1,085 research outputs found


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    Paper ini menampilkan tulisan mengenai penggunaan e-application untuk membantu pelaksanaan audit mutu internal, yang merupakan salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi dalam persyaratan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu ISO 9000. E-application yang digunakan selain sebagai data repository juga digunakan sebagai workflow. Dimana workflow yang dibuat akan memastikan bahwa perbaikan dijalankan sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Sebagai salah satu persyaratan dokumentasi ISO dalam Klausul 4.2.4(p.3 ) bahwa sebuah dokumen harus dapat dilakukan telusur jejak, maka penggunaan e-application ini sangat membantu dalam melakukan telusur jejak. Selain itu, e-application memudahkan auditor dan auditee dalam mengisi hasil audit, dikarenakan dapat diakses dari manapun serta dikarenakan berbasis web, maka dapat dilakukan dari computer mana saja tanpa harus dilakukan instalasi terlebih dahulu. e-application yang dikembangkan ini berfungsi sebagai workflow dan data repository sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai bagian dari monitoring dan data history yang ada akan sangat membantu untuk memperbaiki kinerja unit tersebut terlebih kinerja universitas Bina Nusantara

    Selecting between two transition states by which water oxidation intermediates on an oxide surface decay

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    While catalytic mechanisms on electrode surfaces have been proposed for decades, the pathways by which the product's chemical bonds evolve from the initial charge-trapping intermediates have not been resolved in time. Here, we discover a reactive population of charge-trapping intermediates with states in the middle of a semiconductor's band-gap to reveal the dynamics of two parallel transition state pathways for their decay. Upon photo-triggering the water oxidation reaction from the n-SrTiO3 surface with band-gap, pulsed excitation, the intermediates' microsecond decay reflects transition state theory (TST) through: (1) two distinct and reaction dependent (pH, T, Ionic Strength, and H/D exchange) time constants, (2) a primary kinetic salt effect on each activation barrier and an H/D kinetic isotope effect on one, and (3) realistic activation barrier heights (0.4 - 0.5 eV) and TST pre-factors (10^11 - 10^12 Hz). A photoluminescence from midgap states in n-SrTiO3 reveals the reaction dependent decay; the same spectrum was previously assigned by us to hole-trapping at parallel Ti-O(dot)-Ti (bridge) and perpendicular Ti-O(dot) (oxyl) O-sites using in situ ultrafast vibrational and optical spectroscopy. Therefore, the two transition states are naturally associated with the decay of these respective intermediates. Furthermore, we show that reaction conditions select between the two pathways, one of which reflects a labile intermediate facing the electrolyte (the oxyl) and the other a lattice oxygen (the bridge). Altogether, we experimentally isolate an important activation barrier for water oxidation, which is necessary for designing water oxidation catalysts with high O2 turn over. Moreover, in isolating it, we identify competing mechanisms for O2 evolution at surfaces and show how to use reaction conditions to select between them


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    Code of points in men's artistic gymnastics is dividing elements by subjective criteria into the different groups of difficulty. There are five groups of difficulty, the easiest is an A group and the most difficult is an E group. On the high bar we have an interesting situation, where are two flight elements - Kovacs salto (double salto backward tucked over the bar to the regrasp) and Gaylord I (double salto forward tucked over the bar to the regrasp) in the two different difficulty groups. Kovacs salto is an E element and Gaylord I is a D element. The aim of the research was to find out the differences between those two elements by different kinematical and approximated calculated dynamical parameters. We recorded with video Kovacs executed by Csaba Fajkus (Hungary) and Gaylord I executed by Blai Puljic (Slovenia). We used 15 segments and 17 points body model by Susanka. We analysed 25 frames per second with 3D CMAS kinematical analyser and calculated trajectories, velocities, accelerations and forces in X and Y axes per each body point and segment. There are small differences between elements, ,but not so big that these two elements are in different difficulty groups

    Investigating Problems Associated with Patient Care Reports and Transferring Data Between Ambulance and Hospitals from the Perspective of Emergency Medical Technicians

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    Many hospitals have switched to electronic records but emergency medical services continue to use some paper-based reports. Ambulances that have electronic-based systems use them only internally because they are not integrated with hospitals’ systems. This study investigated problems with paper-based, computer-based reports, and transferring patients and their information from an ambulance to the emergency department. Emergency medical technicians were interviewed using qualitative methods. After coding and analyzing their answers, results showed that all emergency medical technicians would like to see a change from paper to electronic transfer of information and that it was difficult to write the report while riding in the back of an ambulance. Following the outcomes of first part of the study, a quantitative study was performed. An electronic version of paper report was created and first responders took a survey on differences between the paper and electronic form. Results showed that electronic version is better for collecting the information, delivering it to the hospital and easier to complete. Implementations of this work could make collecting information easier and faster and improve patient care. In the future, this electronic patient care report could integrate with hospitals’ information systems which would reduce patient handover time

    Water, infrastructure and public space in Lisbon. The reservatório de Campo de Ourique as a case study

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    In the 21st century, the question of how to define a good city is anything but clear-cut. As diverse as the needs of modern society are, as numerous seem to be the answers to them, and yet one cannot arrive at a universally valid answer that serves all registers. The central subject of this investigation always leads back to public space. The living space between buildings is considered decisive for social developments in a city. It results from systems of different scales, territorial, infrastructural as well as cultural. How and where people come together in a city defines it. In the following work, public space is considered in terms of these different scales. The concepts of public space and infrastructure serve as leitmotifs, focusing on the infrastructural interaction between aqueduct and public space in the city of Lisbon. The work is divided into three scales of different size and time. First, the concept of infrastructure itself is explored in order to understand the dialectic in which modernity, infrastructure and public space confront each other. Based on primary sources and texts, an introduction to the history of post-medieval hydraulic engineering in European cities will be given. Then, using the example of the city of Lisbon, which was supplied by an aqueduct for almost two centuries from the 18th century onwards, it will be examined how such a large infrastructure produced public spaces that are still very present in the cityscape today. The discourse will address how historical examples can serve as inspiration for the use, conversion and expansion of public spaces along the aqueduct and provide impulses for the development of new typologies

    Makna Giongo Dalam Manga Mob Psyco 100 Volume 16

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    Budaya dalam masyarakat dewasa ini berkembang sebagai akibat dari kemudahan-kemudahan reproduksi yang diberikan oleh teknologi seperti percetakan, fotografi, perekaman suara, dan sebagainya (Malthy dalam Tressia: 20: 37). Budaya popular yang paling disukai generasi muda adalah budaya Jepang, salah satunya adalah manga. Menurut Franz & Meier (1994:55), Manga adalah suatu cerita yang bertekanan pada gerak dan tindakan yang ditampilkan lewat urutan gambar yang dibuat secara khas dengan paduan kata-kata. Salah satu manga yang terkenal di Jepang adalah Mob Pyscho 100.  Mob Psycho 100 volume 16 karya ONE  yang juga pengarang serial manga One-Punch Man yang diterbitkan penerbit Shueisha. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan semantik, dan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Makna giongo shizengensou dalam manga ditunjukan dengan giongo (zuzuzu) yaitu tiruan suara gemerisik pohon, mono ga dasu oto dalam manga ditunjukan dengan giongo (bikitt) merupakan tiruan gelas pecah, doubutsu no nakigoe dalam manga ditunjukan dengan (nyaaa) merupakan tiruan hewan kucing, hito no koe dalam manga ditunjukan dengan (ahahaha) merupakan tiruan suara orang tertawa.  Kata Kunci : manga, giongo, semantik, jepang Culture in today's society develops as a result of the ease of reproduction provided by technology such as printing, photography, sound recording, and so on (Malthy in Tressia: 20: 37). The popular culture that is most liked by the younger generation is Japanese culture, one of which is manga. According to Franz & Meier (1994: 55), Manga is a story that emphasizes movement and action which is displayed through a sequence of images created specifically with a combination of words. One of the famous manga in Japan is Mob Pyscho 100. Mob Psycho 100 volume 16 by ONE who is also the author of the One-Punch Man manga series published by Shueisha. This research is research that uses a semantic approach, and the research method used is descriptive analysis method. The meaning of giongo shizengensou in manga is indicated by giongo (zuzuzu), which is an imitation of the sound of a tree rustling, mono ga dasu oto in manga is indicated by giongo (bikitt), which is an imitation of broken glass, doubutsu no nakigoe in manga is indicated by (nyaaa), which is an imitation of a cat, hito no koe in the manga is indicated by (ahahaha) which is an imitation of the sound of someone laughing. Keywords: manga, giongo, semantics, japa


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