3 research outputs found

    Movements and Habitat Use of an Endangered Snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Elapidae): Implications for Conservation

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    A detailed understanding of how extensively animals move through the landscape, and the habitat features upon which they rely, can identify conservation priorities and thus inform management planning. For many endangered species, information on habitat use either is sparse, or is based upon studies from a small part of the species' range. The broad-headed snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) is restricted to a specialized habitat (sandstone outcrops and nearby forests) within a small geographic range in south-eastern Australia. Previous research on this endangered taxon was done at a single site in the extreme south of the species' geographic range. We captured and radio-tracked 9 adult broad-headed snakes at sites in the northern part of the species' distribution, to evaluate the generality of results from prior studies, and to identify critical habitat components for this northern population. Snakes spent most of winter beneath sun-warmed rocks then shifted to tree hollows in summer. Thermal regimes within retreat-sites support the hypothesis that this shift is thermally driven. Intervals between successive displacements were longer than in the southern snakes but dispersal distances per move and home ranges were similar. Our snakes showed non-random preferences both in terms of macrohabitat (e.g., avoidance of some vegetation types) and microhabitat (e.g., frequent use of hollow-bearing trees). Despite many consistencies, the ecology of this species differs enough between southern and northern extremes of its range that managers need to incorporate information on local features to most effectively conserve this threatened reptile. © 2013 Croak et al

    The benefits of habitat restoration for rock-dwelling velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii

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    Summary: Worldwide, efforts to restore habitat quality are rarely matched by efforts to evaluate the effects of those restoration attempts. Simply documenting usage of the newly created habitats by biota is not enough, because such areas may serve as sink populations. We need to monitor viability (growth, survival, reproduction) of individuals that colonize the newly created habitat, compared with conspecifics in non-restored areas. In the Sydney region in south-eastern Australia, humans have degraded sandstone rock outcrops by removing natural rocks for landscaping urban gardens. We restored degraded rock outcrops by placing artificial rocks at sites where natural rocks had been removed. We measured growth rates and survival in velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii at control and restored sites over a 2-year period. Gecko growth rates were unaffected by habitat restoration, but restoring sites with artificial rocks increased the overall numbers of lizards detected (both adults and juveniles). The apparent survival rates of adult male lizards (as estimated using mark) were not significantly affected by habitat restoration. However, apparent survival rates of juvenile geckos were higher at restored sites than at unrestored sites. Synthesis and applications. Habitat restoration using artificial rocks has had measurable conservation benefits on these degraded rocky outcrops. Quantifying those benefits in terms of species' survival and growth rates enables management decisions about habitat restoration to be based upon evidence rather than wishful thinking or untested intuition. Habitat restoration using artificial rocks has had measurable conservation benefits on these degraded rocky outcrops. Quantifying those benefits in terms of species' survival and growth rates enables management decisions about habitat restoration to be based upon evidence rather than wishful thinking or untested intuition. © 2013 British Ecological Society