37 research outputs found

    Sensing as a Service in 6G Perceptive Mobile Networks: Architecture, Advances, and the Road Ahead

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    Sensing-as-a-service is anticipated to be the core feature of 6G perceptive mobile networks (PMN), where high-precision real-time sensing will become an inherent capability rather than being an auxiliary function as before. With the proliferation of wireless connected devices, resource allocation in terms of the users' specific quality-of-service (QoS) requirements plays a pivotal role to enhance the interference management ability and resource utilization efficiency. In this article, we comprehensively introduce the concept of sensing service in PMN, including the types of tasks, the distinctions/advantages compared to conventional networks, and the definitions of sensing QoS. Subsequently, we provide a unified RA framework in sensing-centric PMN and elaborate on the unique challenges. Furthermore, we present a typical case study named "communication-assisted sensing" and evaluate the performance trade-off between sensing and communication procedure. Finally, we shed light on several open problems and opportunities deserving further investigation in the future

    Sensing as a Service in 6G Perceptive Networks: A Unified Framework for ISAC Resource Allocation

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    In the upcoming next-generation (5G-Advanced and 6G) wireless networks, sensing as a service will play a more important role than ever before. Recently, the concept of perceptive network is proposed as a paradigm shift that provides sensing and communication (S&C) services simultaneously. This type of technology is typically referred to as Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC). In this paper, we propose the concept of sensing quality of service (QoS) in terms of diverse applications. Specifically, the probability of detection, the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for parameter estimation and the posterior CRB for moving target indication are employed to measure the sensing QoS for detection, localization, and tracking, respectively. Then, we establish a unified framework for ISAC resource allocation, where the fairness and the comprehensiveness optimization criteria are considered for the aforementioned sensing services. The proposed schemes can flexibly allocate the limited power and bandwidth resources according to both S&C QoSs. Finally, we study the performance trade-off between S&C services in different resource allocation schemes by numerical simulations

    Aiming in Harsh Environments: A New Framework for Flexible and Adaptive Resource Management

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    The harsh environment imposes a unique set of challenges on networking strategies. In such circumstances, the environmental impact on network resources and long-time unattended maintenance has not been well investigated yet. To address these challenges, we propose a flexible and adaptive resource management framework that incorporates the environment awareness functionality. In particular, we propose a new network architecture and introduce the new functionalities against the traditional network components. The novelties of the proposed architecture include a deep-learning-based environment resource prediction module and a self-organized service management module. Specifically, the available network resource under various environmental conditions is predicted by using the prediction module. Then based on the prediction, an environment-oriented resource allocation method is developed to optimize the system utility. To demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed new functionalities, we examine the method via an experiment in a case study. Finally, we introduce several promising directions of resource management in harsh environments that can be extended from this paper.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in IEEE Network Magazine, 202

    Energy-Efficient Beamforming Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate the design of energy-efficient beamforming for an ISAC system, where the transmitted waveform is optimized for joint multi-user communication and target estimation simultaneously. We aim to maximize the system energy efficiency (EE), taking into account the constraints of a maximum transmit power budget, a minimum required signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for communication, and a maximum tolerable Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for target estimation. We first consider communication-centric EE maximization. To handle the non-convex fractional objective function, we propose an iterative quadratic-transform-Dinkelbach method, where Schur complement and semi-definite relaxation (SDR) techniques are leveraged to solve the subproblem in each iteration. For the scenarios where sensing is critical, we propose a novel performance metric for characterizing the sensing-centric EE and optimize the metric adopted in the scenario of sensing a point-like target and an extended target. To handle the nonconvexity, we employ the successive convex approximation (SCA) technique to develop an efficient algorithm for approximating the nonconvex problem as a sequence of convex ones. Furthermore, we adopt a Pareto optimization mechanism to articulate the tradeoff between the communication-centric EE and sensing-centric EE. We formulate the search of the Pareto boundary as a constrained optimization problem and propose a computationally efficient algorithm to handle it. Numerical results validate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms compared with the baseline schemes and the obtained approximate Pareto boundary shows that there is a non-trivial tradeoff between communication-centric EE and sensing-centric EE, where the number of communication users and EE requirements have serious effects on the achievable tradeoff

    Waveform Design for Communication-Assisted Sensing in 6G Perceptive Networks

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    The integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) technique has the potential to achieve coordination gain by exploiting the mutual assistance between sensing and communication (S&C) functions. While the sensing-assisted communications (SAC) technology has been extensively studied for high-mobility scenarios, the communication-assisted sensing (CAS) counterpart remains widely unexplored. This paper presents a waveform design framework for CAS in 6G perceptive networks, aiming to attain an optimal sensing quality of service (QoS) at the user after the target's parameters successively ``pass-through'' the S&\&C channels. In particular, a pair of transmission schemes, namely, separated S&C and dual-functional waveform designs, are proposed to optimize the sensing QoS under the constraints of the rate-distortion and power budget. The first scheme reveals a power allocation trade-off, while the latter presents a water-filling trade-off. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms, where the dual-functional scheme exhibits approximately 12% performance gain compared to its separated waveform design counterpart

    Seventy Years of Radar and Communications: The road from separation to integration

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    Radar and communications (R&C) as key utilities of electromagnetic (EM) waves have fundamentally shaped human society and triggered the modern information age. Although R&C had been historically progressing separately, in recent decades, they have been converging toward integration, forming integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, giving rise to new highly desirable capabilities in next-generation wireless networks and future radars. To better understand the essence of ISAC, this article provides a systematic overview of the historical development of R&C from a signal processing (SP) perspective. We first interpret the duality between R&C as signals and systems, followed by an introduction of their fundamental principles. We then elaborate on the two main trends in their technological evolution, namely, the increase of frequencies and bandwidths and the expansion of antenna arrays. We then show how the intertwined narratives of R&C evolved into ISAC and discuss the resultant SP framework. Finally, we overview future research directions in this field

    Seventy Years of Radar and Communications: The Road from Separation to Integration

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    Radar and communications (R&C) as key utilities of electromagnetic (EM) waves have fundamentally shaped human society and triggered the modern information age. Although R&C have been historically progressing separately, in recent decades they have been moving from separation to integration, forming integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, which find extensive applications in next-generation wireless networks and future radar systems. To better understand the essence of ISAC systems, this paper provides a systematic overview on the historical development of R&C from a signal processing (SP) perspective. We first interpret the duality between R&C as signals and systems, followed by an introduction of their fundamental principles. We then elaborate on the two main trends in their technological evolution, namely, the increase of frequencies and bandwidths, and the expansion of antenna arrays. Moreover, we show how the intertwined narratives of R\&C evolved into ISAC, and discuss the resultant SP framework. Finally, we overview future research directions in this field

    Probabilistic Constellation Shaping for OFDM-Based ISAC Signaling

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    Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) has garnered significant attention as a promising technology for the upcoming sixth-generation wireless communication systems (6G). In pursuit of this goal, a common strategy is that a unified waveform, such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), should serve dual-functional roles by enabling simultaneous sensing and communications (S&C) operations. However, the sensing performance of an OFDM communication signal is substantially affected by the randomness of the data symbols mapped from bit streams. Therefore, achieving a balance between preserving communication capability (i.e., the randomness) while improving sensing performance remains a challenging task. To cope with this issue, in this paper we analyze the ambiguity function of the OFDM communication signal modulated by random data. Subsequently, a probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS) method is proposed to devise the probability distributions of constellation points, which is able to strike a scalable S&C tradeoff of the random transmitted signal. Finally, the superiority of the proposed PCS method over conventional uniformly distributed constellations is validated through numerical simulations

    Caracterizaci贸n de la adsorcion de amonio y fosfato mediante zeolitas sint茅ticas modificadas

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    En el contexto legal actual se exige una eliminaci贸n del f贸sforo y nitr贸geno casi completa en las aguas residuales. Por otro lado, conseguir recuperar estos nutrientes conllevar铆a beneficios tanto econ贸micos como ecol贸gicos ya que se cerrar铆a el ciclo natural de estos dos elementos evitando su acumulaci贸n y previniendo la eutrofizaci贸n en el medio acu谩tico. El objetivo del presente proyecto es caracterizar el proceso de adsorci贸n de amonio y fosfato mediante una zeolita sintetizada a partir de cenizas volantes (Ze-Na), as铆 como las en su forma c谩lcica (Ze-Ca) y magn茅sica (Ze-Mg). Se han estudiado los par谩metros cin茅ticos y del equilibrio para los diferentes tipos de zeolitas. Se ha comprobado que la adsorci贸n se rige mediante el modelo cin茅tico de pseudo segundo orden mientras que el estudio del equilibrio muestra que los datos experimentales se ajustan al modelo de Langmuir. Se ha observado que la Ze-Na no adsorbe fosfato y las modificaciones realizadas con calcio y magnesio son efectivas para mejorar esta carencia. Tambi茅n se ha visto que para una disoluci贸n monocomponente de amonio, la Ze-Na es la que tiene mayor capacidad de adsorci贸n en el equilibrio pero queda afectada significativamente con la presencia del fosfato en la disoluci贸n mientras que para la Ze-Ca la capacidad queda inalterada. En cuanto a la Ze-Mg muestra un ligero descenso de su capacidad de adsorci贸n de amonio por la presencia del fosfato. Se ha estudiado el proceso de adsorci贸n de amonio y fosfato en cada zeolita resultando el intercambio i贸nico el mecanismo principal de la adsorci贸n de amonio en los tres tipos de zeolita mientras que la eliminaci贸n de fosfato se lleva a cabo mediante la formaci贸n de fosfato de calcio (Ze-Ca) y de estruvita (Ze-Mg). Se han empleado diferentes t茅cnicas de caracterizaci贸n como la espectroscopia infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR en ingl茅s), la espectroscopia Raman, la isoterma de Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET en ingl茅s), el microscopio electr贸nico de barrido (SEM en ingl茅s) y la fluorescencia de rayos X (EDS en ingl茅s) para conocer la composici贸n de las zeolitas antes y despu茅s de saturarse con amonio y fosfato. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un aumento del contenido en calcio (Ze-Ca) y magnesio (Ze-Mg) en detrimento del porcentaje m谩sico del sodio despu茅s de la modificaci贸n. Tambi茅n se ha observado la disminuci贸n del porcentaje m谩sico de sodio (Ze-Na), de calcio (Ze-Ca) y de magnesio (Ze-Mg) en sus respectivas formas zeol铆ticas saturadas de los dos nutrientes