87 research outputs found

    Effect of time of desiccation on oil content in different sunflower hybrids

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    Chemical desiccation with Reglone Forte has been tried in production fields under four sunflower hybrids. Reglone Forte (2 l/ha) was applied at 7-day intervals from the end of pollination till maturity. Seed moisture was determined prior to each treatment. Seed oil content was determined at maturity, using the method of nuclear magnetic resonance. The highest oil content was found in the control, the lowest in the treatment 7 days after flower (DAF). The absence of significant differences among treatments 21 DAF, 28 DAF and the control was an indication that there was no large increment in oil content in the period after the average seed moisture reached 44.34% and maturity. Considering individual hybrids, there was no large oil content increase already from treatment 14 DAF, with the exception of hybrid NS-H-43 which evidently required a later treatment. Considering the time of treatment in relation to seed moisture, this hybrid achieved maximum oil content when treated at 31% seed moisture. In hybrid NS-H-26 RM, however, maximum oil content was achieved with treatment at 25% seed moisture

    Path koeficijent analiza kvaliteta dvoredog jarog ječma

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    Malting quality is composed of numerous interacting traits with a high complexity concerning their biochemical and genetic basis. Malt extract is key indicator of barley malting quality and it is a mega-trait since it is influenced by a number of independent component traits. Understanding genetic and non-genetic factors that effects grain quality and grain yield is crucial in developing new cultivars, seed and mercantile production. Path analysis is one of the reliable statistical techniques which allow separation of the direct effect of each component trait on malt quality from the indirect effects caused by the interdependence component trait. The aim of this study was to investigate spring two-row barley quality as mega-trait depending on the component traits in the conditions of the Pannonian environments. Regression analysis with extract (EXT) as dependant and other traits (yield-YIL, test weight-TW, grain weight-GW, grading-GRA, grain protein concentration-GPC, viscosity-VIS, Kolbach index-KOL, Hartong number-HAR) as independent traits was performed out. Simple coefficient of correlations were calculated between independent traits and EXT in all pair combination and then used as inputs for path coefficient analysis. The quadratic curve fitted the best relationship between EXT and the independent traits. EXT was in positive (P lt 0.01) relationship with GW, GRA, KOL, and HAR with simple correlation coefficient of 0.47, 0.42, 0.39 and 0.50, respectively and in negative (P lt 0.01) relationship with GPC and VIS with simple correlation coefficient of -0.72 and -0.51, respectively. Path analysis explained more than 70% of the variation in EXT of which 34.3% was determined by direct negative path coefficient (P lt 0.01) of GPC without significant any indirect path effect. VIS negatively directly, (P lt 0.01) and negatively indirectly via GPC effected EXT. KOL did not have significant direct effect on EXT, but had rather prominent indirect effect via GPC, VIS and HAR. HAR positively directly (P lt 0.01) and positively indirectly via GPC effected EXT. The direct effect of VIS and HAR determined 13.0% and 14.1% of the variation, respectively.Kvalitet pivskog ječma određuje veliki broj međusobno povezanih osobina, kompleksne biohemijske i genetička osnove. Ekstrakt slada je osnovni pokazatelj kvaliteta pivskog ječma i može se smatrati mega osobinom, poÅ”to zavisi od delovanja velikog broja drugih osobina. Poznavanje genetičkih i negenetičkih faktora pod čijom kontrolom se nalazi kvalitet i prinos pivskog ječma suÅ”tinsko je za stvaranje novih sorti i uspeÅ”nu semensku i merkantilnu proizvodnju. Path analiza je pouzdana statistička metoda koja omogućava razdvajanje direktnih i indirektnih efekata nezavisnih osobina na mega osobinu ili mega osobine. Indirektni efekti su posledica međuzavisnosti i zajedničkog delovanja nezavisnih osobina. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je proučavanje ekstrakta slada, kao mega osobine, u zavisnosti od osnovnih osobina zrna i slada, koje su u određenoj vezi sa sadržajem ekstrakta u sladu. Istraživanje je obavljeno u periodu 1998-2004 na osam sorti dvoredog jarog ječma u agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima Panonske nizije. Odnos između sadržaja ekstrakta u sladu (EXT) kao zavisne osobine i prinosa (YIL), zapreminske mase (TW), mase hiljadu zrna (GW), sortiranja (GRA), sadržaja proteina u zrnu (GPC), viskoziteta (VIS), Kolbah indeksa (KOL), Hartong broja (HAR) kao nezavisnih osobina određeni su regresionom analizom, prostom korelacijom i path analizom. Kvadratna regresija je najbolje predstavljala funkcionalnu determinisanost EXT navedenim nezavisnim osobinama, mada nisu utvrđene statisički značajne vrednosti koeficijenta determinacije. Vrednosti prostih koeficijenta korelacije između EXT s jedne strane i GW, GRA, KOL, i HAR sa druge strane bile su pozitivne (P lt 0.01) i iznosile su 0.47, 0.42, 0.39 i 0.50, respective. EXT je bio u negativnoj (P lt 0.01) korelacionoj vezi sa GPC, -0.72 i VIS, -0.51. Path analiza je objasnila 70% varijabilnosti kod EXT, od čega je 34.3% bilo pod uticajem negativnog direktnog path koeficijenta GPC, koji nije imao značajnih indirektnih efekata. VIS je imao značajan (P lt 0.01) direktan efekat na EXT i indirektan efekat preko GPC. KOL nije imao značajan direktan efekat na EXT ali su bile visoke vrednosti indirektnih efekata KOL preko GPC, VIS i HAR. HAR je imao značajan pozitivan (P lt 0.01) direktan efekat na EXT i indirektan efekat preko GPC. Pod uticajem VIS bilo je 13.0%, a pod uticajem HAR 14.1% od ukupne varijabilnosti EXT

    Planting date effects on oil yield in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Oil yield per unit area is the ultimate target in growing high-oil sunflower genotypes. A research was carried out to determine planting date effects on oil yield, using three sunflower hybrids (Miro, Rimi, Pobednik), eight planting dates and two vegetation periods. The experiment used the RCB design with four replications. Oil yield as product of grain yield and oil concentration was expressed in kg/ha. Oil yield was predominantly influenced by the year of growing (91.5%). The influence of planting date on yield amounted to 4.3%. All sources of variation were highly significant, except hybrid and interaction hybrid Ɨ year. On average, the hybrid Rimi had the highest mean value for oil yield. Oil yield was higher in 2004 than in 2005

    Interakcija hibrid Ɨ rok setve za prinos ulja suncokreta

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effects of hybrids and planting dates as well as their interaction on oil yield in sunflower for three-year experiment (2005, 2006, 2007). Three sunflower hybrids (Miro, Rimi and Pobednik) and eight planting dates were included in the experiment. AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction) analysis is one of the mainly used multiplicative models, which evaluates main effects and also interaction. The interaction was detected by using AMMI1 biplot. Oil yield was predominantly influenced by the year of growing (58.9%), then by planting date (12.9%) and by hybrid (10.7%). All interactions were significant as well. AMMI ANOVA showed high significance of both IPC1 and IPC2. The contribution of IPC1 was 77.5%. Hybrids Miro and Pobednik showed no significant differences in the mean values, which were higher than average. However, the hybrid Miro showed the highest stability for oil yield. Hybrid Rimi, with the lowest mean value, was the most unstable for the examined character. Oil yield was higher in earlier than in later planting dates. Graphical presentation of AMMI1 in the form of biplot could facilitate the choice of stable hybrids and planting dates for desired characters in sunflower.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita efekat hibrida, roka setve i njihove interakcije na prinos ulja suncokreta u trogodiÅ”njim ispitivanjima (2005, 2006, 2007). U eksperiment su bila uključena tri hibrida (Miro, Rimi, Pobednik) i osam rokova setve. AMMI (metod glavnih efekata i viÅ”estruke interakcije) je jedan od najznačajnijih i najviÅ”e koriŔćenih multivarijacionih modela, koji osim glavnih efekata (hibrid, rok setve) otkriva i interakciju. Interakcija je prikazana pomoću AMMI1 biplota, za čiju izradu je koriŔćen excel (macro). Prinos ulja bio je u najvećoj meri uslovljen godinom ispitivanja (58,9%), zatim rokom setve (12,9%) i hibridom (10,7%), a i sve interakcije su pokazale visoku značajnost. AMMI ANOVA pokazala je visoku značajnost obe glavne komponente (IPC1 i IPC2). Najveći deo varijacije pripao je IPC1 (77,5%). Hibridi Pobednik i Miro nisu se značajno razlikovali u srednjim vrednostima, koje su bile iznad opÅ”teg proseka. Međutim, Miro je pokazao visoku stabilnost za prinos ulja. Hibrid Rimi, sa značajno najnižom srednjim vrednoŔću, bio je i najnestabilniji za ovu osobinu. Prinos ulja bio je veći u ranijim u odnosu na kasnije rokove setve. Grafički prikaz AMMI1 biplota može pomoći u izboru stabilnih hibrida i rokova setve za željene osobine

    Interpretation of interactions in sunflower agronomic trials using multiplicative models and climatic information

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    A three-year experiment (2005, 2006, 2007) including three sunflower hybrids and eight sowing dates was carried out in order to study the impact of hybrid Ɨ sowing date interaction on oil yield of sunflower hybrids. With an aim of attaching biological significance to the interaction interpretation, information on four climatic factors (minimum, maximum and mean temperature and precipitation) were used. Significant differences were found between hybrids, sowing dates and years regarding their impact on oil yield. The results of 3-way ANOVA showed that all sources of variation were highly significant (main effects and interaction effects). This indicated variations among sunflower hybrids for oil yield and variations in sowing date and hybrid Ɨ sowing date effects. The multiplicative interaction between H Ɨ R was further separated in two bilinear terms (PC1 and PC2), and both were highly significant. The SREG2 biplot indicated that the hybrid Miro was the best performer at 11 planting dates. During the three-year experiment, Pobednik produced highest oil yields at 10 planting dates and Rimi only at 3. Sowing dates R1-6, R2-6 and R3-6 were best for oil yield, because they had highest PC1 values and near-zero PC2 values were (SREG2). On the basis of percentages in the first significant dimension, three variables (pr3, mx3, mn3) higher than 50% and with high positive values of loading were extracted. The PLS regression tri-plot shows that all variables were distributed in 4 groups with similar (or different) effects on the total interaction. Minimum temperature (mn4) at physiological maturity had the smallest contribution to the H Ɨ R interaction for oil yield. Sowing dates R4-5 and R5-5 also had smallest contributions to the H Ɨ R interaction, because they were located near zero point (0.0) and because their oil yields were smaller than the average. The results for sunflower oil yield indicated that the relative performance of the hybrids and sowing dates was strongly under the influence of their different reactions to precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures at the flowering stage

    Prinos semena i sadržaj proteina suncokreta u zavisnosti od gustine setve

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of stand density on seed yield and protein content in sunflower hybrids. The field experiment was carried out at Rimski Å ančevi location. Six NS sunflower hybrids were examined. Five hybrids are confectionery (NS Goliat, NS Slatki, NS Gricko, Vranac and Cepko), and one is used for bird food (NS-H-6485). The trial was arranged as randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Sowing was done with six different densities (from 20,000 to 70,000 plants per hectare, with an increment of 10,000 plants per hectare). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the effect of hybrid, stand density and hybrid Ɨ stand density interacĀ­tion were highly significant for seed yield and protein content. The highest seed yield, on the basis of average for all densities, was found in NS-H-6485 (4.77 t ha-1) and in NS Gricko (4.43 t ha-1). Average seed yield of hybrids significantly increased up to 50,000 plants per ha-1, when it reached the value of 4.50 t ha-1, and then decreased. Significantly higher protein content, taking into account all stand densities, showed hybrid Cepko (16.94%). Protein content, above the overall average value, was achieved in hybrid Vranac (16.11%). The highĀ­est protein content in the average for all six hybrids was at the lowest stand density (20,000 plants per ha-1), and then decreased up to higher densities. The results showed that stand density had significant effect on seed yield and protein content in sunflower hybrids.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita efekat gustine setve na prinos semena i sadržaj proteina kod hibrida suncokreta. Poljski ogled izveĀ­den je na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi. Ispitivano je Å”est hibrida suncokreta. Pet hibrida su konzumnog tipa (NS Goliat, NS Slatki, NS Gricko, Vranac i Cepko), a jedan je za ishranu ptica (NS-H-6485). Ogled je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu (RCBD), u četiri ponavljanja. Setva je izvedena sa Å”est gustina (od 20.000 do 70.000 biljaka po hektaru, sa korakom od 10.000 biljaka po hektaru). Analiza varijanse (ANOVA) je pokazala da su efekti hibrida, gustine setve i interakcije hibrid Ɨ gustina setve bili visoko značajni za prinos semena i sadržaj proteina. Najveći prinos semena, na osnovu proseka svih gustina setve, pokazali su hibridi NS-H-6485 (4,77 t ha-1) i NS Gricko (4,43 t ha-1). Prosečan prinos hibrida značajno se povećavao do 50.000 biljaka po hektaru, kada je postignut prinos od of 4,50 t ha-1, a zatim je opadao. Uzimajući u obzir sve gustine setve, značajno najveći sadržaj proteina postigao je hibrid Cepko (16,94%). Sadržaj proteina iznad opÅ”teg proseka imao je i hibrid Vranac (16,11%). Najveći sadržaj proteina u proseku za svih Å”est hibrida bio je kod najmanje gustine setve (20.000 biljaka po hektaru), a zatim se smanjivao do većih gustina. Rezultati su pokazali da gustina setva ima značajan uticaj na prinos semena i sadržaj proteina kod hibrida suncokreta

    Effect of harvest date on seed viability of different sunflower genotypes

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    Effect of harvest date on seed viability has been examined in 3 different sunflower genotypes. Harvesting started 7 days after fertilization. It was done 10 times, at 3-4-day intervals. Seed moisture was determined before each harvest. Trials were conducted in India and Serbia. Seed viability was determined 3 months after the harvest. Genotype ranking regarding seed viability, was not the same in the two locations; higher average seed germination was registered in Serbia. There were no significant increases in seed viability once the average seed moisture at the time of harvest reached 41% (India) and 48% (Serbia). Differences existed between the locations in minimum and maximum daily temperatures. Regression analysis showed that highest seed germination rates were reached when seed moisture content at harvest went below 32%, in most cases when seed moisture reached 22-23%

    Uticaj vremena desikacije na neke parametre kvaliteta hibridnog semena suncokreta

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    A three-year study was carried out in two locations to determine how different chemical desiccation dates during ripening affect seed yield per head and seed viability in sunflower. Used as the desiccant was the preparation Reglone forte, at a concentration of 1%, or 2 l/ha at 200 liters of water. The highest yield per plant was recorded in the fourth desiccation treatment (28 days after pollination) at an average seed moisture of 31.01%. The lowest yield per plant was found in the first treatment (seven days after late flowering) at an average seed moisture content of 70.68%. At an average seed moisture content of 56.6%, there was already no significant decline in yield in relation to the later treatments and the control. A certain decrease of yield was also observed in the control treatment relative to the later desiccation dates. As far as seed viability is concerned, no statistically significant differences were observed among the treatments. A high level of viability at a high seed moisture content was recorded as early as the first desiccation date, and this trend continued throughout the study. The control treatments had lower values than the rest of the treatments but differences were not statistically significant.U trogodiÅ”njem istraživanju na dva lokaliteta ispitivan je uticaj hemijske desikacije suncokreta u različitim rokovima tokom sazrevanja, na prinos semena po biljci i klijavost semena. Kao desikant je koriÅ”ten preparat Reglone forte u koncentraciji od 1% Å”to odgovara dozi od 2 l/ha sa 200 litara vode. Najveći prinos po biljci zabeležen je kod 4. roka tretiranja izvedenog 28 dana po cvetanju pri prosečnoj vlazi semena od 31,01%. Najmanji prinos po biljci zabeležen je kod prvog roka tretiranja izvedenog 7 dana po cvetanju, pri prosečnom sadržaju vlage u semenu od 70,68%. Već od tretiranja pri prosečnom sadržaju vlage u semenu od 56,6%, nije bilo značajnog pada prinosa u odnosu na kasnije tretmane i kontrolu. Zapažen je i izvestan pad prinosa kod kontrole u odnosu na poznije rokove tretiranja. Kod klijavosti nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika između rokova tretiranja, visoka klijavost beležena je već od prvog roka tretiranja pri visokom sadržaju vlage u zrnu. Na kontroli i poznijim rokovima tretiranja doÅ”lo je do malog ali ne značajnog pada klijavosti
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