8 research outputs found

    Antiplatelet, Antithrombotic, and Fibrinolytic Activities of Campomanesia xanthocarpa

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    In a previous work based on popular belief, Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg., popularly known as “guavirova”, showed to have a potential effect in the control of a number of conditions associated with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of C. xanthocarpa extract (CXE) on antiplatelet, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities in mice and in human blood. Mice were treated orally for 5 days with CXE or acetylsalicylic acid and at the end of the treatment period animals were challenged for bleeding, acute thromboembolism and ulcerogenic activity. In addition, we have assessed the prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) after oral administration. In in vitro assays, antiplatelet effects of CXE was evaluated on platelet aggregation, and fibrinolytic activity of the extract was observed by mice or human artificial blood clot degradation. Platelet citotoxicity of the extract was also determined by the LDH assay. Results demonstrated that CXE has a significant protective effect on thrombosis. It also inhibits platelet aggregation without demonstrating cytotoxicity on platelets. CXE slightly prolonged aPTT and showed no ulcerogenic activity after oral administration. In addition, CXE showed a fibrinolytic activity. Thus, C. xanthocarpa showed antiplatelet, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities in mice

    Un caso de afectación cutánea severa en la presentación clínica inicial de una dermatomiositis juvenil

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    La dermatomiositis juvenil es una colagenopatía que afecta a niños y adolescentes, princi-palmente entre las edades de 4 y 16 años. Sus principales manifestaciones clínicas son la debilidad simétrica de músculos proximales, enzimas musculares elevadas y la presencia de lesiones cutáneas, como el heliotropo y las pápulas de Gottron. Aquí describimos un caso de dermatomiositis juvenil con un inicio precoz a los 18 meses de edad, presentando lesiones cutáneas ulcerativas severas y vasculopatía probablemente debido a la afectación gastroin-testinal, que requirió tratamiento inmediato con inmunosupresores

    Antiplatelet, Antithrombotic, and Fibrinolytic Activities of Campomanesia xanthocarpa

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    In a previous work based on popular belief, Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg., popularly known as "guavirova", showed to have a potential effect in the control of a number of conditions associated with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of C. xanthocarpa extract (CXE) on antiplatelet, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities in mice and in human blood. Mice were treated orally for 5 days with CXE or acetylsalicylic acid and at the end of the treatment period animals were challenged for bleeding, acute thromboembolism and ulcerogenic activity. In addition, we have assessed the prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) after oral administration. In in vitro assays, antiplatelet effects of CXE was evaluated on platelet aggregation, and fibrinolytic activity of the extract was observed by mice or human artificial blood clot degradation. Platelet citotoxicity of the extract was also determined by the LDH assay. Results demonstrated that CXE has a significant protective effect on thrombosis. It also inhibits platelet aggregation without demonstrating cytotoxicity on platelets. CXE slightly prolonged aPTT and showed no ulcerogenic activity after oral administration. In addition, CXE showed a fibrinolytic activity. Thus, C. xanthocarpa showed antiplatelet, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities in mice

    De ires y venires. Procesos migratorios en Guerrero. 6 Año 2 (2015) enero-febrero. Rutas de Campo. De ires y venires. Procesos migratorios en Guerrero

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    - Aquí y allá por Enrique Serrano Carreto y Diego Prieto Hernández. - Presentación por Netzahualcóyotl Bustamante Santín. - De ires y venires. Procesos migratorios en Guerrero por Samuel L. Villela F. - Movimientos de población y rutas de intercambio en el Guerrero prehispánico por Rosa maría Reyna Robles. - La migración, una tradición prehispánica: la Montaña de Guerrero por Danièle Dehouve. - Trabajar y morir en el surco. El destino funesto de los jornaleros agrícolas de la Montaña de Guerrero por Abel Barrera Hernández e Isabel Margarita Nemecio. - El padre maíz y las vertientes de la transformación cultural. Los mixtecos migrantes de Cahuatache por Juan José Atilano Flores. - Presencia social de la población indígena en Acapulco por Beatriz Canabal Cristiani. - Migración, cohesión social e identidad étnica entre los nahuas de Acatlán, Guerrero, en la ciudad de México por Rosalba Díaz Vásquez. - Identidades en movimiento. La migración en el estado de Guerrero: el caso de los jornaleros agrícolas por Ramiro Arroyo Sepúlveda. - Enclave migratorio de nahuas oriundos de Chilacachapa, Guerrero, en la colonia Vista Hermosa, Distrito Federal por Olivia Leal Sorcia. - Vínculos, trayectorias y territorios migratorios de la agricultura en Morelos por Kim Sánchez Saldaña. - De migrantes temporales a asentados. Presencia de población indígena de la Montaña guerrerense en la región centro-oriente de Morelos por Adriana Saldaña Ramírez. - Migraciones indígenas del sur de México: viajeros y norteños nahuas por Martha García Ortega. - De Balsas y la Montaña a Chicago-Manhattan: “migradólares” y remesas culturales por Samuel L. Villela F. - Iniciativas y políticas públicas para migrantes guerrerenses 2011-2015: un recuento de esfuerzos institucionales por Netzahualcóyotl Bustamante Santín

    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiv