27 research outputs found

    Hidden Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond

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    We characterize a high-density sample of negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV−^-) centers in diamond using collinear optical multidimensional coherent spectroscopy. By comparing the results of complementary signal detection schemes, we identify a hidden population of \ce{SiV^-} centers that is not typically observed in photoluminescence, and which exhibits significant spectral inhomogeneity and extended electronic T2T_2 times. The phenomenon is likely caused by strain, indicating a potential mechanism for controlling electric coherence in color-center-based quantum devices

    Basic marketing, concepts, decisions, and strategies

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    xi, 627 p.; 24 cm

    Sales management : decisions, strategies and cases, 5th.ed/ Still

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    xvi, 638 hal. ; 24 c

    Sales management : decisions, strategies and cases, 5th.ed/ Still

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    xvi, 638 hal. ; 24 c

    Sales management : decisions, strategies and cases, 5th.ed/ Still

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    xvi, 638 hal. ; 24 c

    Sales management : decisions, strategies and cases, 5th.ed/ Still

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    xvi, 638 hal. ; 24 c

    Fundamentals of Modern Marketing

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    xii.484 hal.;ill.;24 c