845 research outputs found

    Volatile compound diversity and conserved alarm behaviour in Triatoma dimidiata

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    Background: Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille) is a key vector complex of Trypanosoma cruzi, etiologic agent of Chagas disease, as it spans North, Central, and South America. Although morphological and genetic studies clearly indicate existence of at least five clades within the species, there has been no robust or systematic revision, or appropriate nomenclature change for species within the complex. Three of the clades (haplogroups) are distributed in Mexico, and recent evidence attests to dispersal of clades across previously "presumed"monotypic geographic regions. Evidence of niche conservatism among sister species of this complex suggests that geographic dispersal is possible for non-sympatric populations, although no information is available on the behavioural aspects of potential interclade interactions, for instance whether differentiation of chemical signaling or response to these signals could impede communication among the haplogroups. Methods: Volatiles emitted by disturbed bugs, Brindley's (BGs), and metasternal (MGs) glands were identified using solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) and gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Volatile compounds emitted by BGs and MGs, and those secreted by disturbed nymphs and adults, of the three Mexican T. dimidiata haplogroups were tested for avoidance behaviour by conspecific nymphs and adults using an olfactometer. Results: Triatoma dimidiata haplogroups all have three age-related alarm responses: absence of response by early stage nymphs, stage-specific response by 4-5th stage nymphs, and a shared 4-5th nymph and adult response to adult compounds. Disturbed bugs released 15 to 24 compounds depending on the haplogroup, among which were three pyrazines, the first report of these organoleptics in Triatominae. Isobutyric acid from BGs was the most abundant molecule in the response in all haplogroups, in addition to 15 (h1) to 21 (h2 and h3) MG compounds. Avoidance behaviour of disturbed bugs and volatiles emitted by BGs were haplogroup specific, while those from the MG were not. Conclusions: Discriminant and cluster analysis of BG +MG compounds indicate significant separation among the three haplogroups, while alarm response compounds were similar between h2 and h3, both distinct from h1. This latter haplogroup is ancestral phylogenetically to the other two. Our results suggest that alarm responses are a conserved behaviour in the Triatoma dimidiata complex.Fil: May Concha, Irving Jesus. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; MéxicoFil: Rojas, Julio C.. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur; MéxicoFil: Cruz López, Leopoldo. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur; MéxicoFil: Ibarra-Cerdeña, Carlos N.. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados; MéxicoFil: Ramsey, Janine. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública; Méxic

    Prebiotics, Probiotics, Synbiotics and Functional Foods in Control and Treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Colorectal Cancer

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    Prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics are components that enhance human health by several mechanisms. Patients suffering from type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and colorectal cancer have seen benefits when treated with a prebiotic, probiotic or synbiotic therapy. These benefits include the improvement of their lipid profile, oxidative stress status, as well as the modulation of the inflammatory and immune responses. The associated benefits of prebiotic, probiotic or synbiotic functional foods have been studied, showing promising results into the prevention or control of diabetes and colorectal cancer. This novelty research provides new evidence that the use of functional foods along with medical therapy could be used to further enhance patient’s health

    Cebos feromonales para la captura de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en cultivos de maíz adyacentes a cultivos de fresas

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    El gusano cogollero, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), es una de las principales plagas del maíz y el sorgo, además de que este insecto empieza a ser una amenaza para el cultivo de fresa en Michoacán, México. Debido al daño que puede causar este insecto, es necesario contar con un sistema de monitoreo de sus poblaciones para detectar infestaciones tempranas e implementar su control a tiempo. Bajo este escenario, el uso de trampas cebadas con feromona sexual puede ser útil para atraer a los machos. En este estudio, se comparó la efectividad de una feromona desarrollada a partir de poblaciones mexicanas de S. frugiperda contra cuatro formulaciones comerciales, tres formuladas en el extranjero y una en México, en cultivos de maíz adyacentes a cultivos de fresas. También, se evaluó el efecto del color de la trampa en las capturas de S. frugiperda, usando uno de los cebos que presentó mayores capturas. Las trampas cebadas con cebo optimizado para poblaciones mexicanas (EcoTap) y con el cebo comercial formulado en el país (Phero-SF) fueron las que capturaron más machos de S. frugiperda y menos insectos no blancos, comparado con las trampas cebadas con los otros cebos. Uno de los hallazgos inesperados fue la captura de machos del gusano cortador, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), por las trampas cebadas con EcoTap o Phero-SF. El color de la trampa no fue una variable significativa para la captura de machos de S. frugiperda o A. ipsilon. Estos resultados pueden ser de importancia para el desarrollo de un sistema de monitoreo o trampeo masivo de S. frugiperda en las regiones mexicanas donde el maíz y sorgo son los principales cultivos, o en aquellos orgánicos de fresas que pueden estar amenazados por este insecto polífago.The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the main pests of maize and sorghum, in addition this insect begins to be a threat for strawberry crops in Michoacán, Mexico. Thus, it would be worth to have a monitoring system to detect early infestations of S. frugiperda and implement their control in time. Under this scenario, the use of traps baited with the sex pheromone may be useful to catch males. In this study, we compared the effectiveness of a pheromone lure developed from Mexican populations of S. frugiperda against four commercial lures, three formulated abroad and one in Mexico, in maize crops adjacent to strawberries ones. Additionally, we analyzed the effect of the trap color. It was found that the traps baited with lure optimized for Mexican populations (EcoTap) or with the commercial lure formulated in Mexico (Phero-SF) captured more S. frugiperda males and less non-target insects compared to traps baited with the other lures. One unexpected finding was the caught of black cutworm males, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), by the traps baited with EcoTap or Phero-SF lures. The trap colour did not have a significant effect on the capture of S. frugiperda or A. ipsilon males. The results obtained here may be used for monitoring or mass trapping S. frugiperda in the Mexican regions where maize and sorghum are the main crops or in organic strawberry crops that may be threatened by this polyphagous insect

    Evaluation of Clinical and Immunopathological Features of Different Infective Doses of Trypanosoma cruzi in Dogs during the Acute Phase

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    Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi is a major risk in Latin America, and dogs are believed to be good models for evaluating Chagas disease. Here, we evaluated the clinical and immunopathological alterations developed by mongrel dogs experimentally infected with different infective doses (2,000, 20,000, and 200,000 metacyclic trypomastigotes of Sylvio X10/4 strain kg−1 via intraperitoneal). Clinical and electrocardiographic parameters, as well as antibody production and pathologic lesions were evaluated. All three doses of this strain of T. cruzi induced a similar pattern of infection characterized by cardiac arrhythmias and severe and diffuse myocarditis. Specific anti-T. cruzi IgG indicated seroconversion by day 14 after infection, and IgG levels increased during the period of evaluation. Mortality was observed only in dogs infected with the medium or high parasite doses, but not in the group infected with a low dose of 2,000 parasites kg−1. Infection with a low dose of parasites provides an excellent nonlethal model to evaluate the immunopathology of the acute disease in dogs infected with the Sylvio X10/4 strain of T. cruzi

    Water safety : water potability of hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    A Portaria 2.914/11 do Minist?rio da Sa?de do Brasil disp?e dos procedimentos e par?metros de controle e vigil?ncia da qualidade de ?gua para consumo humano e potabilidade. Neste sentido, faz-se necess?rio o monitoramento da qualidade das ?guas de unidades de atendimento hospitalar, devido ?s caracter?sticas de fragilidade de seus usu?rios. O presente trabalho visou analisar a qualidade da ?gua de abastecimento de um hospital geral de porte m?dio da regi?o central do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Para isso, foram realizadas campanhas de coleta entre os meses de setembro de 2014 e novembro de 2016, em pontos amostrais variados, conforme determina??o da vigil?ncia sanit?ria. Os par?metros analisados foram Cloreto, Cloro Residual, Condutividade, Dureza Total, Nitrog?nio de Nitrito e de Nitrato, pH, Turbidez, Coliformes Totais, Coliformes Termotolerantes, Escherichia coli e contagem de Bact?rias Heterotr?ficas. Os resultados das amostras analisadas mostraram-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela portaria em rela??o aos par?metros f?sico- qu?micos, com exce??o de cloro residual e condutividade, que apresentaram respectivamente 32,5% e 10,1% das amostras fora dos padr?es. Observou-se a ocorr?ncia de Coliformes Termotolerantes em novembro de 2015, o qual foi rapidamente contornado pela adi??o de cloro nos reservat?rios. Percebe-se, desta forma, a import?ncia e pertin?ncia da continuidade do programa de monitoramento da ?gua de abastecimento do referido hospital.The Decree 2,914/11 of the Ministry of Health of Brazil has the procedures and parameters of control and surveillance of water quality for human consumption and potability. In this Ordinance all the procedures and parameters of control and monitoring of drinking water are described. In this sense, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the water in hospital care units, due to the fragility characteristics of its users. The present study aimed to analyse the quality of the water supply of a medium-sized general hospital in the central region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In order to do that, collection campaigns were carried out between September 2014 and November 2016, at various sampling points, as determined by the sanitary surveillance. The analyzed parameters were Chloride, Residual Chlorine, Conductivity, Total Hardness, Nitrogen of Nitrite and Nitrate, pH, Turbidity, Total Coliforms, Thermotolerant Coliforms, Escherichia coli and Heterotrophic Bacterial count. The results of the analyzed samples were within the parameters established by the ordinance regarding to the physical-chemical parameters, except for residual chlorine and conductivity, which presented 32.5% and 10.1% respectively, of samples out of the established. It was observed the occurrence of thermotolerant coliforms in November 2015, which was quickly overcome by the addition of chlorine in the reservoirs. According to the results was noticed the importance of the continuity of the water supply monitoring program of the cited hospital

    Del contexto cultural al funcionamiento familiar. Conocimientos compartidos y relaciones familiares en adolescentes con intento de suicidio

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    El objetivo de este texto es identificar y comparar la estructura semántica del dominio cultural, el conocimiento promedio y el grado de consenso cultural sobre las causas del intento de suicidio, los síntomas previos y las estrategias de prevención del intento de suicidio, además evaluar el funcionamiento familiar entre adolescentes mexicanos con y sin intento de suicidio. Se presenta un estudio mixto metodológicamente que usa la técnica de listas libres y el inventario de recursos familiares en una muestra propositiva de 65 adolescentes (13 a 18 años) divididos en dos grupos: el grupo de adolescentes con tentativa suicida y un grupo control con adolescentes estudiantes sin antecedentes de conductas suicidas. Los problemas familiares fueron la principal causa del intento suicida, mientras que la depresión y la tristeza fueron síntomas previos a una tentativa suicida en ambos grupos. La ayuda psicológica y el desarrollo de habilidades de escucha en los padres fueron señaladas como las estrategias para la prevención del suicidio. Respecto del funcionamiento familiar, los adolescentes con tentativa suicida percibieron más conflictos familiares y menor comunicación y apoyo en sus familias en comparación con el grupo control. Los resultados sugieren un conocimiento compartido culturalmente sobre las causas, los síntomas y las estrategias de prevención del intento de suicidio en los adolescentes, el cual se confirma en la percepción del funcionamiento familiar. La familia, elemento central en la cultura mexicana, debe ser considerada en las estrategias de prevención del intento de suicidio en los adolescentes en México. AIM: The aim of the study was to identify and to compare the semantic structure of the cultural domain, the average knowledge and the degree of cultural consensus regarding knowledge of suicide attempts cause, symptoms and prevention strategies to suicide attempt and the family functioning among Mexican adolescents with and without previous suicide attempt. Method: It was a mixed study, using the free-listing technique and an inventory of family resources, with a non-random sample of 65 adolescents (13-18 years) divided in two groups. The suicide attempters group and the control group were high school students, without a history of suicide behaviors. Results: Family problems were identified as the most important cause of suicide attempts in both groups, while depression and sadness were identified as symptoms prior to the suicide attempt in both groups. Psychological aid and development of listening skills in the parents were the most frequent responses regarding prevention strategies to suicide attempt. Regarding family functioning teenage suicide attempters showed more family conflict, less family communication and support than teenage non suicide attempters. Conclusions: The results suggest a same cultural knowledge background regarding causes, symptoms prior and prevention strategies to suicide attempt in Mexican adolescents. Mexican culture centered in family relationships is important to be considered in design of prevention strategies to suicide attempt in adolescence in Mexico.ITESO, A.C