118 research outputs found

    The Mayer Hashi Large-Scale Program to Increase Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives and Permanent Methods in Bangladesh: Explaining the Disappointing Results. An Outcome and Process Evaluation

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    Background: Bangladesh has achieved a low total fertility rate of 2.3. Two-thirds of currently married women of reproductive age (CMWRA) want to limit fertility, and many women achieve their desired fertility before age 30. The incidence of unintended pregnancy and pregnancy termination is high, however. Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), consisting of the intrauterine device and implant, and permanent methods (PM), including female sterilization and vasectomy, offer several advantages in this situation, but only 8% of CMWRA or 13% of method users use these methods. Program: The Mayer Hashi (MH) program (2009–2013) aimed to improve access to and the quality of LARC/PM services in 21 of the 64 districts in Bangladesh. It was grounded in the SEED (supply–enabling environment–demand) Programming Model. Supply improvements addressed provider knowledge and skills, system strengthening, and logistics. Creating an enabling environment involved holding workshops with local and community leaders, including religious leaders, to encourage them to help promote demand for LARCs and PMs and overcome cultural barriers. Demand promotion encompassed training of providers in counseling, distribution of behavior change communication materials in the community and in facilities, and community mobilization. Methods: We selected 6 MH program districts and 3 nonprogram districts to evaluate the program. We used a before– after and intervention–comparison design to measure the changes in key contraceptive behavior outcomes, and we used a difference-in-differences (DID) specification with comparison to the nonprogram districts to capture the impact of the program. In addition to the outcome evaluation, we considered intermediate indicators that measured the processes through which the interventions were expected to affect the use of LARCs and PMs. Results: The use of LARCs/PMs among CMWRA increased between 2010 and 2013 in both program (from 5.3% to 7.5%) and nonprogram (from 5.0% to 8.9%) districts, but the rate of change was higher in the nonprogram districts. Client–provider interaction and exposure to LARCs/PMs were lower in the program than nonprogram districts, and the MH program districts had higher vacancies of key providers than the nonprogram areas, both indications of a more difficult health system environment. Conclusion: The weaknesses in the health system in the MH districts apparently undermined the effectiveness of the program. More attention to system weaknesses, such as additional supportive supervision for providers, might have improved the outcome

    A Multilevel Logit Estimation of Factors Associated With Modern Contraception in Urban Nigeria

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    This study aimed to estimate the multilevel determinants of modern contraceptive use among reproductive-age women living in six cities in Nigeria (Abuja, Benin, Ibadan, Ilorin, Kaduna, and Zaria). Data from cross-sectional surveys conducted between 2010 and 2011 were linked to provide information on five hierarchical levels of the Socioecological Framework. Multilevel logit models estimated the odds of modern contraceptive use among 9,473 non-pregnant married/cohabiting women aged 15–49 years living in 488 clusters. About 25 percent of the women reported using modern contraceptive methods at the time of survey. Individual-level factors found to have a positive association with modern contraceptive use were parity, family planning self-efficacy, and partner discussion about fertility desires while perception of negative attitudes from community member about contraceptive use was negatively associated with modern contraceptive use (p < 0.05). At the community level, media exposure to family planning messages and city of residence were significantly associated with modern contraceptive use in the studied sample (p < 0.05). The positive association between parity and modern contraceptive use was modified by the community’s ideal family size. The results of this study support the evidence for multilevel interventions as a way to improve the prevalence of modern contraceptive use in urban Nigeria

    Can gossip change nutrition behaviour? Results of a mass media and community-based intervention trial in East Java, Indonesia.

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    OBJECTIVE: It is unclear how best to go about improving child feeding practices. We studied the effect of a novel behaviour change intervention, Gerakan Rumpi Sehat (the Healthy Gossip Movement), on infant and young child feeding practices in peri-urban Indonesia. METHODS: The pilot intervention was designed based on the principles of a new behaviour change theory, Behaviour Centred Design (BCD). It avoided educational messaging in favour of employing emotional drivers of behaviour change, such as affiliation, nurture and disgust and used television commercials, community activations and house-to-house visits as delivery channels. The evaluation took the form of a 2-arm cluster randomised trial with a non-randomised control arm. One intervention arm received TV only, while the other received TV plus community activations. The intervention components were delivered over a 3-month period in 12 villages in each arm, each containing an average of 1300 households. There were two primary outcomes: dietary diversity of complementary food and the provision of unhealthy snacks to children aged 6-24 months. RESULTS: Dietary diversity scores increased by 0.8 points in the arm exposed to TV adverts only (95% CI: 0.4-1.2) and a further 0.2 points in the arm that received both intervention components (95% CI: 0.6-1.4). In both intervention arms, there were increases in the frequency of vegetable and fruit intake. We found inconsistent evidence of an effect on unhealthy snacking. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that novel theory-driven approaches which employ emotional motivators are capable of having an effect on improving dietary diversity and the regularity of vegetable and fruit intake among children aged 6-24 months. Mass media can have a measurable effect on nutrition-related behaviour, but these effects are likely to be enhanced through complementary community activations. Changing several behaviours at once remains a challenge

    Are community health workers effective in retaining women in the maternity care continuum? Evidence from India

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    Objectives Despite the recognised importance of adopting a continuum of care perspective in addressing the care of mothers and newborns, evidence on specific interventions to enhance engagement of women along the maternity care continuum has been limited. We use the example of the Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) programme in India, to understand the role of community health workers in retaining women in the maternity care continuum. Methods Using the Indian Human Development Survey data from 2011 to 2012, we assess the association between individual and cluster-level exposure to ASHA and four key components along the continuum of care—at least one antenatal care (ANC) visit, four or more ANC visits, presence of a skilled birth attendance (SBA) at the time of birth and postnatal care for the mother or child within 48 hours of birth, for 13 705 women with a live birth since 2005. To understand which of these services experience maximum dropout along the continuum, we use a linear probability model to calculate the weighted percentages of using each service. We assess the association between exposure to ASHA and number of services utilised using a multinomial logistic regression model adjusted for a range of confounding variables and survey weights. Results Our study indicates that exposure to the ASHA is associated with an increased probability of women receiving at least one ANC and SBA. In terms of numbers of services, exposure to ASHA accounts for a 12% (95% CI: 9.1 to 15.1) increase in women receiving at least some of the services, and an 8.8% (95% CI: −10.2 to −7.4) decrease in women receiving no services. However, exposure to ASHA does not increase the likelihood of women utilising all the services along the continuum. Conclusions While ASHA is effective in supporting women to initiate and continue care along the continuum, it does not significantly affec

    The impact of India’s accredited social health activist (ASHA) program on the utilization of maternity services: a nationally representative longitudinal modelling study

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    Background: In 2006, the Government of India launched the accredited social health activist (ASHA) program, with the goal to connect marginalized communities to the health care system. We assessed the effect of the ASHA program on the utilization of maternity services. Methods: We used data from Indian Human Development Surveys done in 2004–2005 and in 2011–2012 to assess demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with the receipt of ASHA services, and used difference-indifference analysis with cluster-level fixed effects to assess the effect of the program on the utilization of at least one antenatal care (ANC) visit, four or more ANC visits, skilled birth attendance (SBA), and giving birth at a health facility. Results: Substantial variations in the receipt of ASHA services were reported with 66% of women in northeastern states, 30% in high-focus states, and 16% of women in other states. In areas where active ASHA activity was reported, the poorest women, and women belonging to scheduled castes and other backward castes, had the highest odds of receiving ASHA services. Exposure to ASHA services was associated with a 17% (95% CI 11.8–22.1) increase in ANC-1, 5% increase in four or more ANC visits (95% CI − 1.6–11.1), 26% increase in SBA (95% CI 20–31.1), and 28% increase (95% CI 22.4–32.8) in facility births. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the ASHA program is successfully connecting marginalized communities to maternity health services. Given the potential of the ASHA in impacting servic

    Trends in equity in use of maternal health services in urban and rural Bangladesh

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    Background Maternal healthcare utilization is a major determinant of maternal mortality. Bangladesh is experiencing a rapid pace of urbanization with all future growth in population expected to be in urban areas. Health care infrastructure is different in urban and rural areas thus warranting an examination of equity in use rates of maternal healthcare. This paper addresses whether the urban–rural and rich-poor gaps in use of selected maternal healthcare indicators have narrowed or widened over the last decade. The paper also explores changes in the service provider environment in urban and rural domains. Methods The 2001 and 2010 Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey data were used to examine trends in use of antenatal care from medically trained providers and in deliveries taking place at health facilities. Separate wealth quintiles were constructed for urban and rural areas. The concentration index was calculated for urban and rural areas to measure equity in distribution of antenatal care (ANC) and facility deliveries across wealth quintiles in urban and rural domains. Results The gap in use of ANC provided by medically trained personnel narrowed in urban and rural areas between 2001 and 2010 while that in facility deliveries widened. The difference in use of ANC by the rich and the poor was not as pronounced as that in utilization of facilities for deliveries. Over the last decade, equity in utilization of health facilities for deliveries has improved at a faster rate in urban areas. Private sector has surpassed the public sector and appears to be the dominant provider of maternal healthcare in both domains with the share of NGOs increasing in urban areas. Conclusions The faster pace of improvement in equity in maternal healthcare utilization in urban areas is reflective of the changing service environment in urban and rural areas, among other factors

    Trends in equity in use of maternal health services in urban and rural Bangladesh

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    Abstract Background Maternal healthcare utilization is a major determinant of maternal mortality. Bangladesh is experiencing a rapid pace of urbanization with all future growth in population expected to be in urban areas. Health care infrastructure is different in urban and rural areas thus warranting an examination of equity in use rates of maternal healthcare. This paper addresses whether the urban–rural and rich-poor gaps in use of selected maternal healthcare indicators have narrowed or widened over the last decade. The paper also explores changes in the service provider environment in urban and rural domains. Methods The 2001 and 2010 Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey data were used to examine trends in use of antenatal care from medically trained providers and in deliveries taking place at health facilities. Separate wealth quintiles were constructed for urban and rural areas. The concentration index was calculated for urban and rural areas to measure equity in distribution of antenatal care (ANC) and facility deliveries across wealth quintiles in urban and rural domains. Results The gap in use of ANC provided by medically trained personnel narrowed in urban and rural areas between 2001 and 2010 while that in facility deliveries widened. The difference in use of ANC by the rich and the poor was not as pronounced as that in utilization of facilities for deliveries. Over the last decade, equity in utilization of health facilities for deliveries has improved at a faster rate in urban areas. Private sector has surpassed the public sector and appears to be the dominant provider of maternal healthcare in both domains with the share of NGOs increasing in urban areas. Conclusions The faster pace of improvement in equity in maternal healthcare utilization in urban areas is reflective of the changing service environment in urban and rural areas, among other factors

    The determinants of handwashing behaviour in domestic settings: An integrative systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Hygiene promotion interventions are likely to be more effective if they target the determinants of handwashing behaviour. Synthesis of the evidence on the determinants of handwashing behaviour is needed to enable practitioners to use evidence in hygiene promotion programming. PURPOSE: To identify, define and categorise the determinants of handwashing behaviour in domestic settings and to appraise the quality of this evidence. METHODS: We conducted an integrative review, searching three databases for terms related to handwashing and behaviour change determinants. Studies were summarised and their quality assessed against a pre-defined set of criteria for qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method studies. Data on determinants were extracted and classified according to a predefined theoretical taxonomy. The effect of each association between a determinant and handwashing behaviour was summarised and weighted based on the quality of evidence provided. Determinants that were reported more than three times were combined into a meta-association and included in the main analysis. Sub-analyses were done for studies conducted during outbreaks or humanitarian crises. RESULTS: Seventy-eight studies met the criteria. Of these, 18% were graded as 'good quality' and 497 associations between determinants and handwashing behaviour were extracted. We found that 21% of these associations did not clearly define the determinant and 70% did not use a valid or reliable method for assessing determinants and/or behaviour. Fifty meta-associations were included in the main analysis. The determinants of handwashing that were most commonly reported were knowledge, risk, psychological trade-offs or discounts, characteristic traits (like gender, wealth and education), and infrastructure. There was insufficient data to draw conclusions about the determinants of behaviour in outbreaks or crises. CONCLUSIONS: This review demonstrates that our understanding of behavioural determinants remains sub-optimal. We found that there are limitations in the way behavioural determinants are conceptualised and measured and that research is biased towards exploring a narrow range of behavioural determinants. Hygiene promotion programmes are likely to be most successful if they use multi-modal approaches, combining infrastructural improvement with 'soft' hygiene promotion which addresses a range of determinants rather than just education about disease transmission

    Assessing Gaps and Poverty-Related Inequalities in the Public and Private Sector Family Planning Supply Environment of Urban Nigeria

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    Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, and its population is expected to double in <25 years (Central Intelligence Agency 2012; Fotso et al. 2011). Over half of the population already lives in an urban area, and by 2050, that proportion will increase to three quarters (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2012; Measurement Learning & Evaluation Project, Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative, National Population Commission 2012). Reducing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies through reliable access to high-quality modern contraceptives, especially among the urban poor, could make a major contribution to moderating population growth and improving the livelihood of urban residents. This study uses facility census data to create and assign aggregate-level family planning (FP) supply index scores to 19 local government areas (LGAs) across six selected cities of Nigeria. It then explores the relationships between public and private sector FP services and determines whether contraceptive access and availability in either sector is correlated with community-level wealth. Data show pronounced variability in contraceptive access and availability across LGAs in both sectors, with a positive correlation between public sector and private sector supply environments and only localized associations between the FP supply environments and poverty. These results will be useful for program planners and policy makers to improve equal access to contraception through the expansion or redistribution of services in focused urban areas

    Geographically linking population and facility surveys: methodological considerations

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    Abstract Background The relationship between health services and population outcomes is an important area of public health research that requires bringing together data on outcomes and the relevant service environment. Linking independent, existing datasets geographically is potentially an efficient approach; however, it raises a number of methodological issues which have not been extensively explored. This sensitivity analysis explores the potential misclassification error introduced when a sample rather than a census of health facilities is used and when household survey clusters are geographically displaced for confidentiality. Methods Using the 2007 Rwanda Service Provision Assessment (RSPA) of all public health facilities and the 2007–2008 Rwanda Interim Demographic and Health Survey (RIDHS), five health facility samples and five household cluster displacements were created to simulate typical SPA samples and household cluster datasets. Facility datasets were matched with cluster datasets to create 36 paired datasets. Four geographic techniques were employed to link clusters with facilities in each paired dataset. The links between clusters and facilities were operationalized by creating health service variables from the RSPA and attaching them to linked RIDHS clusters. Comparisons between the original facility census and undisplaced clusters dataset with the multiple samples and displaced clusters datasets enabled measurement of error due to sampling and displacement. Results Facility sampling produced larger misclassification errors than cluster displacement, underestimating access to services. Distance to the nearest facility was misclassified for over 50% of the clusters when directly linked, while linking to all facilities within an administrative boundary produced the lowest misclassification error. Measuring relative service environment produced equally poor results with over half of the clusters assigned to the incorrect quintile when linked with a sample of facilities and more than one-third misclassified due to displacement. Conclusions At low levels of geographic disaggregation, linking independent facility samples and household clusters is not recommended. Linking facility census data with population data at the cluster level is possible, but misclassification errors associated with geographic displacement of clusters will bias estimates of relationships between service environment and health outcomes. The potential need to link facility and population-based data requires consideration when designing a facility survey
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