15,859 research outputs found

    Asymptotic solutions of glass temperature profiles during steady optical fibre drawing

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    In this paper we derive realistic simplified models for the high-speed drawing of glass optical fibres via the downdraw method, that capture the fluid dynamics and heat transport in the fibre via conduction, convection and radiative heating. We exploit the small aspect ratio of the fibre and the relative orders of magnitude of the dimensionless parameters that characterize the heat transfer to reduce the problem to one- or two-dimensional systems via asymptotic analysis. The resulting equations may be readily solved numerically and in many cases admit exact analytic solutions. The systematic asymptotic breakdown presented is used to elucidate the relative importance of furnace temperature profile, convection, surface radiation and conduction in each portion of the furnace and the role of each in controlling the glass temperature.\ud \ud The models derived predict many of the qualitative features observed in the real industrial process, such as the glass temperature profile within the furnace and the sharp transition in fibre thickness. The models thus offer a desirable route to quick scenario testing, providing valuable practical information into the dependencies of the solution on the parameters and the dominant heat-transport mechanism

    Addressing student models of energy loss in quantum tunnelling

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    We report on a multi-year, multi-institution study to investigate student reasoning about energy in the context of quantum tunnelling. We use ungraded surveys, graded examination questions, individual clinical interviews, and multiple-choice exams to build a picture of the types of responses that students typically give. We find that two descriptions of tunnelling through a square barrier are particularly common. Students often state that tunnelling particles lose energy while tunnelling. When sketching wave functions, students also show a shift in the axis of oscillation, as if the height of the axis of oscillation indicated the energy of the particle. We find inconsistencies between students' conceptual, mathematical, and graphical models of quantum tunnelling. As part of a curriculum in quantum physics, we have developed instructional materials to help students develop a more robust and less inconsistent picture of tunnelling, and present data suggesting that we have succeeded in doing so.Comment: Originally submitted to the European Journal of Physics on 2005 Feb 10. Pages: 14. References: 11. Figures: 9. Tables: 1. Resubmitted May 18 with revisions that include an appendix with the curriculum materials discussed in the paper (4 page small group UW-style tutorial

    Community Service within the Urban University: A Case Study with a Political Message

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    The question of who benefits from the knowledge produced by social scientists is as relevant today as it was in the mid-sixties. At that time, numerous statements were made by prominent social scientists endorsing the partisan use of knowledge and the promotion of social change designed to reduce inequality (for example, see Becker, 1967; Gouldner, 1968)

    The Accuracy of Perturbative Master Equations

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    We consider open quantum systems with dynamics described by master equations that have perturbative expansions in the system-environment interaction. We show that, contrary to intuition, full-time solutions of order-2n accuracy require an order-(2n+2) master equation. We give two examples of such inaccuracies in the solutions to an order-2n master equation: order-2n inaccuracies in the steady state of the system and order-2n positivity violations, and we show how these arise in a specific example for which exact solutions are available. This result has a wide-ranging impact on the validity of coupling (or friction) sensitive results derived from second-order convolutionless, Nakajima-Zwanzig, Redfield, and Born-Markov master equations.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figures; v2 updated references; v3 updated references, extension to full-time and nonlocal regime

    One Work Analysis, Two Domains: A Display Information Requirements Case Study

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    d observations, among other techniques. Given the time and resources required, we examine how to generalize a work domain analysis technique, namely the hybrid Cognitive Task Analysis (hCTA) method across two domains in order to generate a common set of display information requirements. The two domains of interest are field workers troubleshooting low voltage distribution networks and telecommunication problems. Results show that there is a high degree of similarity between the two domains due to their service call nature, particularly in tasking and decision-making. While the primary differences were due to communication protocols and equipment requirements, the basic overall mission goals, functions, phases of operation, decision processes, and situation requirements were very similar. A final design for both domains is proposed based on the joint requirements

    Opportunities for Energy Conservation and Improved Comfort From Wind Washing Retrofits in Two-Story Homes - Part I

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    Wind washing is a general term referring to diminished thermal control caused by air movement over or through a thermal barrier. The primary focus of this paper is towards a specific type of wind washing where wind can push attic air into the floor cavity between first and second stories of the home through ineffective (or missing) air barriers separating attic space from the floor cavity. A second type of wind washing studied in this project involved insulation batts on knee walls where space between the batts and the wall board allowed air movement against the gypsum wall board. During hot weather, the first type of wind washing pushes hot air into the floor cavity (between the first and second stories) thereby heating ceiling, floor, and interior wall surfaces (see Figures 1 and 2). Condensation may occur on cold supply duct surfaces within the floor cavity resulting in ceiling moisture damage. In cold climates, cold air from wind washing can chill surfaces within the interior floor space and result in frozen water pipes. Through the summer of 2009, a field study tested thirty-two two-story homes and found significant wind washing potential in 40% of the homes. Part I of this paper will highlight the evaluation methods used and the extent of wind washing found in this study. Repairs and energy monitoring were completed in six of these homes to evaluate retrofit methods and cost effectiveness of retrofit solutions. These results are discussed in Part II of this paper.Florida Solar Energy Center, University of Central Florid

    The early X-ray afterglows of optically bright and dark Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    A systematical study on the early X-ray afterglows of both optically bright and dark gamma-ray bursts (B-GRBs and D-GRBs) observed by Swift has been presented. Our sample includes 25 GRBs. Among them 13 are B-GRBs and 12 are D-GRBs. Our results show that the distributions of the X-ray afterglow fluxes (FXF_{X}), the gamma-ray fluxes (SγS_{\gamma}), and the ratio (Rγ,XR_{\gamma, X}) for both the D-GRBs and B-GRBs are similar. The differences of these distributions for the two kinds of GRBs should be statistical fluctuation. These results indicate that the progenitors of the two kinds of GRBs are the same population. Their total energy explosions are comparable. The suppression of the optical emissions from D-GRBs should results from circumburst but not their central engine.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted by ChJA
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