524 research outputs found

    Global Attractors of Non-autonomous Difference Equations

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    The article is devoted to the study of global attractors of quasi-linear non-autonomous difference equations, in particular we give the conditions for the existence of a compact global attractor. The obtained results are applied to the study of a triangular economic growth model recently developed by Brianzoni S., Mammana C. and Michetti E.Global attractors,Solow growth model,CGE,quasi-linear non-autonomous,difference equations,Endogenous population growth

    Visual processing of words in a patient with visual form agnosia: A behavioural and fMRI study

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    Patient D.F. has a profound and enduring visual form agnosia due to a carbon monoxide poisoning episode suffered in 1988. Her inability to distinguish simple geometric shapes or single alphanumeric characters can be attributed to a bilateral loss of cortical area LO, a loss that has been well established through structural and functional fMRI. Yet despite this severe perceptual deficit, D.F. is able to “guess” remarkably well the identity of whole words. This paradoxical finding, which we were able to replicate more than 20 years following her initial testing, raises the question as to whether D.F. has retained specialized brain circuitry for word recognition that is able to function to some degree without the benefit of inputs from area LO. We used fMRI to investigate this, and found regions in the left fusiform gyrus, left inferior frontal gyrus, and left middle temporal cortex that responded selectively to words. A group of healthy control subjects showed similar activations. The left fusiform activations appear to coincide with the area commonly named the visual word form area (VWFA) in studies of healthy individuals, and appear to be quite separate from the fusiform face area. We hypothesize that there is a route to this area that lies outside area LO, and which remains relatively unscathed in D.F

    Postural Control in Preschool Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, in Sitting Position During a Functional Task

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    The developmental coordination disorder is a motor disorder that affects 5 to 6% of children at school-age. The postural control deficit is one of the most prevalent problems affecting 73 to 87% of these children. The present research aims to analyze and compare postural control in probable (p-DCD) and at- risk of developmental coordination disorder children and in typical children in a sitting position during a functional task. p-DCD children were tendentially less recurrent, less periodic, simpler and more regular. These children oscillated more and faster in conditions with visual information; with a visual focus they had more stability and oscillated less and slowler campared to the baseline; without visual information they reduced their oscillations and velocity and become less recurrent, periodic, stable and simpler, possibly freenzing more degrees of freedom in order to respond to absence of external information. p-DCD seem to be more dependent on external stimulus like visual information to auto organize their own balance. The greater the task’s complexity, the lesser and slower their oscillations were but also more recurrent and periodic. Despite oscillating, more and faster in all conditions and being tendentially more recurrent and periodic, in risk children revealed a behaviour pattern similar to typical in both variables. p-DCD, at-risk and typical children reveal the same manner of action without visual information, less and slower oscillations. Most likely, the problem with p-DCD is not in motor control, but on perception-action cycles’ effectivness; and, where stimulation must be focused.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Data lies at the core of all smart tourism activities as tourists engage in different and personalized touristic services whilst the pre/during/post traveling or in holidays. From these interactions, a digital data trail is seamlessly captured in a technology embedded environment, and then mined and harnessed in the context of STD - Smart Tourist Destinations to create enriched, high-value experiences, namely those related to eco-responsibility, as well as granting destinations with competitive advantages. At the same time, these technologies enable tourism destinations for an optimization of the use natural resources and energy, as well as for the preservation of natural spaces, in short, reducing the “ecological footprint” of tourism. However, this comes with a cost, an increased “data footprint”. Therefore, the perceived enjoyment of experiences must be considered within the legal framework of Privacy and Data Protection by exposing inherent risks, analysing the available answers given by the GDPR – the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. Hence the purpose of this paper is i. to singularize the specificities of Smart Tourism Destinations; ii. to show how the principles of personal data protection, as set forth by the GDPR, are allocated within the STD realm; iii. and, finally, to derive potential legal implications of this ecosystem. Our approach is based on a legal analysis engaged in scholarship research. We have mostly denoted the underestimation of the legal implications of technology-enhanced tourism experiences, and the marginalization of both informed involvement and awareness by the individual in these processes. This study is novel in having undertaken an initial exploration of the legal implications of experiences taking place by STD.Los datos están en la base misma de todas las actividades turísticas inteligentes ya que los turistas se quedan inmersos en servicios distintos y personalizados antes/durante/después de los viajes o de las vacaciones.  De estas interacciones, un rastro es obtenido de un modo imperceptible a través de un medioambiente embutido en tecnología, el cual es a continuación extraído y almacenado en el contexto de los DTI - Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes para crear experiencias valiosas, señaladamente las relacionadas con la eco-responsabilidad, y bien así proporcionando ventajas competitivas a eses destinos. Asimismo, estas tecnologías permiten a los destinos turísticos una optimización del uso de los recursos naturales y de la energía, además de la preservación de los espacios naturales, en síntesis, reducen la “huella ecológica” del turismo. Sin embargo, esto tiene un coste, el incremento de la “huella de los datos”. Por ello, el disfrute apercibido de experiencias tendrá de ser tenido en cuenta en el marco normativo del RGPD – Reglamento General sobre Protección de Datos de la Unión Europea. Por ende, los objetivos de este artículo son los siguientes: i. identificar las especificidades de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes; ii. enseñar como los principios de la protección de datos, tal como están en el RGPD, son relevantes para los DTI; iii, en último lugar, evaluar las consecuencias jurídicas potenciales de este ecosistema. Nuestro enfoque se basa en un análisis jurídico de naturaleza académica. En especial, buscamos poner en evidencia como las implicaciones jurídicas de las experiencias turísticas reforzadas por las tecnologías han sido subestimadas, al igual que la participación informada y consciente de las personas en estos procesos. Este estudio es novedoso al haber emprendido una exploración inicial de las implicaciones jurídicas que resultan de experiencias que ocurren en los DTI.Os dados estão na base de todas as atividades turísticas inteligentes pois os turistas ficam envolvidos em serviços diferentes e personalizados antes/durante/depois das viagens ou das férias. Para estas interações, um rastro de dados é imperceptivelmente obtido por um meio ambiente embebido em tecnologia, sendo depois minerado e armazenado no contexto de Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes para criar experiências valiosas, designadamente relacionadas com a eco-responsabilidade, assim como facultando vantagens competitivas a tais destinos. Ao mesmo tempo, estas tecnologias permitem aos destinos turísticos uma otimização do uso de recursos naturais e da energia, assim como a preservação dos espaços naturais, em síntese, reduzindo a “pegada ecológica” do turismo. Porém, isto ocorre com um custo, o de uma “pegada de dados” acrescida. Consequentemente, a fruição apercebida de experiências tem de ser considerada no contexto normativo da Privacidade e da Proteção de Dados proteção de dados expondo os riscos potencias relacionados que lhe são inerentes, analisando as respostas das pelo RGPD - Regulamento Geral sobre Proteção de Dados da União Europeia. Assim, os objetivos do artigo são os seguintes: i. identificar as especificidades dos Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes; ii. mostrar como os princípios da proteção de dados, tal como constam do RGPD, são relevantes para os DTI; iii, finalmente, avaliar as consequências jurídicas potenciais deste ecossistema. A nossa perspectiva assenta numa análise jurídica de natureza académica. Sobretudo, procuramos mostrar como as implicações jurídicas das experiências turísticas reforçadas pelas tecnologias têm sido subestimadas, tal como o envolvimento informado e consciente das pessoas nestes processos. Este estudo é novo ao ter empreendido uma exploração inicial das implicações jurídicas que resultam das experiências que têm lugar nos DTI

    Karate training effect in balance control in children with developmental coordination disorder

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    The developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a motor disorder identified and recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which affects 6% of school-age children (Vaivre-Douret, 2014; Vaivre-Douret et al., 2011). DCD children reveal problems in their development of fine and/or global motor coordination, difficulty in the motor control and learning, and in the acquisition of new motor skills (Vaivre-Douret, 2014).These difficulties in motor control and learning are expressed in many ways, such as a delay in achieving motor milestones, clumsiness, poor balance, difficulties in writing and drawing (Chang & Yu, 2010), poor postural control (Geuze, 2005), and difficulties in space and temporal organization (Wilson & McKenzie, 1998). All of that affects the daily life of the children and, consequently, brings more problems and new difficulties such as academic delay or social isolation (Joshi et al., 2015; Vaivre-Douret, 2014) One of the most prevalent problems is the postural control deficit, affecting 73 to 87% of the DCD children (Macnab, Miller, & Polatajko, 2001). An early diagnosis accompanied by an early intervention may help to decrease the negative effects of DCD and provide a better life quality (Smits-Engelsman et al., 2013). The regular practice of martial arts such Karate and Taekwondo improve children motor skills, including postural control and balance abilities (Fong et al., 2014; Truszczyńska, Drzał-Grabiec, Snela, & Rachwal, 2015). These benefits are also present in children with DCD, recent studies revealed an improve in sensory organization and standing balance (Fong, Tsang, & Ng, 2012), and also an increase in isokinetic knee muscle strength at 180º and in static single-leg standing balance in DCD children undergo a 3 months of intensive taekwondo practice (Fong, Chung, Chow, Ma, & Tsang, 2013). Taking into account that one of the most prevalent problems in DCD children is the poor postural control, and that the intensive practice of taekwondo has proved to improve balance. We pretend to verify if regular and continuous karate practice also improve balance in DCD children.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Code of ethics to accountants and auditors

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    Code of ethics is an essential tool in the battle against fraud and corruption. Accountants and auditors are the first SMEs' advisers on a wide range of subjects from accounting to auditing. Indeed, codes of ethics are classified as strategic management tool and the process of change lead to the need to do it in a sustainable development which generates gains for the society, in general, and SME, in particular. This research presents a theoretical framework that allows to discuss the importance of the code of ethics in order to achieve appropriate level of knowledge and attitudes in business ethics. The empirical framework based on SME database, but for the accounting and auditing services, in order to promote, at exploratory level, two different perspectives: Portuguese and Italian. The results of this research allow us to conclude that the SME must design new strategies and challenges to answer, on the one hand, to new market targets and ethical demands of clients. And, on the other hand, to increase value that became essential to the SME sustainability. Indeed, this research identifies two different perspectives: Portuguese and Italian that highlight the strategic approaches followed in the recognition of the importance of the code of ethics, as well as, social responsibility strategies which will increase, at internal level, the engagement of stakeholders to the SME and, at external level, to the society

    Exploratory study on maturation and competition level in young karate practitioners

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    Emparelhar crianças propicia sucesso e reduz lesões no desporto. Apesar das diferenças de maturação entre crianças, a idade cronológica mantém-se o principal critério para equalizar os níveis de competição, mas com uma eficiência limitada. No entanto, no karaté, o peso também é considerado. Fomos verificar se existe associação entre a idade cronológica e os indicadores maturacionais e, encontrar modelos simples que permitam colocar em reflexão novas formas de avaliação da maturação. Foram recolhidos dados em 54 jovens praticantes de karaté (idade: 12,67 ± 2,49 anos; experiência: 4,99 ± 2,44 anos; altura: 150,45 ± 15,25cm; peso: 43,09 ± 14,17 kg, 20 raparigas). A idade correlacionou-se significativamente com auto-observação da maturação sexual (rho = 0,838; p < 0,01), e foi possível encontrar modelos de regressão simples que têm uma explicação moderada na maturação, apenas utilizando variáveis de medição simples, tal como a altura, o peso e o perímetro do braço. Estes resultados devem levar as entidades competentes a refletir acerca do modo de emparelhamento dos atletas nas competições de uma forma justa em termos de maturação.Paring children improve the chance for success and reduce injury in sport. Despite the maturity differences between children, chronological age remains the main criterion to equalize competition levels, but with limited efficiency. However, in Karate, weight is also considered. We went to investigate the association between chronological age and maturational indicators and find simple models to put on reflection new ways to assess the maturity. Data were collected in 54 young Karate practitioners (age: 12.67 ± 2.49 years, experience: 4.99 ± 2.44 years, height: 150.45 ± 15.25 cm, weight: 43.09 ± 14, 17 kg, 20 girls). Age correlated significantly with self-observation of sexual maturation (rho = 0.838; p < 0.01), and it was possible to find simple regression models that have a moderate explanation in maturation, using only simple measurable variables such as the height, weight and arm circumference. These results should lead the competent entities to reflect on the way of pairing of the athletes in the competitions, in a fair way in terms of maturation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Karate training effect in balance control in children with developmental coordination disorder

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    [EN] The developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a motor disorder identified..