114 research outputs found

    Wigner Trajectory Characteristics in Phase Space and Field Theory

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    Exact characteristic trajectories are specified for the time-propagating Wigner phase-space distribution function. They are especially simple---indeed, classical---for the quantized simple harmonic oscillator, which serves as the underpinning of the field theoretic Wigner functional formulation introduced. Scalar field theory is thus reformulated in terms of distributions in field phase space. Applications to duality transformations in field theory are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex2

    Features of Time-independent Wigner Functions

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    The Wigner phase-space distribution function provides the basis for Moyal's deformation quantization alternative to the more conventional Hilbert space and path integral quantizations. General features of time-independent Wigner functions are explored here, including the functional ("star") eigenvalue equations they satisfy; their projective orthogonality spectral properties; their Darboux ("supersymmetric") isospectral potential recursions; and their canonical transformations. These features are illustrated explicitly through simple solvable potentials: the harmonic oscillator, the linear potential, the Poeschl-Teller potential, and the Liouville potential.Comment: 18 pages, plain LaTex, References supplemente

    Classical and Quantum Nambu Mechanics

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    The classical and quantum features of Nambu mechanics are analyzed and fundamental issues are resolved. The classical theory is reviewed and developed utilizing varied examples. The quantum theory is discussed in a parallel presentation, and illustrated with detailed specific cases. Quantization is carried out with standard Hilbert space methods. With the proper physical interpretation, obtained by allowing for different time scales on different invariant sectors of a theory, the resulting non-Abelian approach to quantum Nambu mechanics is shown to be fully consistent.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure, 1 table Minor changes to conform to journal versio

    Implications of invariance of the Hamiltonian under canonical transformations in phase space

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    We observe that, within the effective generating function formalism for the implementation of canonical transformations within wave mechanics, non-trivial canonical transformations which leave invariant the form of the Hamilton function of the classical analogue of a quantum system manifest themselves in an integral equation for its stationary state eigenfunctions. We restrict ourselves to that subclass of these dynamical symmetries for which the corresponding effective generating functions are necessaarily free of quantum corrections. We demonstrate that infinite families of such transformations exist for a variety of familiar conservative systems of one degree of freedom. We show how the geometry of the canonical transformations and the symmetry of the effective generating function can be exploited to pin down the precise form of the integral equations for stationary state eigenfunctions. We recover several integral equations found in the literature on standard special functions of mathematical physics. We end with a brief discussion (relevant to string theory) of the generalization to scalar field theories in 1+1 dimensions.Comment: REVTeX v3.1, 13 page

    Cohomology of Filippov algebras and an analogue of Whitehead's lemma

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    We show that two cohomological properties of semisimple Lie algebras also hold for Filippov (n-Lie) algebras, namely, that semisimple n-Lie algebras do not admit non-trivial central extensions and that they are rigid i.e., cannot be deformed in Gerstenhaber sense. This result is the analogue of Whitehead's Lemma for Filippov algebras. A few comments about the n-Leibniz algebras case are made at the end.Comment: plain latex, no figures, 29 page

    Subcritical Superstrings

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    We introduce the Liouville mode into the Green-Schwarz superstring. Like massive supersymmetry without central charges, there is no kappa symmetry. However, the second-class constraints (and corresponding Wess-Zumino term) remain, and can be solved by (twisted) chiral superspace in dimensions D=4 and 6. The matter conformal anomaly is c = 4-D < 1. It thus can be canceled for physical dimensions by the usual Liouville methods, unlike the bosonic string (for which the consistency condition is c = D <= 1).Comment: 9 pg., compressed postscript file (.ps.Z), other formats (.dvi, .ps, .ps.Z, 8-bit .tex) available at http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/preprints/ or at ftp://max.physics.sunysb.edu/preprints/siege

    The Semi-Chiral Quotient, Hyperkahler Manifolds and T-duality

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    We study the construction of generalized Kahler manifolds, described purely in terms of N=(2,2) semichiral superfields, by a quotient using the semichiral vector multiplet. Despite the presence of a b-field in these models, we show that the quotient of a hyperkahler manifold is hyperkahler, as in the usual hyperkahler quotient. Thus, quotient manifolds with torsion cannot be constructed by this method. Nonetheless, this method does give a new description of hyperkahler manifolds in terms of two-dimensional N=(2,2) gauged non-linear sigma models involving semichiral superfields and the semichiral vector multiplet. We give two examples: Eguchi-Hanson and Taub-NUT. By T-duality, this gives new gauged linear sigma models describing the T-dual of Eguchi-Hanson and NS5-branes. We also clarify some aspects of T-duality relating these models to N=(4,4) models for chiral/twisted-chiral fields and comment briefly on more general quotients that can give rise to torsion and give an example.Comment: 31 page

    Generalization of Classical Statistical Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics and Stable Property of Condensed Matter

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    Classical statistical average values are generally generalized to average values of quantum mechanics, it is discovered that quantum mechanics is direct generalization of classical statistical mechanics, and we generally deduce both a new general continuous eigenvalue equation and a general discrete eigenvalue equation in quantum mechanics, and discover that a eigenvalue of quantum mechanics is just an extreme value of an operator in possibility distribution, the eigenvalue f is just classical observable quantity. A general classical statistical uncertain relation is further given, the general classical statistical uncertain relation is generally generalized to quantum uncertainty principle, the two lost conditions in classical uncertain relation and quantum uncertainty principle, respectively, are found. We generally expound the relations among uncertainty principle, singularity and condensed matter stability, discover that quantum uncertainty principle prevents from the appearance of singularity of the electromagnetic potential between nucleus and electrons, and give the failure conditions of quantum uncertainty principle. Finally, we discover that the classical limit of quantum mechanics is classical statistical mechanics, the classical statistical mechanics may further be degenerated to classical mechanics, and we discover that only saying that the classical limit of quantum mechanics is classical mechanics is mistake. As application examples, we deduce both Shrodinger equation and state superposition principle, deduce that there exist decoherent factor from a general mathematical representation of state superposition principle, and the consistent difficulty between statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics and determinant property of classical mechanics is overcome.Comment: 10 page

    The Noncommutative Harmonic Oscillator based in Simplectic Representation of Galilei Group

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    In this work we study symplectic unitary representations for the Galilei group. As a consequence the Schr\"odinger equation is derived in phase space. The formalism is based on the non-commutative structure of the star-product, and using the group theory approach as a guide a physical consistent theory in phase space is constructed. The state is described by a quasi-probability amplitude that is in association with the Wigner function. The 3D harmonic oscillator and the noncommutative oscillator are studied in phase space as an application, and the Wigner function associated to both cases are determined.Comment: 7 pages,no figure

    On Kinks and Bound States in the Gross-Neveu Model

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    We investigate static space dependent \sigx=\lag\bar\psi\psi\rag saddle point configurations in the two dimensional Gross-Neveu model in the large N limit. We solve the saddle point condition for \sigx explicitly by employing supersymmetric quantum mechanics and using simple properties of the diagonal resolvent of one dimensional Schr\"odinger operators rather than inverse scattering techniques. The resulting solutions in the sector of unbroken supersymmetry are the Callan-Coleman-Gross-Zee kink configurations. We thus provide a direct and clean construction of these kinks. In the sector of broken supersymmetry we derive the DHN saddle point configurations. Our method of finding such non-trivial static configurations may be applied also in other two dimensional field theories.Comment: Revised version. A new section added with derivation of the DHN static configurations in the sector of broken supersymmetry. Some references added as well. 25 pp, latex, e-mail [email protected]