22 research outputs found

    Arthroscopic latarjet stabilization of the shoulder with capsulolabral repair

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    The arthroscopic Latarjet procedure is an evolving treatment for anterior shoulder instability in patients with significant glenoid bone loss, or failed soft-tissue repair. The original description of the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure includes resection of the anterior capsule to simplify passage of the transferred coracoid through the subscapularis split. We describe a technical modification of the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure that includes repair of the anterior capsule at the conclusion of the operation

    All-arthroscopic technique for reconstruction of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocations

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    Acromioclavicular joint dislocations are a common injury particularly among contact sports players. There has been an increasing trend toward arthroscopic management of these injuries. To date, these reconstructions have primarily addressed superoinferior instability by reconstructing the coracoclavicular ligaments. We describe an all-arthroscopic technique for reconstruction of the coracoclavicular ligaments using Arthrex ABS TightRopes (Arthrex, Naples, FL), with additional stabilization of the superior acromioclavicular joint capsule using an anchor-based suture bridge to address anteroposterior instability

    All-arthroscopic latissimus dorsi transfer

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    Massive irreparable rotator cuff tears are often associated with severe functional impairment and disabling pain. One viable treatment option is a latissimus dorsi tendon transfer. We propose an all-arthroscopic technique that we believe avoids insult to the deltoid musculature while reducing morbidity from open harvest of the tendon. The operation is performed with the patient in the lateral decubitus position, by use of a combination of viewing and working portals in the axilla. The initial viewing portal is placed along the anterior belly of the latissimus muscle in the axilla. The latissimus and teres major are identified, as is the thoracodorsal neurovascular pedicle. The tendons are carefully separated, and the inferior and superior borders of the latissimus are whipstitched using a suture passer, which helps facilitate subsequent mobilization of the muscle. The interval deep to the deltoid and superficial to the teres minor is developed into a subdeltoid tunnel for arthroscopic tendon transfer. The latissimus tendon is then transferred and stabilized arthroscopically to the supraspinatus footprint with suture anchors. Our preliminary data suggest that this surgical technique results in improvement in pain, range of motion, and function

    Frozen Shoulder 360° Release

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    Arthroscopic capsular release has emerged as a safe and reliable method for treating severe frozen shoulder in patients with significant loss of range of motion. This article describes a reproducible technique for arthroscopic 360° release of the shoulder performed in the lateral decubitus position.</p

    Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging of the wrist for clinically important lesions of the major interosseous ligaments and triangular fibrocartilage complex; correlation with radiocarpal arthroscopy

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    Objective: To demonstrate the utility of MRI in separating clinically relevant from minor or incidental lesions of the triangular fibrocartilage complex and the major interosseous ligaments in the wrist. Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, we identified 89 patients and correlated MRI finding with subsequent arthroscopy. Triangular fibrocartilage complex abnormalities have been subdivided into disc lesions—central and radial—or ulnar-sided tears according to MRI appearances and surgical findings as the clinical and surgical approach is very different. Interosseous ligament tears were subdivided into partial or complete, highlighting the principle of recognising surgically relevant lesions. Results: For simple central to radial tears and perforations of the triangular fibrocartilage complex, MRI was 98.3% accurate. MRI identified all peripheral triangular fibrocartilage complex tears seen at arthroscopy; however, the specificity of 66.7% may reflect partly the use of arthroscopy limited to the radiocarpal joint. MRI proved 95.4% accurate for surgically relevant scapholunate interosseous ligament tears and was highly accurate at separating limited from complete lunotriquetral interosseous ligament tears showing 100% accuracy for complete tears. Conclusions: The study shows excellent correlation between MRI and arthroscopic findings that determine surgical relevance with a very high sensitivity for triangular fibrocartilage complex lesions and accurate separation of minor versus surgically relevant ligamentous tears.</p

    Capitellar fractures-is open reduction and internal fixation necessary?

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    Objective: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the medium-term to longer-term results of type 1 displaced capitellar fractures treated with closed reduction

    Comparison of Shoulder Range of Motion Quantified with Mobile Phone Video-Based Skeletal Tracking and 3D Motion Capture-Preliminary Study

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    Background: The accuracy of human pose tracking using smartphone camera (2D-pose) to quantify shoulder range of motion (RoM) is not determined. Methods: Twenty healthy individuals were recruited and performed shoulder abduction, adduction, flexion, or extension, captured simultaneously using a smartphone-based human pose estimation algorithm (Apple’s vision framework) and using a skin marker-based 3D motion capture system. Validity was assessed by comparing the 2D-pose outcomes against a well-established 3D motion capture protocol. In addition, the impact of iPhone positioning was investigated using three smartphones in multiple vertical and horizontal positions. The relationship and validity were analysed using linear mixed models and Bland-Altman analysis. Results: We found that 2D-pose-based shoulder RoM was consistent with 3D motion capture (linear mixed model: R2 > 0.93) but was somewhat overestimated by the smartphone. Differences were dependent on shoulder movement type and RoM amplitude, with adduction the worst performer among all tested movements. All motion types were described using linear equations. Correction methods are provided to correct potential out-of-plane shoulder movements. Conclusions: Shoulder RoM estimated using a smartphone camera is consistent with 3D motion-capture-derived RoM; however, differences between the systems were observed and are likely explained by differences in thoracic frame definitions.</p

    Latarjet's muscular alterations increase glenohumeral joint stability: A theoretical study

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    The surgical Latarjet procedure aims to stabilise the glenohumeral joint following anterior dislocations. Despite restoring joint stability, the procedure introduces alterations of muscle paths which likely modify the shoulder dynamics. Currently, these altered muscular functions and their implications are unclear. Hence, this work aims to predict changes in muscle lever arms, muscle and joint forces following a Latarjet procedure by using a computational approach. Planar shoulder movements of ten participants were experimentally assessed. A validated upper-limb musculoskeletal model was utilised in two configurations, i.e., a baseline model, simulating normal joint, and a Latarjet model simulating its related muscular alterations. Muscle lever arms and differences in muscle and joint forces between models were derived from the experimental marker data and static optimisation technique. Lever arms of most altered muscles, hence their role, were substantially changed after Latarjet. Altered muscle forces varied by up to 15% of the body weight. Total glenohumeral joint force increased by up to 14% of the body weight after Latarjet, mostly due to increase in compression force. Our simulation indicated that the Latarjet muscular alterations lead to changes in the muscular recruitment and contribute to the stability of the glenohumeral joint by increasing compression force during planar motions.</p

    Cutibacterium acnes in shoulder surgery : a scoping review of strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment

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    Background: Cutibacterium acnes is a commensal, gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic bacillus that resides in the dermis. Historically thought to be a contaminant when identified on cultured specimens, recent advances in diagnostic technology have now implicated it as the most common organism responsible for postoperative shoulder infections. Despite a recognition of the role of this organism and a significant research interest in recent years, there is clear lack of consensus guideline on strategies to prevent, diagnose, and treat postoperative shoulder infection. Method: The electronic databases PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched in March 2020. All experimental and nonexperimental studies that investigate C acnes in shoulder surgery were included. Inclusion was limited to articles published after 2000 and written in English; reviews, gray literature, or abstracts were excluded. A total of 70 studies were included in this review. This scoping review was performed in accordance with the Extended Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Results: Standard surgical prophylactic regimens such as intravenous antibiotics and topical chlorhexidine are ineffective at removing C acnes from the deep layer of the dermis, and there is a shift toward using topical benzoyl peroxide with significantly improved efficacy. An improved understanding of the bacteria has demonstrated that a prolonged culture time of up to 14 days is needed, especially in cases of established infection. Advances in diagnostics such as sonication and molecular-based testing are promising. Although usually thought to be susceptible to a broad range of antibiotics, resistance is emerging to clindamycin. An improved understanding of its ability to form a biofilm highlights the difficulty in treating an established infection. Conclusion: The role of C acnes causing postoperative infection following shoulder surgery is being increasingly recognized. Strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment have been outlined from both an antimicrobial and surgical perspective. A number of these strategies are emerging and require further research to demonstrate efficacy before implementation into clinical guidelines.</p

    All-Arthroscopic Technique for Reconstruction of Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations

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    Acromioclavicular joint dislocations are a common injury particularly among contact sports players. There has been an increasing trend toward arthroscopic management of these injuries. To date, these reconstructions have primarily addressed superoinferior instability by reconstructing the coracoclavicular ligaments. We describe an all-arthroscopic technique for reconstruction of the coracoclavicular ligaments using Arthrex ABS TightRopes (Arthrex, Naples, FL), with additional stabilization of the superior acromioclavicular joint capsule using an anchor-based suture bridge to address anteroposterior instability