6 research outputs found

    Stimulated Secondary Emission of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes

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    Large-area next-generation physics experiments rely on using Silicon Photo-Multiplier (SiPM) devices to detect single photons, which trigger charge avalanches. The noise mechanism of external cross-talk occurs when secondary photons produced during a charge avalanche escape from an SiPM and trigger other devices within a detector system. This work presents measured spectra of the secondary photons emitted from the Hamamatsu VUV4 and Fondazione Bruno Kessler VUV-HD3 SiPMs stimulated by laser light, near operational voltages. The work describes the Microscope for the Injection and Emission of Light (MIEL) setup, which is an experimental apparatus constructed for this purpose. Measurements have been performed at a range of over-voltage values and temperatures from 86~K to 293~K. The number of photons produced per avalanche at the source are calculated from the measured spectra and determined to be 40±\pm9 and 61±\pm11 photons produced per avalanche for the VUV4 and VUV-HD3 respectively at 4 volts over-voltage. No significant temperature dependence is observed within the measurement uncertainties. The overall number of photons emitted per avalanche from each SiPM device are also reported.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Characterisation of SiPM Photon Emission in the Dark

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    In this paper, we report on the photon emission of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) from avalanche pulses generated in dark conditions, with the main objective of better understanding the associated systematics for next-generation, large area, SiPM-based physics experiments. A new apparatus for spectral and imaging analysis was developed at TRIUMF and used to measure the light emitted by the two SiPMs considered as photo-sensor candidates for the nEXO neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment: one Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) VUV-HD Low Field (LF) Low After Pulse (Low AP) (VUV-HD3) SiPM and one Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK) VUV4 Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC). Spectral measurements of their light emissions were taken with varying over-voltage in the wavelength range of 450–1020 nm. For the FBK VUV-HD3, at an over-voltage of 12.1±1.0 V, we measured a secondary photon yield (number of photons (γ) emitted per charge carrier (e−)) of (4.04±0.02)×10−6γ/e−. The emission spectrum of the FBK VUV-HD3 contains an interference pattern consistent with thin-film interference. Additionally, emission microscopy images (EMMIs) of the FBK VUV-HD3 show a small number of highly localized regions with increased light intensity (hotspots) randomly distributed over the SiPM surface area. For the HPK VUV4 MPPC, at an over-voltage of 10.7±1.0 V, we measured a secondary photon yield of (8.71±0.04)×10−6γ/e−. In contrast to the FBK VUV-HD3, the emission spectra of the HPK VUV4 did not show an interference pattern—likely due to a thinner surface coating. The EMMIs of the HPK VUV4 also revealed a larger number of hotspots compared to the FBK VUV-HD3, especially in one of the corners of the device. The photon yield reported in this paper may be limited if compared with the one reported in previous studies due to the measurement wavelength range, which is only up to 1020 nm

    Simulation Study of Photon-to-Digital Converter (PDC) Timing Specifications for LoLX Experiment

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    The Light only Liquid Xenon (LoLX) experiment is a prototype detector aimed to study liquid xenon (LXe) light properties and various photodetection technologies. LoLX is also aimed to quantify LXe's time resolution as a potential scintillator for 10~ps time-of-flight (TOF) PET. Another key goal of LoLX is to perform a time-based separation of Cerenkov and scintillation photons for new background rejection methods in LXe experiments. To achieve this separation, LoLX is set to be equipped with photon-to-digital converters (PDCs), a photosensor type that provides a timestamp for each observed photon. To guide the PDC design, we explore requirements for time-based Cerenkov separation. We use a PDC simulator, whose input is the light information from the Geant4-based LoLX simulation model, and evaluate the separation quality against time-to-digital converter (TDC) parameters. Simulation results with TDC parameters offer possible configurations supporting a good separation. Compared with the current filter-based approach, simulations show Cerenkov separation level increases from 54% to 71% when using PDC and time-based separation. With the current photon time profile of LoLX simulation, the results also show 71% separation is achievable with just 4 TDCs per PDC. These simulation results will lead to a specification guide for the PDC as well as expected results to compare against future PDC-based experimental measurements. In the longer term, the overall LoLX results will assist large LXe-based experiments and motivate the assembly of a LXe-based TOF-PET demonstrator system.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    The Light only Liquid Xenon experiment : signal production, data acquisition and commissioning

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    The Light only Liquid Xenon (LoLX) experiment is a small detector designed to investigate both scintillation and Cherenkov light emission in liquid xenon, validate photon transport in simulations and study Silicon Photo-Multiplier (SiPM) response. A new analytic framework for describing temporal scintillation signatures is presented, and the relationship between xenon’s refractive index and temperature is derived from literature. The energy deposition time is also calculated for relativistic alpha and beta particles, as it pertains to future phases of LoLX which will aim to measure the rise time of the scintillation signal. The characterization of the LoLX electronics shows single photon resolution and the system linearity was reported for prompt light pulses up to 200 photons. A framework is presented for describing external cross-talk (eXT), where a charge avalanche in one SiPM generates photons which trigger another device. Finally preliminary data from a gaseous nitrogen cooldown of LoLX is analyzed, which shows evidence for fluorescence in nitrogen and eXT, although no definitive conclusions are drawn.Science, Faculty ofPhysics and Astronomy, Department ofGraduat

    Scintillating Bubble Chambers for Rare Event Searches

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    The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) collaboration is developing liquid-noble bubble chambers for the detection of sub-keV nuclear recoils. These detectors benefit from the electron recoil rejection inherent in moderately-superheated bubble chambers with the addition of energy reconstruction provided from the scintillation signal. The ability to measure low-energy nuclear recoils allows the search for GeV-scale dark matter and the measurement of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering on argon from MeV-scale reactor antineutrinos. The first physics-scale detector, SBC-LAr10, is in the commissioning phase at Fermilab, where extensive engineering and calibration studies will be performed. In parallel, a functionally identical low-background version, SBC-SNOLAB, is being built for a dark matter search underground at SNOLAB. SBC-SNOLAB, with a 10 kg-yr exposure, will have sensitivity to a dark matter–nucleon cross section of 2×10−42 cm2 at 1 GeV/c2 dark matter mass, and future detectors could reach the boundary of the argon neutrino fog with a tonne-yr exposure. In addition, the deployment of an SBC detector at a nuclear reactor could enable neutrino physics investigations including measurements of the weak mixing angle and searches for sterile neutrinos, the neutrino magnetic moment, and the light Z’ gauge boson

    Genetically Encodable Fluorescent Biosensors for Tracking Signaling Dynamics in Living Cells

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