5,263 research outputs found

    Sprachverlust im kontext deutsch-portugiesischer remigration

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    O presente trabalho tem como base um corpus de transcrições de entrevistas feitas a ex-emi-grantes de segunda geração, que cresceram num país de língua alemã e, a certa altura da sua vida, regressaram a Portugal. O objectivo do estudo é analisar a competência linguística destes falantes bilingues, procurando responder às seguintes questões: A perda de contacto com a língua alemã originou processos de erosão linguística? É possível perder uma língua que se adquiriu de forma natural durante a infância?Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    Perder uma língua na infância: um estudo longitudinal sobre erosão linguística

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    This article documents a longitudinal study of language attrition in a bilingual girl, who grew up in Germany, and moved to Portugal at the age of 9. The present study aims to analyze effects of language loss in German, the language which was no longer used on a daily basis after return. Data collection started 3 weeks after her immersion in the Portuguese setting and ended 18 months later. Results show first effects of language attrition after five months of reduced exposure to German; 18 months later the informant showed severe word retrieval difficulties and was unable to produce complete sentences in German. The findings, thus, confirm the conclusions of other studies on child language attrition, which suggest that there is a critical period for language retention in childhood

    Português língua não materna: discutindo conceitos de uma perspetiva linguística

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    Português Língua Não Materna é um conceito abrangente, que inclui diferentes tipos de aquisição, de aprendizagem e de domínio da língua portuguesa. O uso deste conceito, de significado bastante amplo, é específico do contexto português. O objetivo deste capítulo é debater este conceito, discutindo definições como a de Português Língua Segunda, Português Língua Estrangeira ou Português Língua de Herança

    Domínios (in)vulneráveis da competência bilingue

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    O presente artigo pretende investigar os efeitos que a perda de contacto com uma das línguas do falante bilingue poderá ter sobre a sua competência linguística. Em particular, pretende-se testar se diferentes domínios da língua apresentam graus de vulnerabilidade distintos. Neste sentido, são testadas duas propriedades diferentes: a expressão do objecto tópico, um fenómeno situado na interface entre sintaxe e discurso, e a ordem verbal, propriedade considerada puramente sintáctica. Os participantes são falantes bilingues luso-aelmães, que viviam na Alemanha ou na Suíça e se mudaram para Portugal, deixando de ter um contacto contínuo com a língua alemã.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), QREN, Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional, Compet

    Understanding heritage language acquisition : some contributions from the research on heritage speakers of European Portuguese

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    The present paper aims to contribute to our understanding of heritage language acquisition by focusing on the results of three studies on heritage speakers of European Portuguese living in Germany (Flores and Barbosa, 2014, Santos and Flores, 2013 and Rinke and Flores, 2014), thus highlighting the European perspective on this topic. The participants of these studies are second-generation immigrants who use their heritage language productively in their daily interactions. In particular it is argued that heritage speakers are highly proficient bilingual speakers who develop a particular linguistic knowledge because they are exposed to particular input conditions. In this sense, the proficiency of heritage speakers cannot be described as the outcome of a deficient, incomplete acquisition process, but rather as an instance of native language development.I would like to thank my colleagues Pilar Barbosa, Ana Lucia Santos and Esther Rinke for their invaluable contribution to the research presented in this paper and Ana Correia for revising the English language. I am also very grateful to the anonymous reviewers and the guest editors of this special issue, Pedro Guijarro Fuentes and Katrin Schmitz, for their helpful comments and suggestions. My thanks also go to the Portuguese funding agency FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia), who has supported the research on Portuguese-German Bilingualism through different research grants

    Language attrition: uma sinopse das principais questões de investigação

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    This paper aims to give a broad overview of the research field of language attrition. The main goal is to present a brief summary of the most important research questions in this domain: why does attrition occur and what is lost in attrition situations? In the first part the most important factors that influence the attrition process are discussed: the role of age, the influence of the second language, the type and amount of input that the attriter receives, his attitudes and motivations. The second part is dedicated to the linguistic features involved: which linguistic domains are affected by language loss? Within this issue, some research findings concerning loss in the lexical, morphological and syntactic domain are presented.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    The effect of age on language attrition : evidences from bilingual returnees

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    The present study investigates the syntactic competence of bilingual Portuguese-German returnees who have lost regular contact with their L2 (German). The main criterion which distinguishes the participants is the age of input loss. This allows their division into two main groups: speakers who lost German input during early childhood (between ages 7 and 10) and speakers who were 11 or older when they moved away from the German environment. Focusing on verb placement in main and embedded clauses, the available data shows strong evidence of the existence of a stabilization phase following the acquisition period. The speakers who lost L2 input earlier than age 11 show significantly more syntactic deficits than the other speakers. However, the observed attrition effects seem to be the result of insufficient L2 activation, rather than the expression of undergoing competence loss

    Lá está ele a schmatzen! Particularidades do discurso de bilingues luso-alemães

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    O objectivo do presente estudo consiste na descrição de algumas das particularidades do discurso de falantes bilingues luso-alemães. O corpus é composto por transcrições de linguagem oral espontânea, gravada em situações de comunicação que envolvem emigrantes luso-alemães de segunda geração. No centro da análise estão expressões características de alternância de códigos, motivadas por dois factores linguísticos: o princípio da economia e a tendência para preencher lacunas de uma língua com as estruturas da outra.The present study aims to describe some particularities of Portuguese-German bilingual discourse, based on research carried out on bilingual emigrants of the second generation. The study focuses code-switching as the central phenomenon of bilingual speech behaviour. The analysis of switched utterances taken from a corpus comprising three and a half hours of recorded speech gives insight into typical Portuguese-German code-switching combinations. The linguistic characterization of the samples led to the definition of two factors: the “principle of economy” and the “tendency to fill system gaps with structures of the other language”

    Zweisprachigkeit, rückwanderung und identität

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    In das Repertoire an Klischees, die man in Aufnahmegesellschaften mit Migranten verbindet, fällt auch der sprachbezogene Stereotyp, dem nach ‚Migranten, die Aufnahmesprache schlecht sprechen’. Sogar bei Migrantenkindern, die im Aufnahmeland geboren sind, ist eine Verwunderung über gute Sprachkenntnisse nicht unselten. Diese klischeehafte Einstellung, die eine defizitäre Sprachkompetenz der Migranten in den Vordergrund stellt, hat bis vor dreissig Jahren auch die wissenschaftliche Betrachtungsweise der Linguisten beherrscht. Sie wird besonders deutlich in der Verwendung von Begriffen wie ‚Semilingualismus’, ‚Partilingualismus’ oder ‚doppelte Halbsprachigkeit’, die Mitte der siebziger Jahre die Diskussion um den Sprachstand von Migrantenkindern beherrschten und das Fundament derzeit dominierender Theorien zur Zweisprachigkeit bildeten. Wie aus den Wörtern ‚semi’, ‚parti’, ‚halb’ hervorgeht, liegt diesen Termini die Vorstellung zugrunde, dass ‚eine Sprachkompetenz nur teilweise erreicht ist’; Mabstab bildet dabei die monolinguale Kompetenz des ‚normalen’ Einsprachigen. In der vorliegenden Studie wird der Sprachgebrauch von deutsch-portugiesischen Migranten der 2.Generation thematisiert. Entgegen der Defizithypothese, wird unterstrichen, dass „bilinguales Sprechen“ vor allem ein Reflex bikultureller Realitätserfahrung ist.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).Ministério da Ciência, Inovação e Ensino Superior - Programa Operacional Ciência e Inovação 2010

    Um período de estabilização no desenvolvimento da competência sintáctica de falantes bilingues

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    Coleção Hespérides. Linguística, v. 7The aim of the present paper is to examine if the return of second generation migrants to their homeland (or better: to their parents’ homeland), i.e. if the loss of regular input from one language leads to changes in their language competence. The spoken data of 32 participants who were raised bilingually in a German-speaking country (Germany or Switzerland) and who moved to Portugal later in life is presented. The goal of this study is to look for syntactic variation in their German that can be interpreted as attrition effects and to determine which linguistic features were affected by these attrition phenomena. The results are discussed in relation with extra-linguistic factors such as ‘age of return’, ‘amount of contact with L2 after return’ and ‘length of stay in Portugal’Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT