1 research outputs found

    MDSCMF: Matrix Decomposition and Similarity-Constrained Matrix Factorization for miRNA–Disease Association Prediction

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that are related to a number of complicated biological processes, and numerous studies have demonstrated that miRNAs are closely associated with many human diseases. In this study, we present a matrix decomposition and similarity-constrained matrix factorization (MDSCMF) to predict potential miRNA–disease associations. First of all, we utilized a matrix decomposition (MD) algorithm to get rid of outliers from the miRNA–disease association matrix. Then, miRNA similarity was determined by utilizing similarity kernel fusion (SKF) to integrate miRNA function similarity and Gaussian interaction profile (GIP) kernel similarity, and disease similarity was determined by utilizing SKF to integrate disease semantic similarity and GIP kernel similarity. Furthermore, we added L2 regularization terms and similarity constraint terms to non-negative matrix factorization to form a similarity-constrained matrix factorization (SCMF) algorithm, which was applied to make prediction. MDSCMF achieved AUC values of 0.9488, 0.9540, and 0.8672 based on fivefold cross-validation (5-CV), global leave-one-out cross-validation (global LOOCV), and local leave-one-out cross-validation (local LOOCV), respectively. Case studies on three common human diseases were also implemented to demonstrate the prediction ability of MDSCMF. All experimental results confirmed that MDSCMF was effective in predicting underlying associations between miRNAs and diseases