3 research outputs found

    The intervention of Brain Gym in the mathematical abilities of high-school students: A pilot study

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    IntroductionThe learning process of Mathematics is a challenge in Latin America; therefore, it is of vital importance to conduct actions that improve the performance in this science.MethodsThis article is reporting on quasi-experimental research, where, through the use of Brain Gym, the objective is to improve: the definition of rational numbers, problem-solving ability, mathematical order relationships, and equivalent fractions. We worked with 67 students between 12 and 14 years old, organized into an experimental group (n = 35) and a control group (no participation group; n = 32).ResultsWe made pre and post-test measurements and found that the control group students improved in their problem-solving ability F(1,65) = 8.76, p = 0.04, η2 = 0.12 and equivalent fractions F(1,65) = 4.54, p = 0.03, η2 = 0.06.DiscussionIn conclusion, the importance of applying innovative processes to improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics can be affirmed. It is important to note that both the control and experimental groups improved their learning, however, the experimental group did so to a greater extent than the students in the control group, who received a traditional educational process, and they did learn, but not at the level of the experimental group

    Brain gymnastics in the learning process of the math

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    La investigación aborda el impacto de la Gimnasia Cerebral como una estrategia activa que a través de la conexión cerebro – cuerpo – movimiento, estimula las conexiones neuronales para mejorar el desarrollo académico de los estudiantes. El objetivo de estudio fue establecer un proceso de Gimnasia Cerebral para mejorar el aprendizaje de la Matemática en Noveno Año de Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa “Ramón González Artigas”. El presente trabajo realizó una investigación de tipo cuasiexperimental, se trabajó con una población de 67 estudiantes, 35 de género femenino y 32 de género masculino, entre 12 a 14 años. La aplicación del programa de intervención tuvo una duración de 8 sesiones de 40 minutos cada una. Con el grupo experimental y el grupo de control inicialmente se aplicó un pretest de números racionales, el mismo que tuvo la validación de expertos en la asignatura de Matemática; terminada la intervención se aplicó un postest, cuyos resultados verificarían la hipótesis de una mejora de resultados entre los dos grupos. La presentación y análisis de los resultados obtenidos en la investigación fueron muy favorables y positivos, debido a que el grupo experimental incrementó su aprendizaje en un 36.28%, en cambio el grupo de control aumentó solo un 13.21%. Estos datos demuestran que la implementación de la Gimnasia Cerebral de forma activa durante la jornada pedagógica, mejora de forma significativa el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, estimulando su atención, comprensión, memoria, entre otros. Además, nivela el estrés preparando al estudiante a recibir nuevos conocimientos y que estos sean significativos para su vida

    The intervention of Brain Gym in the mathematical abilities of high-school students: A pilot study

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    Introduction: The learning process of Mathematics is a challenge in Latin America; therefore, it is of vital importance to conduct actions that improve the performance in this science. Methods: This article is reporting on quasi-experimental research, where, through the use of Brain Gym, the objective is to improve: the definition of rational numbers, problem-solving ability, mathematical order relationships, and equivalent fractions. We worked with 67 students between 12 and 14 years old, organized into an experimental group (n = 35) and a control group (no participation group; n = 32). Results: We made pre and post-test measurements and found that the control group students improved in their problem-solving ability F(1,65) = 8.76, p = 0.04, η2 = 0.12 and equivalent fractions F(1,65) = 4.54, p = 0.03, η2 = 0.06. Discussion: In conclusion, the importance of applying innovative processes to improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics can be affirmed. It is important to note that both the control and experimental groups improved their learning, however, the experimental group did so to a greater extent than the students in the control group, who received a traditional educational process, and they did learn, but not at the level of the experimental group