165 research outputs found

    The importance of terracing in the traditional cultural landscapes: the case study of Sicily (Italy)

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    The landscapes formed by agricultural terraces are the natural result of the encounter between the characteristics of an environment and the creative force and genius of man, the slow evolution of this relationship between nature and culture, a collective project that balanced the need for producing with the resources available and the native character of the environment. These cultural processes produced a great variety of landscapes. However, they are not supported or confirmed by common inventories allowing to identify and classify the typical Main Traditional Landscape (MTL) within which very important is the role carried out by terraces and related man-made structures, both for natural and cultural aspects and functions. Terraced farming systems are considered not only the most representative cultural landscapes of the Mediterranean, but also among those at greatest risk. The crisis of traditional agricultural landscapes particularly concernes, in fact, those most affected by the costs of cultivation in regards to how small the land unit is, as well as the difficulties regarding access and mobility. Concerns about their disappearance and deterioration are due to their environmental, cultural, economic and social characteristics. The large number of terraced landscapes in Sicily are in accord with the complex nature and history of the island. Many important features of these landscapes can be recognized, such as: production, soil conservation, improvement of the microclimate, fire protection, conservation, biodiversity protection and the enhancement of the cultural, aesthetic and ethical aspects of agriculture. The study carried out in Sicily addresses the problem of protecting the landscape, not by considering the legacy of terraced cultivation systems obsolete and therefore inevitably subject to abandonment or to a reduction by mainstream culture to a "landscape museum," but, on the contrary, as an exemplary manifestation of the opportunities offered by the enhancement and preservation of traditional cultural landscapes. On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present paper is to draw up the importance of terraced-land within the MTL of Mediterranean context, by the study-case of Sicily (S-Italy), in terms of: (i) cross-landscape distributive importance; (II) main structural characters and functions; (iii) ongoing driving-actions in land-use change. A study case that can be of great interest for such regions, as the Konso in Ethiopia, were terraced systems are of interest for reasons together productive, environmental, cultural

    Environmental and Forest Planning in Italy: Conflicts and Opportunities

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    The necessity of a more sustainable use of lands and environmental resources in general, throughout specific programming and management tools at different scale levels is nowadays widely shared. Forests and woodlands are a key asset of the environment and the traditional and current landscapes. With regards to the state of art of forest planning and management tools in Italy, in this short paper, after a synthetic analysis of the tools currently adopted at different levels, some critical aspects of the relationships of forest planning instruments with other planning tools involved in environmental management (landscape plan, energy plans, basin plans) are investigated, enlightening contrasts and communication conflicts. Solving such problems could enhance the effectiveness of planning

    Popolamenti marginali di faggio e cambiamenti climatici: criticità dell’applicazione di pratiche colturali classici in ambiente mediterraneo (Sicilia)

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    Il faggio (Fagus sylvatica) è tra le specie forestali più importanti d’Europa per distribuzione, selvicoltura, rilevanza paesaggistica. Il faggio in Sicilia raggiunge il limite meridionale del proprio areale, nonché le quote altitudinali più elevate in Europa (timberline intorno a 2000 s.l.m.), localizzandosi sui Monti Nebrodi, Madonie ed Etna. La maggior parte di questi soprassuoli è stata tradizionalmente governata a ceduo semplice matricinato, seppur raramente all’interno di un quadro di interventi pianificati di lungo periodo, e molti popolamenti recentemente hanno subito primi interventi di avviamento alla conversione a fustaia. L’assetto attuale di questi soprassuoli è tuttavia destinato a cambiare nell’immediato futuro non solo per l’opera dell’uomo, ma soprattutto in vista dei probabili scenari del cambiamento climatico, particolarmente severi nelle loro previsioni per questi contesti di margine. Il presente lavoro è volto all’individuazione dei principali elementi di vulnerabilità, prendendo in esame alcuni soprassuoli particolarmente rappresentativi dei Monti Madonie, poiché essi presentano sintomi di sofferenza e segni di disseccamento e moria, probabilmente imputabili, oltre che ai mutamenti climatici in atto, a interventi di taglio di diversa entità, dalla dubbia finalità. Oltre ai consueti rilievi selvicolturali e dendro-auxometrici, sono state condotte indagini accurate sulla struttura dei popolamenti, tramite 4 aree di saggio permanenti in corrispondenza di aree sottoposte a taglio in epoche diverse e per 2 di queste sono state identificate delle aree testimone. Una parte fondamentale dello studio ha riguardato il rilievo dell’entità dei danni osservati a carico delle chiome e delle scottature dei fusti e delle principali branche delle singole ceppaie. L’analisi della struttura è stata condotta tramite l’applicazione di numerosi indici (Clark-Evans, Winkelmass, Shannon, Latham) nonché osservazioni scaturite dalla rappresentazione spaziale delle coperture analizzate, al fine di valutare i danni riscontrati rispetto alle mutate condizioni di illuminazione delle chiome delle singole ceppaie, generate dagli interventi di taglio. L’analisi comparativa dei risultati mostra chiaramente come gli interventi intensi di diradamento recentemente eseguiti abbiano generato una elevata incidenza di danni diffusi sulle diverse parti del soprassuolo, con effetti anche estremi di moria delle ceppaie. L’effetto negativo delle eccessive scoperture causato dagli interventi di taglio si è manifestato con severità sulle piante di faggio localizzate in prossimità delle radure e delle interruzioni della copertura. In conclusione vengono messe in evidenza le criticità delle pratiche selvicolturali applicate ai soprassuoli di faggio in tali contesti limite e, conseguentemente, l’accelerazione impressa ad una probabile dinamica in atto sotto gli effetti dei noti cambiamenti climatici


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    Il faggio (Fagus sylvatica) è una tipica specie medio-Europea; in Sicilia si rinvengono i boschi di faggio più meridionali d’Europa. La marginalità ecologica di questi boschi è particolarmente evidente nei pattern frammentati e isolati di questi soprassuoli, in prossimità del limite della vegetazione arborea e/o localizzati nelle condizioni topografiche meno favorevoli. Nel presente lavoro si mettono a confronto i parametri dendrometricostrutturali e lo stato di salute delle piante in soprassuoli delle Madonie, confrontando cedui di faggio recentemente sottoposti a pratiche di taglio e aree di controllo non trattate da tempo. Inoltre, questi aspetti sono stati messi in relazione con il gradiente topografico locale ed alla frammentazione della copertura.Sulla base delle condizioni topografiche marginali (crinali, versanti) e della frammentazione della copertura (alberi al margine/radura), i risultati mostrano chiaramente una forte riduzione dello stato di salute delle piante (maggiori danni alla corteccia e alla chioma, una percentuale più alta di alberi morti, una minore densità di rinnovazione) correlate all’intervento di taglio del ceduo. Il chiaro deperimento delle piante può determinare in futuro una minaccia crescente per queste faggete multi-marginali (per latitudine, topografia e frammentazione della copertura). Inoltre, i risultati ottenuti fanno ipotizzare che, anche se l’effetto degli interventi selvicolturali è evidente nei due gruppi a confronto (aree tagliate e aree controllo), la riduzione dello stato di salute di queste piante sia ulteriormente accelerata dagli effetti che il cambiamento climatico generale sta determinando in queste condizioni stazionali di marginalità ecologica. Il ridotto stato di salute delle piante anche nelle aree di controllo avvalora questa ipotesi.Marginal fragmented beech stands and climate change in Sicily: effects of non-sustainable traditional silviculture practices in relation to micro-topographic gradient In Sicily where the southernmost beech forests of Europe are located, beech stands show peculiar ecological, characters. The ecological marginality of these forests is particularly evident in the fragmented and isolated beech stands, near the timberline and/or located on less favourable topographic conditions. In this study we analyzed stand-structural parameters and tree health comparing recently coppice felled beech stands and control plots. Additionally, these aspects have been related also to the local topographic gradient and the cover fragmentation. Results clearly show a pronounced tree health reduction (more crown and bark damages, higher percentage of dead trees, lower seedling density) related to cut coppice, as far as to marginal topographic condition (on ridges and slopes) and stand-cover fragmentation (in clearing/border trees). The clear decreased tree health may lays an increasing future threat for these multi-marginal (for latitude, topography and cover fragmentation) beech stands. In addition, our results could also support the hypothesis that, although the silviculture effects originated by the human actions is quite evident in the two compared groups (coppice-cut and control), hastening the tree health reduction, a general climate change effect is going on these marginal beech stands. The reduced tree health status also in control plots seems to show this way

    Effects of traditional coppice practices and microsite conditions on tree health in a European beech forest at its southernmost range

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    European beech (Fagus sylvatica) grows at the southern limit of its range in the mountain-Mediterranean vegetation belt up to the timberline. The southernmost beech forests of Sicily (southern Italy) show peculiar ecological, structural and silvicultural characteristics, growing in fragmented and isolated stands near the timberline and in topographically marginal unfavorable habitats. Past silvicultural practices increased the heterogeneity of stand structure at these sites. We compared stand structural characteristics and tree health in coppice-cut and control beech stands with respect to the local topographic gradient (bottom, slope and ridge) and canopy cover (clearing/border vs. interior trees). Our results clearly showed a correlation between declining tree health (crown and bark damage, higher percentage of dead trees and lower seedling density) and recent coppice-cuts, poor (marginal) site quality (on ridges and slopes) and reduced canopy cover (in clearing/border trees). The decrease of tree health indicate an increasing threat to the long-term viability of beech stands facing multiple environmental stress factors (such as those related to southern latitude and topographic position). Declining tree health in the control plots also supports this hypothesis. We concluded that traditional forest management practices, such as coppice-cuts applied regardless to the specific microenvironmental conditions, may pose a risk to beech forest health at the southernmost edge of the species’ range

    The role of mediterranean fruit tree orchards and vineyards in maintaining the traditional agricultural landscape

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    The Mediterranean area represents one of the most suitable and diversified environments for horticultural crops, being this propriety well expressed in the commonly accepted definition of “Mediterranean cultivated garden”. In Italy, fruit crops have been in the past introduced and expanded in different environments depending on the species and adaptability to the physiographic characteristics of the regions. The climate and the diversity of environmental contexts, the specificity of soils, the plasticity of the cultivated genotypes, have allowed a tight and typical relationship among land and farmers. Since the past centuries olive and fruit orchards, vineyards and Citrus plantations have represented the typicity of the Italian rural landscape. The physiognomy of tree cropping systems has been changed rapidly starting from half of the past century owing to the introduction of new genetic resources, the change in the concepts of quality, the modernization and intensification of the agronomical techniques, resulting in loss of environmental and biological diversity. Nonetheless, some historic fruit orchards and vineyards have survived. The research is focused: a) on the recognition and mapping of the traditional landscapes of fruit crops in two representative Mediterranean regions; b) on the identification of their typological traits; c) on the definition of their environmental and technical sustainability based on an interdisciplinary methodology. Through a multi-criterial analysis it was possible to recognize and measure the sustainability of these cropping models and their ecological function, turning into preservation of environmental resources, environmental quality and quality of life. The study also underlined the crucial role of the traditional agricultural landscapes in the maintenance of local identity, history and economy. By representing a cultural heritage, traditional agricultural landscapes and traditional farming might justify preservation and valorisation actions

    Anthropogenic Influences in Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Mediterranean Forest Landscapes in Sicily

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    This paper analyzes and quantifies the land use/land cover changes of the main forest and semi-natural landscape types in Sicily between 1955 and 2012. We analyzed seven representative forest and shrubland landscapes in Sicily. These study areas were chosen for their importance in the Sicilian forest panorama. We carried out a diachronic survey on historical and current aerial photos; all the aerial images used to survey the land use/land cover changes were digitalized and georeferenced in the UTM WGS84 system. In order to classify land use, the Regional Forest Inventory 2010 legend was adopted for the more recent images, and the CORINE Land Cover III level used for the older, lower resolution images. This study quantifies forest landscape dynamics; our results show for almost all study areas an increase of forest cover and expansion, whereas a regressive dynamic is found in rural areas due to intensive agricultural and pasturage uses. Understanding the dynamics of forest landscapes could enhance the role of forestry policy as a tool for landscape management and regional planning

    The southernmost beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests of Europe (Mount Etna, Italy): ecology, structural stand-type diversity and management implications

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    The southernmost European beech forests are located in the upper forest vegetation belt on Mount Etna volcano. Their standstructural patterns were analysed to assess the effects of the site-ecological factors and previous management practices on the forest structure. Five main structural-silvicultural types were identified among the main beech forest types: coppice, highmountain coppice (HMCo), high forest, coppice in conversion to high-forest and non-formal stand. A detailed standstructural analysis was carried out through measured dendrometric parameters and derived structural characters linked to both the horizontal and the vertical profiles. Plant regeneration processes were also assessed, and several biodiversity indicators were calculated. The collected data indicate a high variability of beech stand structures in relation to the heterogeneity of the site-ecological characteristics as well as to the effects of both natural and anthropic disturbance factors. The occurrence of particular stand structures along the altitude gradient on Mount Etna is evident. It is especially visible in the multi-stemmed HMCos in relation to the changing, and increasingly limiting, ecological factors, although at higher altitudes historical anthropic actions (felling) also have had an influence. Inside the Mediterranean area, these stands highlight their ecological marginality, in terms of both latitude and altitude, especially regarding current climate change processes

    Dinamiche dell’uso e delle coperture del suolo dell’ultimo mezzo secolo nel paesaggio forestale siciliano.

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    Il lavoro è stato realizzato nell’ambito dell’Azione 3 del progetto LIFE11 ENV IT 215 “RESILienza al cambiamento climatico nelle FOReste MEDiterranee”. In particolare, è stato implementato un sistema di monitoraggio attraverso indagini diacroniche sui principali contesti territoriali pre-forestali e forestali della Sicilia. L’analisi è stata condotta a livello di paesaggio in sei distretti forestali, rappresentativi delle principali categorie forestali della regione, quali i Sicani, le Madonie, i Nebrodi, l’Etna, l’area del Calatino (Sicilia SO) e l’isola di Pantelleria. L’analisi condotta ha come obiettivo il cambiamento dell’uso e delle coperture del suolo avvenuti nel corso dell’ultimo sessantennio. Per la realizzazione degli strati informativi si è fatto ricorso alla fotointerpretazione in ambiente GIS di immagini telerilevate. In particolare, le immagini utilizzate e gli strati informativi realizzati sono relativi a cinque periodi: 1955, 1966/68, 1988/89 (foto aeree), 2007/12 (ortofoto). Il dettaglio tematico delle coperture dei periodi 1988/89 e 2012 è stato realizzato a partire dalla legenda delle categorie forestali della Carta Forestale della Regione Siciliana (CFRS 2011), opportunamente aggiornata e verificata. Le coperture storiche sono state ottenute mediante apposita fotointerpretazione stereoscopica delle foto aeree relative agli anni 1955, 1966/68. Sono state inoltre realizzate, per tutti gli anni considerati, le carte del grado di copertura, utilizzando sei classi progressive. Per il confronto temporale delle coperture del suolo tra il 1988/89 e il 2012 è stato possibile ottenere un elevato livello di accuratezza tematica corrispondente alla legenda delle categorie forestali della CFRS, mentre per il periodo tra il 1954/55 e il 1966/68 l’accuratezza tematica ottenuta corrisponde al livello III della legenda Corine LC, lo stesso dettaglio ha riguardato il confronto diacronico tra 1955 e 2012. L’analisi diacronica degli usi e delle coperture del suolo ha permesso di individuare le componenti del manto forestale che nel periodo indagato non hanno subito trasformazioni nella propria struttura orizzontale; sono state cartografate le aree di variazione, per evidenziare l’entità e la direzione dei principali cambiamenti. I risultati dell’indagine diacronica conseguiti nei distretti forestali analizzati evidenziano importanti processi dinamici avvenuti in termini sia di cambiamento dell’uso e della copertura del suolo sia, soprattutto, in termini di aumento della complessità delle strutture forestali. Tali dinamiche mettono in evidenza anche le diversità tra i contesti territoriali analizzati in termini di potenzialità ecologico-forestale e livelli di antropizzazione/conservazione delle risorse forestali
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