes that can be used in gardens and like cut flowers. Present research was carried out at Institute of Field and Crops at Rimski Å ančevi in Novi Sad, Serbia. Experiment included four genotypes of ornamental sunflower. Significant variation for morphological traits were observed. Qualitative characteristics such as flower color, also showed great variability. Base on the results all genotypes can be recommended as garden plants and cut flowers.Suncokret (Helianthus annuus L.) je vrsta sa intraspecijskom varijabilnoŔću, posebno u kvalitativnim karakteristikama. Sa aspekta hortikulture veoma je važan pravilan odabir genotipova na osnovu poznavanja njegovih osobina. Poznavanje osobina je važno kako bi se odabrali genotipovi koji se mogu gajiti u baÅ”tama i koji se mogu koristiti u proizvodnji rezanog cveta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Å ančevima, Novi Sad, Srbija. U eksperiment su uključena četiri genotipa ukrasnog suncokreta. Uočene su značajne varijabilnosti morfoloÅ”kih osobina. Kvalitativne karakteristike kao Å”to je boja cveta, takođe su pokazale veliku varijabilnost. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, ispitani genotipovi mogu se preporučiti za upotrebu u baÅ”tama i kao rezan cvet

    Sunflower Genetics from Ancestors to Modern Hybrids-A Review

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    Domestication and the first steps of sunflower breeding date back more than 4000 years. As an interesting crop to humans, sunflower underwent significant changes in the past to finally find its place as one of the most significant oil crops today. Substantial progress has already been made in understanding how sunflower was domesticated. Recent advances in molecular techniques with improved experimental designs contributed to further understanding of the genetic and molecular basis underlying the architectural and phenotypic changes that occurred during domestication and improvements in sunflower breeding. Understanding the domestication process and assessing the current situation concerning available genotypic variations are essential in order for breeders to face future challenges. A review of the tools that are used for exploring the genetic and genome changes associated with sunflower domestication is given in the paper, along with a discussion of their possible implications on classical sunflower breeding techniques and goals

    Development of sunflower genotypes resistant to downy mildew

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    Sunflower is attacked by more than 40 different diseases of which only a certain number causes serious reduction of seed yield. One of the most damaging diseases is downy mildew, which is caused by the fungus Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et de Toni (syn. Plasmopara helianthi Novot.). Sunflower downy mildew has great economic importance in all countries where sunflower is grown. When the meteorological conditions during the vegetation period of sunflower become favourable for disease development, the damages produce considerable reducing of the seed yield and the oil content. The best way of controlling the fungus is to grow resistant cultivars and because of that the major objective of this study was to develop sunflower genotypes genetically resistant to dominant races of downy mildew in Serbia. During this work two co-dominant CAPS markers for Pl6 gene were developed which can also be used for Pl7 gene. For introduction of these genes in breeding program marker assisted selection (MAS) was used. Developed commercial sunflower inbred lines exhibit resistance to all known races of downy mildew in Serbia indicated incorporation of resistance to downy mildew in well-known and widely produced hybrids. Besides that, Pl-genes were introduced to a large number of new inbred lines and new downy mildew resistant hybrids. These new hybrids reach higher seed and oil yields then hybrids widely produced

    Variability of morphological characters among ornamental sunflower collection

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    The research describes the field comparison of 81 decorative sunflower genotypes. In order to assess genetic diversity of sunflower genotypes the studies were conducted in the field conditions during 2010-2015 at the Institute of Field and Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. The genetic diversity of species Helianthus annuus L. has enabled the breeding work in the direction of the decorating and plant landscaping. Depending on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics, production of decorative sunflowers can be divided into three directions. The first line is for the production of cut flowers, the second one is for garden production and the third line is for the production of pot plants. The direction of production dictates the main breeding objectives, which may include: plant architecture, the color of ray and disc flowers and duration of flowering. Investigation of the genetic variability of ornamental sunflowers relies on quantitative traits of which the greatest variability was observed in branching and plant height, which are also the most important qualities for production. The quantitative characteristics of decorative sunflowers have been examined on the basis of 81 samples

    Performanse NS hibrida suncokreta u Rumuniji

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    Performance of 25 new sunflower hybrids at three locations in Romania were estimated using AMMI model. Seed yield per plot were recorded on plants in middle rows to avoid edge effect. The most productive hybrid was NS-6 (4.31 t/ha), while the least productive was NS-13 (2.80 t/ha). The highest yield was obtained by hybrid NS-24 in location Valul lui Traian with seed yield of 5.03 t/ha, while the lowest seed yield was 1.43 t/ha obtained by hybrid NS-13 in location Dalga. AMMI analysis showed that variations in seed yield were mostly due to additive effects, genotype (32.45%) and environment (41.62%), but interaction effect (25.92%) was also not negligible. The most productive hybrids with high yields and low values of interaction were NS-1, NS-2, NS-4, NS-5, NS-6, NS-9, NS-10, NS-11 and NS-16. .Proučavane su performanse 25 novih hibrida suncokreta u 3 lokaliteta u Rumuniji primenom AMMI modela. Prinos semena po parcelici je zabeležen na biljkama iz srednjih redova kako bi se izbegao rubni efekat. Najproduktivniji hibrid je bio NS-6 (4,31 t/ha), dok je najmanje produktivan bio hibrid NS-13 (2,80 t/ha). Najveći prinos je ostvario hibrid NS-24 u lokalitetu Valul lui Traian sa prinosom od 5,03 t/ha, dok je najniži prinos semena bio 1,43 t/ha ostvaren od strane hibrida NS-13 u lokalitetu Dalga. AMMI analiza je pokazala da je varijacija u prinosu semena najvećim delom bila uslovljena aditivnim efektima, genotipom (32,45%) i spoljaÅ”njom sredinom (41,62%), ali i efekat interakcije (25,92%) takođe nije bio zanemarljiv. Kao najproduktivniji sa visokim prinosom i niskom vrednoŔću interakcije pokazali su se hibridi NS-1, NS-2, NS-4, NS-5, NS-6, NS-9, NS-10, NS-11 i NS-16.

    Genetic and Genomic Tools in Sunflower Breeding for Broomrape Resistance

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    Broomrape is a root parasitic plant causing yield losses in sunflower production. Since sunflower is an important oil crop, the development of broomrape-resistant hybrids is the prime breeding objective. Using conventional plant breeding methods, breeders have identified resistant genes and developed a number of hybrids resistant to broomrape, adapted to different growing regions worldwide. However, the spread of broomrape into new countries and the development of new and more virulent races have been noted intensively. Recent advances in sunflower genomics provide additional tools for plant breeders to improve resistance and find durable solutions for broomrape spread and virulence. This review describes the structure and distribution of new, virulent physiological broomrape races, sources of resistance for introduction into susceptible cultivated sunflower, qualitative and quantitative resistance genes along with gene pyramiding and marker assisted selection (MAS) strategies applied in the process of increasing sunflower resistance. In addition, it presents an overview of underutilized biotechnological tools, such as phenotyping, -omics, and genome editing techniques, which need to be introduced in the study of sunflower resistance to broomrape in order to achieve durable resistance

    Stvaranje hibrida suncokreta tolerantnih na tribenuron-metil

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    Discovery of tribenuron-methyl resistant wild Helianthus annuus L. population (ANN-KAN) created an opportunity for expansion of sunflower herbicide resistance breeding program. The aim of this study was development of sunflower hybrids resistant to tribenuron-methyl. Creation of tribenuron-methyl resistant hybrids would enable the use of a wider palette of herbicides for sunflower, more efficient chemical control of Cirsium arvense and more economically profitable post-emergence control of some annual broad-leaves weeds in sunflower. Original populations SURES-1 and SURES-2 are homozygous for resistance to tribenuron-methyl. F1 generations produced from the crossings are completely resistant to tribenuron-methyl, pointing out to dominant way of inheritance of this trait. Studies on the exact number of genes controlling the resistance are in progress. Tribenuron-methyl resistance was transferred from original populations into a number of female and male inbred lines of cultivated sunflower. These inbred lines could enable creation of a number of hybrids resistant to tribenuron-methyl. Hybrids SUMO-1-PR, SUMO-2- OR and SUMO-3 are resistant to doubled application dose of tribenuron-methyl. Agronomical characteristics of these hybrids are on the level with the leading conventional sunflower hybrids.Otkrićem populacije divljeg Helianthus annuus L. (ANN-KAN) otporne prema tribenuron-metilu stvorena je mogućnost proÅ”irenja programa oplemenjivanja suncokreta na tolerantnost na herbicide. Cilj ovog rada je bio stvaranje hibrida suncokreta tolerantnih na tribenuron-metil. Stvaranje hibrida tolerantnih na tribenuron-metil proÅ”irilo bi paletu herbicida u suncokretu, omogućilo efikasnije suzbijanje palamide (Cirsium arvense) i ekonomski povoljnije suzbijanje nekih jednogodiÅ”njih Å”irokolisnih korova posle nicanja u suncokretu. Izvorne populacije SURES-1 i SURES-2 su homozigotno tolerantne na tribenuron-metil. Dobijene F1 generacije su u potpunosti tolerantne na tribenuron-metil Å”to ukazuje na dominantan način nasleđivanja. Istraživanja tačnog broja gena koji kontroliÅ”u ovu otpornost su u toku. Otpornost prema tribenuron-metilu je iz izvornih populacija preneta u veći broj majčinskih i restorer samooplodnih linija suncokreta. Na osnovu ovih linija moguće je stvaranje većeg broja hibrida tolerantnih na tribenuron-metil. Hibridi SUMO-1- PR, SUMO-2-OR i SUMO-3 su tolerantni na dvostruku praktičnu koncentraciju po hektaru tribenuron-metila. Ovi hibridi su po svojim agronomskim karakteristikama na nivou vodećih hibrida koji se nalaze u Å”irokoj proizvodnji

    Uticaj suŔe na razvoj klijanaca kukuruza

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    Drought stress is one of the most important abiotic stresses influencing performance of crops. Certain stress-related conditions can appear and slow down germination, seedling development and in some cases cause loss of life durability of seed. Assuming that drought in the substrate affects corn seed performance, such conditions were simulated in this study in order to examine their effects on seed germination and length in seven corn hybrids. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 has been used in laboratory studies for simulation of drought conditions. Different osmotic potentials of PEG solutions were used (control; -0.1, -0.3, -0.6 and -0.9 MPa). Germination percentage decreased as osmotic potential increased at PEG solution.SuÅ”a je jedan od najvažnijih abiotskih stresova koji utiču na razvoj ratarskih kultura. Određeni uslovi koji su povezani s pojedinim stresovima mogu dovesti do usporavanja klijanja, razvoja ponika, a u nekim slučajevima i do gubitka životne sposobnosti semena. Pod pretpostavkom da nedostatak vode u supstratu utiče na karakteristike semena kukuruza, simulirani su uslovi suÅ”e u ovoj studiji sa ciljem da se ispita njihov uticaj na klijavost semena i razvoj ponika sedam hibrida kukuruza. Polietilen glikol (PEG) se koristi u laboratorijskim istraživanjima za simulaciju uslova suÅ”e. Koristili smo različite osmotske potencijale u rastvoru PEG-a (kontrola, -0,1, -0,3, -0,6 i -0,9 MPa). Procenat klijavosti je opadao sa smanjenjem osmotskog potencijala u rastvoru. Osetljivost korena i nadzemnog dela se povećava sa smanjenjem osmotskog potencijala. Na potencijalu od -0,6 i -0,9 MPa, nadzemni deo semena kukuruza nije se razvio

    Ocena kombinacionih sposobnosti novih inbred linija suncokreta

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    Days to flowering, plant height and head diameter are significant parameters which are directly or indirectly correlated with yield, main trait of sunflower. Eight CMS lines, three testers and their twenty four hybrids were examined by line x tester method. Significant differences were found between lines, testers and hybrids. Results showed that lines PD-3 and PD-25 had good combining abilities for the trait of days to flowering (58 days and 65 days, respectively). In the expression of plant height best combiners were PD-2 (107.5 cm) and PD-3 (108.7 cm). For head diameter lines PD-52 (24.5 cm) and MA-57 (23.2 cm) were marked as good combiners. Variance of SCA was greater than variance of GCA for all the traits. CMS lines had the greatest part in the expression of the analyzed traits. Non-additive type of gene effect was reported for all examined traits, which implies that they could be improved through heterosis breeding.Broj dana do cvetanja biljke, visina biljke i prečnik glave su značajni parametri koji su direktno ili indirektno povezani sa prinosom, glavnim svojstvom suncokreta. Osam CMS linija, tri testera i njihovih dvadeset četiri hibrida ispitivano je metodom linija x tester. Značajne razlike su nađene između linija, testera i F1 hibrida. Rezultati su pokazali da dobre kombinacione sposobnosti za svojstvo broj dana do cvetanja poseduju linije PD-3 (58 dana) i PD-25 (65 dana). U ispoljavanju visine biljke kao najbolji kombinatori su se pokazale linije PD-2 (107,5 cm) i PD-3 (108,7 cm). Za prečnik glave linije PD-52 (24,5 cm) i MA-57 (23,2 cm) su označene kao dobri kombinatori. Najveći značaj u ispoljavanju navedenih svojstava imale su CMS linije. Varijansa uzrokovana PKS je bila veća od varijanse uzrokovane OKS za sva svojstva. Neaditivan efekat gena je zapažen u ispoljavanju svih ispitivanih osobina, Å”to pokazuje da one mogu biti poboljÅ”ane metodom oplemenjivanja na heterozis
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