77 research outputs found

    Reversible Disassembly of the Actin Cytoskeleton Improves the Survival Rate and Developmental Competence of Cryopreserved Mouse Oocytes

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    Effective cryopreservation of oocytes is critically needed in many areas of human reproductive medicine and basic science, such as stem cell research. Currently, oocyte cryopreservation has a low success rate. The goal of this study was to understand the mechanisms associated with oocyte cryopreservation through biophysical means using a mouse model. Specifically, we experimentally investigated the biomechanical properties of the ooplasm prior and after cryopreservation as well as the consequences of reversible dismantling of the F-actin network in mouse oocytes prior to freezing. The study was complemented with the evaluation of post-thaw developmental competence of oocytes after in vitro fertilization. Our results show that the freezing-thawing process markedly alters the physiological viscoelastic properties of the actin cytoskeleton. The reversible depolymerization of the F-actin network prior to freezing preserves normal ooplasm viscoelastic properties, results in high post-thaw survival and significantly improves developmental competence. These findings provide new information on the biophysical characteristics of mammalian oocytes, identify a pathophysiological mechanism underlying cryodamage and suggest a novel cryopreservation method

    Cryopreservation of murine spermatozoa.

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    Cryopreservation of mouse sperm provides an economic option for preserving the large number of mouse strains now being generated by transgenic and targeted mutation methodologies. The ability of a spermatozoan cell to survive cryobiological preservation depends on general biophysical constraints that apply to all cells, such as the avoidance or minimization of the formation of intracellular ice during cooling. This action is typically achieved by use of cryoprotectant substances and by controlled, slow rates of cooling. Superimposed on those general constraints may be special characteristics of mouse spermatozoa, such as more narrow, osmotically driven volume tolerance limits and the fact that relatively successful freezing can be obtained without the use of a permeating cryoprotective agent. The lack of important information regarding sperm cells fundamental cryobiological properties, including their osmotic and membrane permeability characteristics, has hindered progress in developing anything but empirically derived methods. Genetic differences between inbred mouse strains are reflected in motility and fertility characteristics of mouse sperm and contribute to the difficulty of developing successful cryopreservation methods. Recovery of live young from frozen sperm has been much more successful with sperm from hybrid mice than from most inbred strains. There have been no published reports of successful cryopreservation of rat sperm. Nevertheless, in mice, success in deriving live young from intracytoplasmic sperm injection using sperm frozen under suboptimal conditions raises the possibility of using this technique for the ultimate rescue of sperm regardless of the success of cryopreservation. This technique, however, requires additional development and verification of its efficacy before it will be suitable for general laboratory use. Although cryopreservation of mouse sperm is not yet universally successful, it can be used reliably to supplement cryopreservation of embryos and other germline cells or tissues for preserving biomedically important strains of mice for research

    Development of a novel microperfusion chamber for determination of cell membrane transport properties.

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    A novel microperfusion chamber was developed to measure kinetic cell volume changes under various extracellular conditions and to quantitatively determine cell membrane transport properties. This device eliminates modeling ambiguities and limitations inherent in the use of the microdiffusion chamber and the micropipette perfusion technique, both of which have been previously validated and are closely related optical technologies using light microscopy and image analysis. The resultant simplicity should prove to be especially valuable for study of the coupled transport of water and permeating solutes through cell membranes. Using the microperfusion chamber, water and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) permeability coefficients of mouse oocytes as well as the water permeability coefficient of golden hamster pancreatic islet cells were determined. In these experiments, the individual cells were held in the chamber and perfused at 22 degrees C with hyperosmotic media, with or without DMSO (1.5 M). The cell volume change was videotaped and quantified by image analysis. Based on the experimental data and irreversible thermodynamics theory for the coupled mass transfer across the cell membrane, the water permeability coefficient of the oocytes was determined to be 0.47 micron. min-1. atm-1 in the absence of DMSO and 0.65 microns. min-1. atm-1 in the presence of DMSO. The DMSO permeability coefficient of the oocyte membrane and associated membrane reflection coefficient to DMSO were determined to be 0.23 and 0.85 micron/s, respectively. These values are consistent with those determined using the micropipette perfusion and microdiffusion chamber techniques. The water permeability coefficient of the golden hamster pancreatic islet cells was determined to be 0.27 microns. min-1. atm-1, which agrees well with a value previously determined using an electronic sizing (Coulter counter) technique. The use of the microperfusion chamber has the following major advantages: 1) This method allows the extracellular condition(s) to be readily changed by perfusing a single cell or group of cells with a prepared medium (cells can be reperfused with a different medium to study the response of the same cell to different osmotic conditions). 2) The short mixing time of cells and perfusion medium allows for accurate control of the extracellular osmolality and ensures accuracy of the corresponding mathematical formulation (modeling). 3) This technique has wide applicability in studying the cell osmotic response and in determining cell membrane transport properties
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