7 research outputs found

    The pleasure pod甜美香草

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    The world has fallen under vanilla’s spell 全世界也迷倒於雲呢拿的香甜魔法

    Read ’em and Eat讀好書 吃美食

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    Top tomes to provide food for thought 啟發美食巧思的佳

    What’s the hurry? 忙裡偷閒

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    Put time to work with a slow cooker 以慢煮鍋細熬慢燉,做出一席佳

    Chewing the Fat擇肥而噬

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    Animal fats were shunned for decades, but now – thanks to a reassessment of their effect on health – they are back in favour, and integral to delicious dishes with maximum flavour 近年,動物脂肪對健康的影響獲得重新評定,過去數十年來人們一直避免使用的各種動物脂肪終於擺脫惡名,捲土重來,為食物增添風

    Rise and shine適時冒起

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    Coming from the fungus kingdom, yeast has been used for its transformative effect in foods and beverages since the days of ancient Egypt. Through the process of fermentation, it gives rise to bread, wine and so much more. 酵母屬於真菌界成員,早在古埃及年代,已被用來「改造」食物和飲品,製作麵包、葡萄酒和很多的食物和飲品都要經過發酵的過