6 research outputs found

    Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Chemical Sensing: Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Isotopes

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    In this study, we propose a palladium-functionalized CNT composite working as a sensitive material to evaluate the deuterium concentration in aqueous samples. The sensitive material was prepared by the deposition of Pd nanoparticles onto MWCNT–OH by the micellization process. A modified electrode was prepared by drop casting 60 μL of Pd-decorated MWCNT suspension on a clean glassy carbon electrode surface. The sensing behavior was investigated in a series of deuterium-enriched solutions ranging from 25 to 10,000 ppm. We performed cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy studies on the samples. The process is quasi-reversible with the reduction curve more pronounced than the oxidation curve, which indicates a low tendency to desorption for the hydrogen atoms

    Raman Spectroscopy as Spectral Tool for Assessing the Degree of Conversion after Curing of Two Resin-Based Materials Used in Restorative Dentistry

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    (1) Background: The treatment of dental cavities and restoration of tooth shape requires specialized materials with specific clinical properties, including being easy to model, light-cured, having a natural color, reduced shrinkage, a hardness similar to hydroxyapatite, and no leakage. The dimensional stability of resin composite materials is affected by polymerization shrinkage, degree of conversion (number of π carbon bonds converted into σ ones), thermal contraction and expansion, and interactions with an aqueous environment. (2) Methods: The materials used in our investigation were two composite resins with similar polymer matrices, but different filler (micro/nano filler). To evaluate the properties of samples, we employed the pycnometer technique (pycnometer from Paul Marienfeld Gmbh, Lauda-Königshofen, Germany), RAMAN spectroscopy technique (MiniRam Equipment from B&W Tek Inc., Plainsboro Township, NJ, USA; 785 nm laser source), SEM and EDX (FEI Inspect S.). (3) Results: The size of the filler plays an important role in the polymerization: for the pycnometric results, the larger particle filler (Sample 1) seems to undergo a rapid polymerization during the 45 s curing, while the nanoparticle filer (Sample 2) needs additional curing time to fully polymerize. This is related to a much larger porosity, as proved by SEM images. The lower degree of conversion, as obtained by Raman spectroscopy, in the same geometry means that the same volume is probed for both samples, but Sample 1 is more porous, which means less amount of polymer is probed for Sample 1. (4) Conclusions: For the two composites, we obtained a degree of conversion of 59% for Sample 1 and 93% for Sample 2, after 45 s of curing

    Performance Assessment of Three Similar Dental Restorative Composite Materials via Raman Spectroscopy Supported by Complementary Methods Such as Hardness and Density Measurements

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    (1) Background: A widespread problem in oral health is cavities produced by cariogenic bacteria that consume fermentable carbohydrates and lower pH to 5.5–6.5, thus extracting Ca2+ and phosphate ions (PO43−) from teeth. Dental restorative materials based on polymers are used to fill the gaps in damaged teeth, but their properties are different from those of dental enamel. Therefore, a question is raised about the similarity between dental composites and natural teeth in terms of density and hardness. (2) Methods: We have used Raman spectroscopy and density and microhardness measurements to compare physical characteristics of several restorative dental composites at different polymerization intervals. (3) Results: XRVHerculite®, Optishade®, and VertiseFlow® showed the very different characteristics of the physical properties following four polymerization intervals. Of the three composites, OptiShade showed the highest polymerization rate. (4) Conclusions: Only fully polymerized composites can be used in teeth restoring, because incomplete polymerization would result in cracks, pitting, and lead finally to failure

    Current Innovative Methods of Fetal pH Monitoring—A Brief Review

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    In this study, we explore the “why?”, and “how?”, monitoring the pH of the fetal scalp is used, and show its limitations. In addition, we review the development of new devices based on the modern physics and nanomaterials serving this topic. Most of the works we found in our search have focused on improving the prognostic of fetal heart rate monitoring, because it is the “golden standard” in determining fetal distress. Although the best-known screening method, it can only provide limited information about the actual status of the fetus. The best predictive assessment, with the highest reproducibility, states that a normal fetal heart rate is indicative of a healthy baby. However, its excellent sensitivity is much reduced when identifying the actual “distress”. This is when second-line monitoring methods come into play to guide the diagnostics and direct the obstetrician towards an action plan. Although a historic method, fetal scalp pH sampling is still under review as to its efficiency and place in the current obstetrics. Continuous surveillance of the fetal parameters is important, especially for the fetuses undergoing intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR). Since fetal scalp blood sampling is still under research and is a randomized controlled trial, which compares the relevance of pH and lactates to the obstetrical situation, the maternal-fetal medicine could greatly benefit from the introduction of engineered nanomedicines to the field

    Uterine Artery Embolization Combined with Subsequent Suction Evacuation as Low-Risk Treatment for Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to propose a standardized management of care for patients diagnosed with cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP). There are two types of CSP: Type 1 (on the scar) vs. type 2 (in the niche). To date there is no international standard to predict the extent of invasion or the optimal management of CSP. Materials and methods: We used intramuscular methotrexate injection followed by uterine artery embolization combined with suction evacuation as a conservative approach for the treatment of seven patients diagnosed with CSP. Our inclusion criteria, to be satisfied simultaneously, were established as follows: (1) patients with CSP; (2) early gestational age ≤ 9 weeks, and (3) written consent of the proposed treatment of the patient. Results: This course of treatment produced a positive outcome in all cases. We did not have any complications (e.g., emergency hysterectomy, perforation of the uterine cavity, severe hemorrhage, or endometritis) during the procedures or in the follow-up. The most important predictors of successful management are early diagnosis of CSP and orientation of the invasive trophoblast opposite to the scar. Conclusions: The main finding from this series of cases is that associating systemic methotrexate and uterine artery embolization provides efficient and low-risk management of CSP. This treatment regime is adequate for both types of CSPs. We consider that early localization diagnosis of pregnancy following a cesarean delivery is mandatory for CSP morbidity prevention

    The Characteristics of Light (TiCrAl<sub>0.5</sub>NbCu)C<sub>x</sub>N<sub>y</sub> High-Entropy Coatings Deposited Using a HiPIMS/DCMS Technique

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    Multi-component high-entropy (TiCrAl0.5NbCu)CxNy coatings targeting applications requiring medium-to-high friction and wear-resistant surfaces were fabricated through the co-sputtering of elemental targets in an Ar + CH4 + N2 reactive atmosphere using a hybrid HiPIMS/DCMS technique. Two sets of samples were fabricated: (a) (TiCrAl0.5NbCu)Cx high-entropy carbides (HEC) and (b) (TiCrAl0.5NbCu)CxN0.13 high-entropy carbonitrides (HECN), 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.48. The structural, mechanical, tribological, and corrosion resistance properties were thoroughly investigated. The metallic sample exhibits a single BCC structure that changes to FCC via an intermediary amorphous phase through the addition of C or N to the content of the films. The crystallinity of the FCC phases is enhanced and the density of the films decreases down to 5.5 g/cm3 through increasing the carbon fraction up to 48%. The highest hardness of about 16.9 GPa and the lowest wear rate of about 5.5 × 10−6 mm3/Nm are presented by the samples with the largest carbon content, x = 0.48. We found a very good agreement between the evolution of H/E and H3/E2 parameters with carbon content and the tribological behavior of the coatings. The best corrosion resistance was presented by the low-carbon carbonitride samples, showing a charge transfer resistivity of about 3 × 108 Ω∙cm, which is more than three times larger than that of the metallic HEA. The best tribological characteristics for envisioned application were presented by (TiCrAl0.5NbCu)C0.3N0.13, showing a coefficient of friction of 0.43 and a wear rate of about 7.7 × 10−6 mm3/Nm