8 research outputs found

    Overturning established chemoselectivities : selective reduction of arenes over malonates and cyanoacetates by photoactivated organic electron donors

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    The prevalence of metal-based reducing reagents, including metals, metal complexes, and metal salts, has produced an empirical order of reactivity that governs our approach to chemical synthesis. However, this reactivity may be influenced by stabilization of transition states, intermediates, and products through substrate-metal bonding. This article reports that in the absence of such stabilizing interactions, established chemoselectivities can be overthrown. Thus, photoactivation of the recently developed neutral organic superelectron donor 5 selectively reduces alkyl-substituted benzene rings in the presence of activated esters and nitriles, in direct contrast to metal-based reductions, opening a new perspective on reactivity. The altered outcomes arising from the organic electron donors are attributed to selective interactions between the neutral organic donors and the arene rings of the substrates

    Discovery and development of organic super-electron-donors

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    Based on simple ideas of electron-rich alkenes, exemplified by tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethene, TDAE, and on additional driving force associated with aromatization, families of very powerful neutral organic super-electron-donors (SEDs) have been developed. In the ground state, they carry out metal-free reductions of a range of functional groups. Iodoarenes are reduced either to aryl radicals or, with stronger donors, to aryl anions. Reduction to aryl radicals allows the initiation of very efficient transition-metal-free coupling of haloarenes to arenes. The donors also reduce alkyl halides, arenesulfonamides, triflates, and triflamdes, Weinreb amides, and acyloin derivatives. Under photoactivation at 365 nm, they are even more powerful and reductively cleave aryl chlorides. They reduce unactivated benzenes to the corresponding radical anions and display original selectivities in preferentially reducing benzenes over malonates or cyanoacetates. Additionally, they reductively cleave ArC−X, ArX−C (X = N or O) and ArC−C bonds, provided that the two resulting fragments are somewhat stabilized

    Reductions of challenging organic substrates by a nickel complex of a noninnocent crown carbene ligand

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    The first crown-tetracarbene complex of Ni(II) has been prepared, and its crystal structure determined. The complex can be reduced by Na/Hg, with an uptake of two electrons. The reduced complex reductively cleaves arenesulfonamides, including those derived from secondary aliphatic amines, and effects Birch reduction of anthracenes as well as reductive cleavage of stilbene oxides. Computational studies show that the orbital that receives electrons upon reduction of the complex 2 is predominantly based on the crown carbene ligand and also that the HOMO of the parent complex 2 is based on the ligand

    One-carbon extrusion from a tetraazafulvalene. Isolation of aldehydes and a study of their origin

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    Reaction of imidazolylidene-derived enetetramine 2 with aliphatic iodides and bromides (and with aryl iodides bearing alkene-containing side-chains in the ortho-position) leads to formation of aliphatic aldehydes through an unprecedented extrusion of a one-carbon unit from the enetetramine. An intermediate 2-alkylimidazoline 24 is proposed, where the alkyl group derives from the substrate; this imidazoline undergoes further reaction in situ to afford the observed aldehydes on acidic workup. Modified substrates were designed and prepared to probe the chemistry of the alkylimidazoline adducts and provided extensive information on the chemistry of the adducts

    Amidine dications as superelectrophiles

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    2-Dimethylalkylammonium pyridinium and 2-dimethylalkylammonium pyrimidinium ditriflate salts are very powerful methylating agents toward phosphorus (triphenylphosphine) and nitrogen (triethylamine) nucleophiles. In competition experiments with triethylamine as nucleophile, these N-methyl disalts are more reactive methylating agents than dimethyl sulfate. Reaction of the pyridinium dications with water as an oxygen nucleophile leads to attack at the 2-position of the heteroaromatic ring and displacement of an ammonium group; 2-hydroxypyridinium compounds are formed in the first instance, which are easily converted to 2-pyridones. Extending the scope of the reactions, a tricationic 2,6-bis(dimethylalkylammonium) pyridinium salt has also been prepared and characterized and its reactivity as a methylating agent assessed in comparison with that of the dications