32 research outputs found
Az idézés mint újrakonstruálás : az idéző tevékenység az egyenes idézésben
Quoting as re-construal. Quoting activity in the production of direct quotes *** The paper combines cognitive semantic analysis with the pragmatic perspective to argue for an interpretation of quoting as the re-construal of a linguistically represented event. Quotations are thus regarded as composite semantic structures effecting the representation of two events. The paper studies the construal of quotations as a function of the speaker’s quoting activity, and also investigates the contributions made by the quoting and quoted passages to each other’s emergence, via relations of mutual elaboration. More specifically, the study focuses on the adaptive activity of the quoting person as reflected in direct quotes. The aim of the study is to explore how the quoting person can use direct quotes to provide access to the original discourse, and at the same time how she can also influence the comprehension and interpretation of the embedded discourse. *** A tanulmány a funkcionális kognitív szemantika és a pragmatika mint szemléletmód együttes érvényesítésével a közös figyelmi jelenetben megvalósuló idézést mint egy meglevő és nyelvileg reprezentált esemény újrakonstruálását értelmezi. Az idézést ezáltal két esemény reprezentációját elvégző, összetett jelentésszerkezetnek tekinti, és az idézésnek az idéző tevékenység által irányított megalkotási módját, illetve az idéző résznek és az idézetnek egymás megteremtéséhez való kölcsönös hozzájárulási folyamatát, kölcsönös kidolgozottságát elemzi. Ebben az elméleti keretben az idéző adaptív tevékenységét az egyenes idézésben vizsgálja. Ezen elemzéssel azt kívánja bemutatni, hogy az egyenes idézési módban az idéző miként valósítja meg az eredeti diskurzus hozzáférhetővé tételét, és mindeközben miként befolyásolhatja a beágyazódó diskurzus megértését és értelmezését
A konfliktus mint narratív újrakonstruálás. A KÖZLÉS hozzáférhetővé tétele az egészségügyi dolgozók konfliktushelyzeteinek elbeszéléseiben
The relationship between healthcare professionals and patients plays a central role in patient care. Relationship building is an active, dynamic process unfolding in interactions, shaped by both verbal and non-verbal elements of communication.
The goal of the present study is to highlight characteristic linguistic patterns of patient-centred and paternalistic styles of relationship building on the basis of an analysis of 8 instructional videos recorded with professional actors, simulating situations in healthcare. The 8 encounters feature 4 situations (at G.P. consultations), each enacted according to both the patient-centred and the paternalistic model of doctor behaviour. The study primarily focuses on suprasegmental features of semantically and syntactically (quasi-)equivalent utterances contributing to relationship building, treating them much like prosodic minimal pairs. Moreover, it also analyses the functioning of these utterances from a global, pragmatic perspective.
As the analysis shows, beyond differences in the participants’ actions, knowledge representations, emotion-related communication and body language, the two styles of relationship building also diverge in terms of suprasegmental features, although in the sample under study, the discrepancies rarely amount to statistically verifiable trends
Breaking the quantum PIN code of atomic synapses
Atomic synapses represent a special class of memristors whose operation
relies on the formation of metallic nanofilaments bridging two electrodes
across an insulator. Due to the magnifying effect of this narrowest
cross-section on the device conductance, a nanometer scale displacement of a
few atoms grants access to various resistive states at ultimately low energy
costs, satisfying the fundamental requirements of neuromorphic computing
hardware. Yet, device engineering lacks the complete quantum characterization
of such filamentary conductance. Here we analyze multiple Andreev reflection
processes emerging at the filament terminals when superconducting electrodes
are utilized. Thereby the quantum PIN code, i.e. the transmission probabilities
of each individual conduction channel contributing to the conductance of the
nanojunctions is revealed. Our measurements on NbO resistive switching
junctions provide a profound experimental evidence that the onset of the high
conductance ON state is manifested via the formation of truly atomic-sized
metallic filaments