44 research outputs found

    First trip abroad: expectations, experiences and stories of transnational Romanians

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    The chapter “First trip abroad: expectations, experiences and stories of transnational Romanians” analyses transnational Romanians’ stories about their first trip abroad using the EUMEAN dataset. The concept of physical mobility is seen as a broader framework for understanding transnational and cosmopolitan behaviours as well as international migration. In order to distinguish between different types of travelling for the first trip abroad, the chapter is constructed keeping in mind the structural changes and constraints regarding physical mobility for Romanian citizens. During the transition from a communist country to a EU member state, Romanian citizens’ stories about travelling abroad for the first time fundamentally changed. Labour migrants, asylum seekers, business travellers, students or tourists left the country with different expectations and faced different problems at destination. Their attitudes toward origin and destination framed their images about the first trip abroad. Using a qualitative approach and samples of Romanians who live in Denmark, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom, the analysis emphasizes certain differences between different types of travelling for the first time abroad and reconstructs how Romanians started their transnational careers


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    The geotechnical study resulted from the need to know the foundation land in order to properly place the investment and includes the geotechnical exploration works performed in the site area, with the aim of providing the data necessary to solve the basic problems specifying the aspects related to: the stratification of the land on the site; physical-mechanical characteristics of existing soils; admissible pressures at different foundation levels; probable settlements; framing of field excavations; frost depth; seismic framing; hydrogeological data


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    Averaged over the two years of experimentation (2012-2013) separate influence of the mixture of species on short-exploitation temporary grassland production was reduced, meaning that the production of the 4 mixtures were close. Whatever themixture, theunfertilized variant, consideredcontrol, has been acquiredvery lowproductionof only2.44tha-1 d.m. Throughfertilizationwith100 kg/haN(backgroundof 50kg/haP2O5 and50 kg/haK2O) were made5.41t ha-1 d.m., which represents an increase of2.97tha-1orin therelative numbersby122%. The dose of 120 kg/ha N applied in two rounds (80 kg in the spring + 40 kg after first harvest) increased production by 2.08 t ha-1, the amount harvested per unit area being 4.52 t ha-1d.m

    La pandemia de COVID-19 como oportunidad para poner de relieve la migración de los trabajadores agrícolas a través de la cobertura mediática

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    In recent years, the interest in media representations of migrants and the media as a space for participation has increased within the field of migration studies. Yet, most scholars’ attention is focused on immigrants and the media in destination countries, while less attention is paid to origin countries and emigrants’ representation. Taking advantage of the increased attention paid to migrants and migration during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we investigated the media representations of Romanian migrants in agriculture who work in other European countries and interpreted how their voices could be heard through media accounts. Through content analysis, we investigated a sample of 297 articles published between 1st April and 31st May 2020 on the websites of the six most visible Romanian media outlets. This study contributes to the existing knowledge on media representations of Romanian migrants by documenting a series of tendencies, including an event-oriented approach, oversimplified representations of migration, massification and schematisation of migrant representations, and the high sensitivity to reports from destination countries’ media on Romanian migrants. Our analysis reveals that the approach taken to reporting on migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, at least during its first phase, highly depended on the existing, institutionalised modes of media reporting on migration.En los últimos años, el interés por las representaciones mediáticas de los emigrantes y los medios de comunicación como espacio de participación ha aumentado dentro del campo de los estudios migratorios. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la atención de los estudiosos se centra en los inmigrantes y los medios de comunicación en los países de destino, mientras que se presta menos atención a los países de origen y a la representación de los emigrantes. Aprovechando la mayor atención prestada a los emigrantes y a la migración durante la primera fase de la pandemia del COVID-19, investigamos las representaciones mediáticas de los emigrantes rumanos en la agricultura que trabajan en otros países europeos e interpretamos cómo sus voces podían ser escuchadas a través de los relatos mediáticos. Mediante un análisis de contenido, investigamos una muestra de 297 artículos publicados entre el 1 de abril y el 31 de mayo de 2020 en los sitios web de los seis medios de comunicación rumanos más visibles. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento existente sobre las representaciones mediáticas de los migrantes rumanos al documentar una serie de tendencias, incluyendo un enfoque orientado a los acontecimientos, representaciones excesivamente simplificadas de la migración, masificación y esquematización de las representaciones de los migrantes, y la alta sensibilidad a los informes de los medios de comunicación de los países de destino sobre los migrantes rumanos. Nuestro análisis revela que el enfoque adoptado para informar sobre la migración durante la pandemia del COVID-19, al menos durante su primera fase, dependió en gran medida de los modos existentes e institucionalizados de informar sobre la migración en los medios de comunicación

    The Europeanisation of Everyday Life: Cross-Border Practices and Transnational Identifications among EU and Third-Country Citizens - Romanians' Social Transnationalism in the Making

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    Transnational migration fields emerged in social research as a result of a tentative criticism of methodological nationalism with its focus on the national space as a homogeneous container of all the forms of social life. The new approach of methodological transnationalism is targeted to locate some sociocultural phenomena and processes in the framework of interactions among several societies. Cross-border practices, links and identities in this new approach put in relation not only nation-states but non-state actors that are structured at group, community and regional level. The three chapters of the working paper address the emerging social transnationalism (Mau, 2012) of Romanians by focusing on transnational fields, perceptions of the first trips abroad and the habitus of emigrants in relation with return intentions. Temporary or indefinite time emigration of Romanians abroad for work started, mainly, during the economic recession that hit Romania in 1997-1999. In spite of its young age, it largely contributed to the structuring of a social transnationalism by fields, actors and layers. EUCROSS and non-EUCROSS data at individual or aggregated level, of quantitative and qualitative nature are put to work for capturing the complexity of the Romanian transnationalism in the making. The key idea of the first chapter is that regions at different levels, at origin and at destination, function as relevant frames in structuring migration fields. Transnational fields are not only dense interactions between pairs of societies having Romania as origin, but a configuration of interactions among clusters of sending microregions in Romania and receiving macroregions, formed by clusters of receiving countries. Changing the unit of analysis from national societies to regions at different levels allows for a dynamic picture of multisited and multilevel regionalism in understanding transnational migration. Survey and census data are aggregated to reach this picture. The multiregional model of transnationalism is developed by four axes or layers on migration streams, cross-border networks, transnational habitus and migration experiences at individual and family levels. This comprehensive, multilayer approach requires the use of multiple data sets (the EUCROSS survey on Romanian natives, the Romanian census data from 2011 and the Romanian subsample from the Eurobarometer 73.3 on New Europeans) that are able to capture the complexity of the model. The chapter “First trip abroad: expectations, experiences and stories of transnational Romanians” analyses transnational Romanians’ stories about their first trip abroad using the EUMEAN dataset. The concept of physical mobility is seen as a broader framework for understanding transnational and cosmopolitan behaviours as well as international migration. In order to distinguish between different types of travelling for the first trip abroad, the chapter is constructed keeping in mind the structural changes and constraints regarding physical mobility for Romanian citizens. During the transition from a communist country to a EU member state, Romanian citizens’ stories about travelling abroad for the first time fundamentally changed. Labour migrants, asylum seekers, business travellers, students or tourists left the country with different expectations and faced different problems at destination. Their attitudes toward origin and destination framed their images about the first trip abroad. Using a qualitative approach and samples of Romanians who live in Denmark, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom, the analysis emphasizes certain differences between different types of travelling for the first time abroad and reconstructs how Romanians started their transnational careers. Romanian migration has a temporary and circulatory character: on the one hand, people are moving back and forth to and from a destination and, on the other hand, there are migrants who either resettle in Romania, come back in the home country and then emigrate to a different destination than the initial one or move to a new destination after spending time abroad without returning to Romania. The third chapter is concerned with the factors that shape these distinct possible strategies and types of mobility, with a special interest towards intentions and plans for return. In doing so, we look at the bonds Romanian migrants maintain with their home country and explore the different typologies and categories of migrants as moulded by their experiences, opinions and attitudes towards the country of origin. The main questions of interest concern how the experience of migration shapes the attitude towards the home country and the intention to return, how did the crisis influence such aspects (if it did) and what the main factors that appear as significant to one category of migrants or another from this point of view are. For this purpose, we use fifty one of the sixty one in-depth interviews realized with Romanians as part of the EUCROSS project in Denmark, UK, Spain, Italy and Germany (EUMEAN dataset)


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    In the past 20 years, along with the exponential growth of computer science, have developed devices, technologies and means that have led to increased accuracy for determining the elements measured decrease the time required for data acquisition and processing in topographic measurements hence the time required of preparing the cadastral documentation. Practically every year there are new devices and software for data processing and representation of the terrestrial measurements or theirs improved versions. The paper presents the case study of a property detachment situated in the Agigea commune, Lazu village, T12, A428/2/1/2/1, Constanta County.INTRODUCTIO


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    A mine surveyor provides services from early design and project implementation throughout a mine’s life to closure. Surveyors deal in spatially referenced information and measure angles and distances to document the positions of mining features and boundaries, and present the information in the form of mine maps.In an underground mine, surveys are typically performed in dark, confined and often wet spaces, and special equipment and methods have had to be developed to comply with underground safety regulations. Deep mine surveys must be performed in 3 D and underground and surface surveys must be correlated. Underground surveys are performed at different levels of precision


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    Surveys of open pit mines combine characteristics of engineering and topographic surveys. The surveyor provides guidance for miners to develop mining operations according to the earlier-established mine plan, then surveys the progress of mining and develops maps and models representing its current state. The maps and models are used for calculating the volumes and tonnages mined and for reconciling mining progress with the mine plan. Surveying of open pits usually involves the following activities:a. establishment of a mine survey control network;b. detailed topographic surveying of open pit and waste dumps;c. data processing to calculate mined volumes and tonnages;d. stability control surveys of open-pit and waste dump slopes;e. support surveys for earthmoving-machine control systems

    La pandemia de COVID-19 como oportunidad para poner de relieve la migración de los trabajadores agrícolas a través de la cobertura mediática

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    En los últimos años, el interés por las representaciones mediáticas de los emigrantes y los medios de comunicación como espacio de participación ha aumentado dentro del campo de los estudios migratorios. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la atención de los estudiosos se centra en los inmigrantes y los medios de comunicación en los países de destino, mientras que se presta menos atención a los países de origen y a la representación de los emigrantes. Aprovechando la mayor atención prestada a los emigrantes y a la migración durante la primera fase de la pandemia del COVID-19, investigamos las representaciones mediáticas de los emigrantes rumanos en la agricultura que trabajan en otros países europeos e interpretamos cómo sus voces podían ser escuchadas a través de los relatos mediáticos. Mediante un análisis de contenido, investigamos una muestra de 297 artículos publicados entre el 1 de abril y el 31 de mayo de 2020 en los sitios web de los seis medios de comunicación rumanos más visibles. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento existente sobre las representaciones mediáticas de los migrantes rumanos al documentar una serie de tendencias, incluyendo un enfoque orientado a los acontecimientos, representaciones excesivamente simplificadas de la migración, masificación y esquematización de las representaciones de los migrantes, y la alta sensibilidad a los informes de los medios de comunicación de los países de destino sobre los migrantes rumanos. Nuestro análisis revela que el enfoque adoptado para informar sobre la migración durante la pandemia del COVID-19, al menos durante su primera fase, dependió en gran medida de los modos existentes e institucionalizados de informar sobre la migración en los medios de comunicación