156 research outputs found

    Are fad diets worth their weight?

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    Management of Southern African Gamebirds: Opportunities and Threats

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    Three evolutionarily quite distinct groups of galliforms contribute to a healthy wingshooting industry in southern Africa: guineafowl (Numida spp.), francolins (Scleroptila spp.) and spurfowls (Pternistis spp.). Some species, such as the helmeted guineafowl (N. meleagris), Swainson’s spurfowl (P. swainsonii) and greywing francolin (S. africanus), thrive in moderate to heavily disturbed landscapes, mainly agriculture. In fact, helmeted guineafowl and Swainson’s spurfowl increased both in abundance and range during the 20th century. Others, such as the redwing (S. levaillantii) and Orange River francolins (S. levaillantoides) are very sensitive to certain types of land use. These strikingly different responses to land use require equally diverse strategies in order to develop truly sustainable management strategies and policies. These are discussed in detail for each of these five species of gamebirds

    Low carbohydrate diets: what are the potential short and long term health implications?

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    Low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss are receiving a lot of attention of late. Reasons for this interest include a plethora of low-carbohydrate diet books, the over-sensationalism of these diets in the media and by celebrities, and the promotion of these diets in fitness centres and health clubs. The re-emergence of low-carbohydrate diets into the spotlight has lead many people in the general public to question whether carbohydrates are inherently \u27bad\u27 and should be limited in the diet. Although low-carbohydrate diets were popular in the 1970s they have resurged again yet little scientific fact into the true nature of how these diets work or, more importantly, any potential for serious long-term health risks in adopting this dieting practice appear to have reached the mainstream literature. Evidence abounds that low-carbohydrate diets present no significant advantage over more traditional energy-restricted, nutritionally balanced diets both in terms of weight loss and weight maintenance. Studies examining the efficacy of using low-carbohydrate diets for long-term weight loss are few in number, however few positive benefits exist to promote the adoption of carbohydrate restriction as a realistic, and more importantly, safe means of dieting. While short-term carbohydrate restriction over a period of a week can result in a significant loss of weight (albeit mostly from water and glycogen stores), of serious concern is what potential exists for the following of this type of eating plan for longer periods of months to years. Complications such as heart arrhythmias, cardiac contractile function impairment, sudden death, osteoporosis, kidney damage, increased cancer risk, impairment of physical activity and lipid abnormalities can all be linked to long-term restriction of carbohydrates in the diet. The need to further explore and communicate the untoward side-effects of low-carbohydrate diets should be an important public health message from nutrition professionals.<br /

    Ovarian cancer

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    Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynaecological cancers in women in Australia. Reproductive factors related to lifetime oestrogen exposure and obesity are linked to increasing risk of ovarian cancer and the typical Western diet, which is low in plant-based foods and high in red meat, has been implicated in raising ovarian cancer risk for which the use of herbal therapies is common in treating women with ovarian cancer, though few women consult a health practitioner for advice on usage and indications.<br /

    The diet of helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) in the Riemland of the north-eastern Free State, South Africa

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    This study was conducted to determine the diet of helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) in the Riemland and to establish the effects that these gamebirds may be having on cash crop yield. In the Riemland farming community many farmers complain of harvest losses suffered to guineafowl. It was found that the main dietary items during all seasons are corms of weed plants, primarily Cyperus spp. Helmeted guineafowl rely to a large degree on waste maize and germinating wheat during winter when natural food is difficult to find. Although they do not pose any problems with regard to maize farming, this is not necessarily true for wheat farming

    Relationship Between Atheroma Regression and Change in Lumen Size After Infusion of Apolipoprotein A-I Milano

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    ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to determine the relationship between atheroma regression and arterial wall remodeling.BackgroundInfusion of reconstituted high-density lipoprotein (rHDL) containing recombinant apolipoprotein A-I Milano (AIM) has been reported to promote rapid regression of coronary atherosclerosis. The current study analyzed intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) to define the changes that take place in the arterial wall that accompanied atheroma regression in this study.MethodsForty-seven patients, ages 30 to 75 years, after an acute coronary syndrome were randomized to receive five weekly infusions of placebo or rHDL containing either low- or high-dose AIM. External elastic membrane (EEM) and lumen volumes were compared between coronary IVUS studies at baseline and follow-up.ResultsIn comparison with baseline, infusion of rHDL was associated with a 4.6% reduction in EEM volume. Lumen volume did not change. In 10-mm arterial subsegments with the greatest plaque burden at baseline, atheroma volume regressed by 10.9% with a similar reduction in EEM volume but with no change in lumen size. In contrast, EEM and atheroma volume did not change in the 10-mm segments containing the least plaque burden. The reduction in EEM in the most diseased segments was only apparent in subjects who underwent plaque regression. Reduction in EEM volume correlated with the decreased atheroma volume (r = 0.62), but there was no correlation between change in lumen size and change in plaque volume.ConclusionsRemodeling of the arterial wall is a focal and heterogeneous process. After infusion of rHDL containing AIM, regression of coronary atherosclerosis is accompanied by reverse remodeling of the EEM, resulting in no change in luminal dimensions

    Habitat structure shapes temperate reef assemblages across regional environmental gradients

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    Intertidal artificial habitats are proliferating, but are generally simpler in structure and host lower biodiversity than natural rocky reefs. Eco-engineering aims to enhance the biodiversity of coastal infrastructure, often through physical structural modifications that mimic topographic properties of natural shores. Relationships between biotic assemblages and structural properties of natural and artificial reefs have been extensively studied at sampling scales of up to 1 m2. But evidence that quantified local structural variation has an appreciable influence on biotic assemblages, at a shore-wide scale across regional environmental gradients, is lacking. Here we addressed this knowledge gap with an observational study at 32 natural and artificial intertidal reef sites in Wales, UK. We used multivariate community analysis and permutation tests to examine associations between local physical structure, regional environmental variables and sessile biotic assemblages. A potential influence of local habitat structure on assemblage composition was evident across regional-scale environmental gradients. Compared to natural sites, artificial reefs had lower taxonomic richness, distinct and more variable assemblage composition, and different physical structure. After removing the effect of habitat (natural or artificial), canonical correspondence analysis showed that environmental variables (wave exposure, sea surface temperature and salinity variation), along with two metrics of physical structure (standard deviation in log-transformed detrended roughness and skewness of surface verticality, both at 0.5 m scale), explained 40 % of the variation in assemblage composition among sites. The two structural metrics independently explained 14.5 % of the variation. Associations identified between individual taxa and environmental variables indicated that sites with a higher proportion of horizontal surfaces hosted more canopy macroalgae, which in turn support other algae and invertebrates. Our findings provide evidence to inform scaling-up of structural eco-engineering interventions from experimental contexts to enhance the biodiversity of coastal infrastructure across regional extents

    Myocardial ischemic-fibrotic injury after human heart transplantation is associated with increased progression of vasculopathy, decreased cellular rejection and poor long-term outcome

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    AbstractObjectivesWe sought to assess the influence of peritransplant ischemia and fibrosis on the development of allograft vasculopathy, acute cellular rejection and long-term outcome.BackgroundAllograft vasculopathy is a common long-term complication of cardiac transplantation. One of the potential risk factors is peritransplant allograft ischemia.MethodsOne hundred forty heart transplant recipients had baseline and one-year intravascular ultrasound analysis done to assess the progression of allograft vasculopathy. Serial endomyocardial biopsies were evaluated for cellular rejection, vascular rejection, ischemia and fibrosis. Based on histology, patients were classified into one of the following groups: nonischemic (n = 32), ischemia (n = 24), fibrosis (n = 62) or vascular rejection (n = 22). Three-color flow cytometry crossmatching (FCXM) was used to assess donor-specific human lymphocyte antigens (HLA) sensitization. Long-term outcome of patients in each group was assessed by estimating incidence of graft failure or deaths over a seven-year follow up.ResultsPatients in the fibrosis group had the lowest incidence of donor-specific HLA sensitization (40%, p = 0.008) and lowest average episodes of cellular rejection (1.7 ± 1.4, p = 0.04), but they had increased coronary vasculopathy progression (change in coronary intimal thickness = 0.59 ± 0.28 mm, p < 0.0001) and poor seven-year event-free survival (49%, p = 0.01).ConclusionsThe development of fibrosis after cardiac transplantation is associated with advanced coronary vasculopathy, although a low incidence of acute cellular rejection is noted, suggesting the presence of nonimmune mechanisms in mediating the pathogenesis of allograft vasculopathy

    Artificial shorelines lack natural structural complexity across scales

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    From microbes to humans, habitat structural complexity plays a direct role in the provision of physical living space and increased complexity supports higher biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across biomes. Natural coastlines are structurally complex transition zones between land and sea that support diverse ecological communities but are under increasing pressure from human activity. Coastal development and the construction of artificial shorelines are changing our landscape and altering biodiversity patterns as humans seek both socio-economic benefits and protection from coastal storms, flooding, and erosion. In this study, we evaluate how much structural complexity is missing, and at which scales, with the creation of artificial structures compared to naturally occurring rocky shores. We quantified the structural complexity of both artificial and natural shores at resolutions from 1 mm through to 10s of m using three remote sensing platforms (handheld camera, terrestrial laser scanner and uncrewed aerial vehicles) across both artificial and natural shorelines. Natural shorelines were approximately 20-50 % more structurally complex and offered greater structural variation between locations. In contrast, artificial shorelines were more structurally homogenous and typically deficient in structural complexity across scales. Our findings reinforce concerns that replacing natural rocky shorelines with artificial structures simplifies coastlines at organism-relevant scales. Furthermore, we offer much-needed insight into how structures might be modified to more closely capture the complexity of natural shorelines that support biodiversity
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