272 research outputs found

    Incidencia de Caries y Enfermedad Periodontal en Pacientes Embarazadas : Protocolo de Atención Odontológica para Pacientes Embarazadas

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    Desde tiempos inmemoriales, el ser humano ha buscado dar explicaciones a fenómenos que ocurren a su alrededor. Dentro de éstos, los procesos vitales, así como el proceso salud enfermedad son, por cierto, acontecimientos que especialmente requieren respuestas. La población general, muchas veces explica patologías por creencias basadas en la cultura popular, las que son transmitidas culturalmente a través de generaciones. Dentro de estas se asume, por ejemplo, que el embarazo es causante de una serie de fenómenos en las mujeres, algunos de los cuales se perpetuarían, incluso, una vez que la gravidez ha concluido. Es así como existen creencias culturalmente construidas en torno al embarazo y la salud oral. La creencia que, debido a que los requerimientos de calcio del ser en formación en el vientre materno, las mujeres desarrollarían caries dentales, se encuentra arraigada en diversas culturas. Del mismo modo, algunas pacientes señalan y aceptan como proceso normal en el embarazo que “por cada hijo se pierde un diente”. Por otro lado, existe la creencia que las mujeres embarazadas no deben recibir atención odontológica por el posible daño que puede producir al embrión o feto el uso de anestésicos locales. Lo anterior cobra aún más importancia ante el antecedente que existen médicos quienes carecen de información en cuanto al bajo riesgo que poseen los procedimientos odontológicos, tanto terapéuticos como diagnósticos, hecho que se manifiesta en el temor por parte de algunos clínicos en someter a sus pacientes embarazadas a tratamientos dentales. Elaborar un protocolo de atención para dichas pacientes, es de suma necesidad, para unificar los criterios de atención en embarazadas que asisten al servicio de Residencia de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. En este trabajo se busca aportar conocimientos para los equipos de salud en la toma de decisiones clínicas, mejorar la salud bucal de la mujer embarazada y su hijo/a, fomentando las buenas prácticas con un uso eficiente de los recursos.Facultad de Odontologí

    La RSC en tiempos de crisis según los indicadores ASG en Europa: análisis del impacto del COVID-19

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    JEL: M14[EN] We live in a globalised world, characterised in recent times by events that have led to crises of international and global scope, in which companies have played a leading role. These circumstances have created a unique opportunity to study how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) varies as companies adapt to this new environment. A key example of this is the situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This health crisis has obliged companies to adopt new management guidelines to adapt to the difficult conditions of this setting and be able to survive in this “new normal”. Thus, it will be interesting to know whether the impact of this global health crisis, which hit countries differently, has affected companies’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators. Using a large sample of companies from European Union (EU) countries, the results confirm that corporate engagement in CSR increased during the pandemic (2020-2022) compared to the previous period (2017-2019). Additionally, the results of this study confirm that the intensity of the impact of this crisis improves the companies’ ESG indicators. From a practical standpoint, it is possible to establish certain political and management implications based on our findings and use them to plan possible strategies for potential future crises.[ES] Vivimos en un mundo globalizado caracterizado en los últimos tiempos por acontecimientos que han derivado en crisis de alcance internacional y mundial, en las que las empresas juegan un papel protagonista. Estas circunstancias crean una oportunidad única para estudiar cómo varía la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) al adaptarse las compañías al nuevo entorno, siendo un buen ejemplo al respecto el relacionado con la situación derivada del Covid-19. Esta crisis sanitaria provocó que las empresas se vieran obligadas a adoptar nuevas pautas de gestión para adaptarse a las difíciles condiciones del entorno y poder sobrevivir en esa «nueva normalidad». Así, será interesante saber si el impacto de esta crisis, que fue desigual entre países, afecta a los indicadores ambientales, sociales y de gobierno (ASG) de las compañías. Utilizando una amplia muestra de empresas de los países de la Unión Europa (UE), los resultados confirman que el compromiso empresarial en materia de RSC aumentó en el periodo de la pandemia (2020-2022) con respecto al periodo previo (2017-2019). Adicionalmente, los resultados de este estudio confirman que la intensidad del impacto de dicha crisis hace que mejoren los indicadores ASG. Desde un punto de vista práctico, es posible establecer ciertas implicaciones a nivel político y de gestión a partir de nuestros resultados y aprovecharlos para planificar posibles actuaciones frente a potenciales crisis futuras

    Endodoncia y rehabilitación con postes de fibra de vidrio

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    La fragilidad de las piezas dentarias con terapia endodóntica es debida a la pérdida significativa de tejido durante la preparación del conducto. El surgimiento de pernos intrarradiculares tiene como finalidad disminuir el riesgo de fractura del remanente dentario y la retención del material restaurado. En la actualidad los postes preformados se utilizan con mucha frecuencia en aquellas piezas dentarias anteriores que presentan suficiente remanente coronario para ser rehabilitadas luego con resina compuesta. En el caso que se presenta a continuación se decidió utilizar postes de fibra de vidrio por sus buenas propiedades estéticas y mecánicas, teniendo además 2/3 de remanente coronario.Facultad de Odontologí

    Procedimiento quirúrgico para odontoma compuesto

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    El odontoma compuesto es definido como una neoplasia de tejido odontogénico con diferentes estados de diferenciación histológica y morfológica, que presenta una formación dental detenida. Representan a los tumores odontogénicos benignos mixtos, de origen ectodérmico y mesodérmico, siendo los que aparecen con mayor frecuencia, por lo que es esencial que el odontólogo reconozca sus características clínicas para poder realizar el procedimiento quirúrgico indicado. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 18 años de edad, con presunto odontoma compuesto en el sector anterosuperior izquierdo, que fue removido quirúrgicamente.Facultad de Odontologí

    Time-dependent monitoring of cement hydration by combined laboratory x-ray microtomography and powder diffraction

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    Following the reaction degree of amorphous phases in cements is very challenging. It becomes even harder when some additions (supplementary cementitious materials) are employed. Nowadays, calcined clays are attracting a lot of attention as it is possible to reduce the clinker factor by 50%, which leads to a 40% CO2 cement footprint reduction. Thus, the aim of our overall project is to follow the reaction degree of amorphous anhydrous cement phases (for instance metakaolin) to yield different amorphous phase(s) (f.i. C-A-S-H gel) by combined X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) and powder diffraction (PD) analyses at different ages of hydration. Furthermore, some microstructural features, like porosity, can also be mapped out which are important for durability.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Accuracy in Cement Hydration Investigations: Combined X-ray Microtomography and Powder Diffraction Analyses

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    Cement hydration is a very complex set of processes. The evolution of the crystalline phases during hydration can be accurately followed by X-ray powder diffraction data evaluated by the Rietveld method. However, accurate measurements of some microstructural features, including porosity and amorphous content developments, are more challenging. Here, we combine laboratory X-ray powder diffraction and computed microtomography ( CT) to better understand the results of the CT analyses. Two pastes with different water–cement ratios, 0.45 and 0.65, filled within capillaries of two sizes, = 0.5 and 1.0 mm, were analysed at 50 days of hydration. It was shown that within the spatial resolution of the measured CTs, ~2 m, the water capillary porosity was segmented within the hydrated component fraction. The unhydrated part could be accurately quantified within 2 vol% error. This work is a first step to accurately determining selected hydration features like the hydration degree of amorphous phases of supplementary cementitious materials within cement blends.This research has been supported by PID2019-104378RJ-I00 and PID2020-114650RB-I00 (Spanish Science Ministry) research grants, which are co-funded by ERDF. IRS is thankful for funding from PTA2019-017513–I

    Basement membrane-rich Organoids with functional human blood vessels are permissive niches for human breast cancer metastasis

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    Metastasic breast cancer is the leading cause of death by malignancy in women worldwide. Tumor metastasis is a multistep process encompassing local invasion of cancer cells at primary tumor site, intravasation into the blood vessel, survival in systemic circulation, and extravasation across the endothelium to metastasize at a secondary site. However, only a small percentage of circulating cancer cells initiate metastatic colonies. This fact, together with the inaccessibility and structural complexity of target tissues has hampered the study of the later steps in cancer metastasis. In addition, most data are derived from in vivo models where critical steps such as intravasation/extravasation of human cancer cells are mediated by murine endothelial cells. Here, we developed a new mouse model to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying late steps of the metastatic cascade. We have shown that a network of functional human blood vessels can be formed by co-implantation of human endothelial cells and mesenchymal cells, embedded within a reconstituted basement membrane-like matrix and inoculated subcutaneously into immunodeficient mice. The ability of circulating cancer cells to colonize these human vascularized organoids was next assessed in an orthotopic model of human breast cancer by bioluminescent imaging, molecular techniques and immunohistological analysis. We demonstrate that disseminated human breast cancer cells efficiently colonize organoids containing a functional microvessel network composed of human endothelial cells, connected to the mouse circulatory system. Human breast cancer cells could be clearly detected at different stages of the metastatic process: initial arrest in the human microvasculature, extravasation, and growth into avascular micrometastases. This new mouse model may help us to map the extravasation process with unprecedented detail, opening the way for the identification of relevant targets for therapeutic intervention

    Rietveld quantitative phase analysis with molybdenum radiation

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    Building materials are very complex samples of worldwide importance; hence quantitative knowledge of their mineralogical composition is necessary to predict performances. Rietveld quantitative phase analysis (RQPA) allows a direct measurement of the crystalline phase contents of cements. We highlight in this paper the use of laboratory X-ray powder diffraction (LXRPD) employing high-energy radiation, molybdenum (Mo), for attaining the RQPA of cements. Firstly, we evaluate the accuracy of RQPA employing a commercial calcium sulfoaluminate clinker with gypsum. In addition to MoKα1 and MoKα1,2 radiations, Cu and synchrotron patterns are also analyzed for the sake of comparison. Secondly, the assessment of the accuracy of RQPA results obtained using different radiations (synchrotron, Mo, and Cu) and geometries (reflection and transmission) is performed by analyzing two well-known commercial samples. As expected, for LXRPD data, accuracy in the RQPA results improves as the irradiated volume increases. Finally, three very complex aged hydrated cements have been analyzed using MoKα1-LXRPD and Synchrotron-XRPD. The main overall outcome of this work is the benefit for RQPA of using strictly monochromatic MoKα1 radiation. Best laboratory results arise from MoKα1 data as the effective tested volume is much increased but peak overlapping is not swelledUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional. Andalucía Tech

    Cytotoxic and Antitumoral Activities of Compounds Isolated from Cucurbitaceae Plants

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    The WHO says that annual cases of cancer will increase from 14 million in 2012 to 22 million in the next two decades. Cancer is the second cause of death in the world; in 2015, it caused 8.8 million deaths. On the other hand, it is necessary to consider that 70% of the total deaths due to this disease occur in developing countries, who have the least resources to acquire the drugs of choice for the treatment of this disease. Although there are treatments and these are effective, there are currently cases of resistance to drugs used to treat this disease, which has led to the search for new sources of drugs or compounds effective against the cancer being active; plants are the possible sources to achieve this. Cucurbitaceae is a family of plants widely distributed on the planet which has been used traditionally for the treatment of this disease and from they have been isolated different cucurbitanes. These compounds possess a wide biological activity, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, or cytotoxic and antitumoral effects. The aim of this review is to present 51 cucurbitacin compounds and 2 with different structures isolated from Cucurbitaceae plants with cytotoxic or antitumoral activity

    Quantitative phase Analisis: A comparative study of Mo and Cu strictly monochromatic radiations

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    A comparison of the Rietveld quantitative phase analyses (RQPA) obtained using Cu-Kα1, Mo-Kα1, and synchrotron strictly monochromatic radiations is presented. The main aim is to test a simple hypothesis: high energy Mo-radiation, combined with high resolution laboratory X-ray powder diffraction optics, could yield more accurate RQPA, for challenging samples, than well-established Cu-radiation procedure(s). In order to do so, three set of mixtures with increasing amounts of a given phase (spiking-method) were prepared and the corresponding RQPA results have been evaluated. Firstly, a series of crystalline inorganic phase mixtures with increasing amounts of an analyte was studied in order to determine if Mo-Kα1 methodology is as robust as the well-established Cu-Kα1 one. Secondly, a series of crystalline organic phase mixtures with increasing amounts of an organic compound was analyzed. This type of mixture can result in transparency problems in reflection and inhomogeneous loading in narrow capillaries for transmission studies. Finally, a third series with variable amorphous content was studied. Limit of detection in Cu-patterns, ~0.2 wt%, are slightly lower than those derived from Mo-patterns, ~0.3 wt%, for similar recording times and limit of quantification for a well crystallized inorganic phase using laboratory powder diffraction was established ~0.10 wt%. However, the accuracy was comprised as relative errors were ~100%. Contents higher than 1.0 wt% yielded analyses with relative errors lower than 20%. From the obtained results it is inferred that RQPA from Mo-Kα1 radiation have slightly better accuracies than those obtained from Cu-Kα1. This behavior has been established with the calibration graphics obtained through the spiking method and also from Kullback-Leibler distance statistic studies. We explain this outcome, in spite of the lower diffraction power for Mo-radiation (compared to Cu-radiation), due to the larger volume tested with Mo, also because higher energy minimize pattern systematic errors and the microabsorption effect.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech